4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

Espacey, I'm so happy for you, I want to drive over to HP and give you a huge!! :hug:

I'm good...won't be testing till my period is late. Got burned yesterday :rofl:
Awe espacey. I'm so thrilled huney
We've all
Done good at staying in touch and updating!
I'm so happy we have a few lucky ducks on here!
You both total deserve it! 

Well I am taking a hot bath trying to ease these intense cramps. I officially started my period tonight. And boy oh boy. It's a doozy ;)

My sister thinks I can't get pregnany because I am overweight :(
But I feel like If that were true. Only a small percentage of women Would get preggo.

I am not broken. But I am confused. As in " is there something terrible wrong?" we've been trying 3 years. Chlomid didn't work ( this month ) so I am scared. Scared and wonder if I will ever be a mommy.

 hope I'm not being a Debbie downer

Love to you girls!!
What dpo are you!!! Hope you get BFP soon! Were on a roll here ;)
fertile soul. Give us an update. How are you today?
Glowbug, I am 12 dpo, but I had a bfn yesterday and I don't want to test anymore. Sorry af got you. How log have you been married? Have you done all the tests to rule out problems? I hVe a polyp in my uterus where implantation usually takes place so there's a good chance that obstructs it.
awe sunshine I'm sorry! Did they say that's the problem ?
We've been married almost 7 years! How about you?
I'm so sick of this haha are you
Awe espacey. I'm so thrilled huney
We've all
Done good at staying in touch and updating!
I'm so happy we have a few lucky ducks on here!
You both total deserve it! 

Well I am taking a hot bath trying to ease these intense cramps. I officially started my period tonight. And boy oh boy. It's a doozy ;)

My sister thinks I can't get pregnany because I am overweight :(
But I feel like If that were true. Only a small percentage of women Would get preggo.

I am not broken. But I am confused. As in " is there something terrible wrong?" we've been trying 3 years. Chlomid didn't work ( this month ) so I am scared. Scared and wonder if I will ever be a mommy.

 hope I'm not being a Debbie downer

Love to you girls!!

I've heard periods after Clomid are intense. I hope you get through it!

Your sister doesn't have any idea what she is talking about, I could sit here and write a NOVEL on the people I know who are overweight who have healthy and happy children. I'm sorry, but that's just the case. Just because Clomid didn't work for you this time, doesn't mean it won't happen! I wish I could :hugs: you!

You deserve to be a mommy, and you will be.. When you finally hold that baby in your arms and you know that THAT egg and THAT sperm, that didn't exist any of those other months made THIS baby, you will be happy that THIS is the baby you have.

I truly believe in that for you. :hugs:
Awe espacey. I'm so thrilled huney
We've all
Done good at staying in touch and updating!
I'm so happy we have a few lucky ducks on here!
You both total deserve it! 

Well I am taking a hot bath trying to ease these intense cramps. I officially started my period tonight. And boy oh boy. It's a doozy ;)

My sister thinks I can't get pregnany because I am overweight :(
But I feel like If that were true. Only a small percentage of women Would get preggo.

I am not broken. But I am confused. As in " is there something terrible wrong?" we've been trying 3 years. Chlomid didn't work ( this month ) so I am scared. Scared and wonder if I will ever be a mommy.

 hope I'm not being a Debbie downer

Love to you girls!!

Oh Glowbug, I'm so sorry that this wasn't your month and that you feel like this. You deserve it so very much. I wish I owned a magic wand.
Have you had all the tests to see if there is anything preventing you from getting pregnant? Has your DH been tested too? I honestly think you'll be a mommy.if clomid made you ovulateaybe IUI could be an option? I wish you so much good luck and baby dust it's crazy! I hope you feel a bit more cheery very soon and that your cramps ease up :hugs::flower: x

I still can't believe it. Leaving for the blood test soon...

