E, I will pray for you and your sticky bean. So glad to have met you. I guess on a larger scale, the one good thing I did is go to an FS so early on. How did you find yours?
Thank you! I feel the same way seriously, out of all the places in the world we live like 20 minutes away from each other!
My OBGYN referred mine, but I don't think you need a referral. How do you like your FS? You're really lucky you went to one so early. My OB wouldn't refer me to anyone because I am young, healthy, active, etc., just goes to show that you can't judge people on those things. Either way too, skinny, athletic, big, small, old, young, ANYONE can have a problem.
Espacey!!!! That's incredible news!!!!
What do you mean your hubby's negative? He's afraid of losing the baby?
Espacey!!!! That's incredible news!!!!
What do you mean your hubby's negative? He's afraid of losing the baby?
I'm THRILLED the numbers went up like they did! I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but my doctor said that we should hope for a 26, so an 85 is GREAT!![]()
He's just really 'doesn't want to get excited' anytime I try to be excited at all he shuts it down. "You know what happen last time" "We aren't telling ANYONE until at the earliest Christmas!" (Which I get waiting until 12 weeks, but I don't need you to drill it into me) When I lost my baby two years ago, he would say (and still sometimes does even after explaining it to him 100 times) "well, it's not like you were REALLY pregnant" I was supposed to be 10 weeks, baby measured 6 with no hb, and had to have a D&C, my HCG levels were in the 36,000 range, so I definitely FELT pregnant. It was devastating. He didn't even go to my D&C because he was too busy with work. It took me a long time to get over that one.![]()
Espacey!!!! That's incredible news!!!!
What do you mean your hubby's negative? He's afraid of losing the baby?
I'm THRILLED the numbers went up like they did! I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but my doctor said that we should hope for a 26, so an 85 is GREAT!![]()
He's just really 'doesn't want to get excited' anytime I try to be excited at all he shuts it down. "You know what happen last time" "We aren't telling ANYONE until at the earliest Christmas!" (Which I get waiting until 12 weeks, but I don't need you to drill it into me) When I lost my baby two years ago, he would say (and still sometimes does even after explaining it to him 100 times) "well, it's not like you were REALLY pregnant" I was supposed to be 10 weeks, baby measured 6 with no hb, and had to have a D&C, my HCG levels were in the 36,000 range, so I definitely FELT pregnant. It was devastating. He didn't even go to my D&C because he was too busy with work. It took me a long time to get over that one.![]()
So glad you're doing well with the beanie! Your DH sounds like mine, MIA. My friends laugh at me b/c I always RSVP for 2 but only I show up all the time. I'll be rooting for you and your sticky bean.![]()
Hmmmm he should've been more sensitive to you at that time.
Hugs. This is it for you! Love and hugs
Im doing ok Espacey.. Im worried though.. I dont feel sick at all.. and I was BAD sick with my DD.. this happened with my mmc too..![]()
haha true, at this point though I would take the bad morning sickness if it meant that the baby would be healthy :/