I was really getting into breastfeeding and enjoying it until the last few weeks. It has not helped that we have moved to a new house and the general stresses with a house move and coping with a 5 month old baby (5 mths on 5 august), but my baby is now only feeding for a few minutes every 2 hours. Sometimes is 1 - 3 hours, varies. She weighs around 13lbs 8 oz (small for age? would this be the reason for more feeds) I feel sometimes I get her cries muddled up and think she is hungry when she is not, and therefore could of turned her into a snacker! I know recently with the hot weather she was feeding like this, but I was hoping that this would improve. Also baby gets so very very distracted. The time she is on she has a good latch and appears to drink very fast by the end of the day I do not feel engorged so she is taking good amounts and has lots of wet nappies. Her poo is brown, not green so this must mean she is getting some hind milk. She feeds the longest when she is fed at night, which can be once or twice max. She is fussy at the moment, but not sure if that is the move, but she wants to be picked up most of the time - is this normal for a 5 month old? Just feel a little out of my depth at the moment! I would like to start weaning her from boob to bottle, bbut she is not a fan of the bottle, help help help!!! had a little cry this morning as feel a stressed with the demands of move and baby.........I will really appreciate your help x