My RE is going to be like "I told you so!" after I called him upset at 9dpo! :dohh:

:hugs: to everyone! I'll update you this afternoon when my results get back!
YaY espacey!!!
Im so sorry glowbug :( Someone told me the same thing even though Im not even overweight.. but they said that if you have pcos the cysts might go away with weight loss and exercise. Maybe thats what she meant?
I had some colored discharge today ladies! Could it be implantation? AF isnt due until monday or tuesday!
Could totally be implantation! That's great! How are you feeling otherwise?
slightly achy dead center above my pubic bone (low abdomen) and my breasts still feel full. Im tired but Im sure thats because we moved all day yesterday.. I did most of the cleaning while the men lifted the heavy stuff :haha: other than that I dont have any so far today..
I stopped having symptoms right before my +. I think it's a good sign, the only thing I have right now is full breasts, they're sore now. That's it!

I want to share one thing with everyone (something DH doesn't even know!!).. I don't know what was actually the kicker in this, but I do ovulate on my own, the Clomid was just to help. The ONLY thing I did differently (besides the clomid) was raw egg whites. I know it's nuts, but clearly not that crazy! I was a little nervous about infection, but I was really careful. I used fresh organic eggs from the farmers market, took one out and left it sit until it reached room temperature (couple of hours). I took a baby medicine dropper and a cup into the bathroom with my egg. Washed the egg with soap and water, dried it, then cracked it open. I sifted out the yolk and flushed the yolk down the toilet with the shell (so DH didn't know haha) I then sucked up about half the dropper worth of egg white and then drained the rest from the cup down the sink and washed out the cup. I took the dropper into the bed room, but my bum on a pillow and put it inside (like you would with preseed). And that was it, I did it every time we would BD. I didn't get an infection or anything, I'm not guaranteeing you won't, but I'm telling you my experience. Raw egg whites is pretty much pure protein. The part of the egg that carries Salmonella is the shell, that's why you want to wash the shell first. I didn't want to tell anyone until I knew it possibly worked. I was desperate knowing this was going to be our last shot and I wanted to pull out every stop I could this time. Preseed, Mucinex, etc. none of that ever worked for me. I figured it was worth a try. Hopefully this is a sticky one!

Here's the site, she shows a video and everything! There are a bunch of testimonials too!
Espacey! I wish I could hug you too! That really made me feel better. My husband always says there is a right time. It always bothers me haha cause why couldn't any time the past few Years have been the right time. But your comment really made me feel better! 

I have a family photo shoot today at 4:30 :)

How are youfeelings preggers?

You are so sweet :)

I really appreciate your heartfelt comment :)
Hubby's been tested. I have really not had extensive tests.
I do ovulate. The LP defect is really the only obvious problem but last cycle. I had a great LP. So :( oh boy I don't know. I wonder if I need to give up and focus on my career now.
Espacey!!! Gonna do that this cycle. That is awesome!!! :)

How did you tell your hubby you were pregnant ?
I haven't told him yet. I'm scared! I want to wait to see if everything is okay first. After our loss I don't think he would understand if something happened again.

You should ask for an hsg too to find if your tubes are blocked, a lot of people get pregnant right after it. I know you don't have insurance, but it wouldn't hurt to find out how much it is without it! They think it cleans out your tubes even if they're not blocked. I had one on CD 7 of this past cycle. You have to do it after AF but before ovulation... :)
Ugh. My hcg levels aren't great. Lilyfire, what were yours? I'm hoping it's because I implanted late. I have to get another blood draw on Monday. :(
I don't actually know, I had a blood test to confirm and my doctor just rang to tell me I am actually pregnant, that my levels are good and they will see me for a scan at 7 weeks. I know NOTHING about levels so I just took that as good. Im sorry I can't help, like I said- I know nothing about levels, but it could be late implantation, like you said. Take care of yourself, think positive, eat right and relax. I'm sure you'll be ok sweetie. You could take another FRER tomorrow to check on progress, that's why I did so many in the beginning. I wish you all the very best Espacy, I'm sure you will be ok. :hugs:

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