5 year old whining


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Paige is 5 1/2 and has always been a whinger. Now, more than ever. It really gets on my nerves!
I tell her I am not listening when she speaks in a whiney voice, so she will speak properly for one minute, then revert back to a constant whinge. When I ignore her, she goes on and on and on and literally wont stop, so I end up sending her to her room and tell her to come back down when she is going to speak like a big girl.

Usually, it starts when her sisters annoy her (even when they don't actually do anything to her, she still moans about them) which is fair enough but I tell her constantly to take an activity to her room so they cant get to her, but she chooses to ignore me so its her own fault.

Another thing is she is still so so dependent on me. She doesn't do anything on her own. Even when she is just drawing she wants me to do it too. She would rather sit on the couch and moan about having nothing to do than get up and find an activity and go do it.

Tbf, we don't do much just the two of us... Although most nights she stays up an extra 30/45 minutes and we play monopoly, draw etc. I have a really hard time with my younger two (who also spend ALL DAY whinging and fighting and just being crabs) so almost every single day is spent seperating them all, they cant do anything peacefully. Nothing at all. They are complete horrors.

I don't know what to do. I cant put up with the constant whines. I have spent the last 6 weeks with it constantly (summer holidays) and I'm completely done.

You're a saint!!! I honestly can't think of anything you could do differently... Sorry that's probably not what you wanted to hear. I remember you saying you're a single mum, could their dad not take the youngest two while you do something with your oldest?

Eta what I might do to try and encourage independence is suggest she does something herself for 5 minutes then slowly try and make it longer.

Or my eldest two play together, does your dd1 and dd2 not play together? That's good for giving me a bit of a break
Their dad lives an hour away and works through the week. He refuses to take them overnight so only has them 6hrs on a saturday. I was going to take Paige out one weekend so told their dad that and he moaned that it wouldn't be fair because then he wouldn't see her for 2 weeks... Even though he is quite happy with the measly 6hrs a week and wont take them any longer.

My eldest two very ocasionally play together, but dd2s behaviour is appalling, so it never lasts long (10/15mins max) Always ends up with them hitting each other and dd1 crying and whining about it! Dd2 is very rough and tumble and dd1 is a bit of a sissy so they don't have much in common and dd2 gets bored so quickly no matter what they play.

Throw my youngest into the mix and its a recipe for complete and utter disaster. I just keep telling myself that it will get easier as they get bigger!
Could have written this myself! DS is the same! Driving me insane (he also has a very boisterous rough and tumble sister... But he's a bit of a wuss :/ )
Agree with rhio that I could have written parts of this. Can you get your younger two to sit and do something while you spend some time with your eldest, I know if I put the Gruffalo on, for example, my youngest will sit and watch that so I can try and do something with ds1. I do get that it's not easy though and I'm sure part of it is that she's missing some structure/routine from school
My five year isn't too dissimilar :( he wants me with him all the time - he won't/can't/doesn't like playing independently. If I suggest we go out sometimes he whines and moans. But when we go he loves it! I don't give in though - if we have plans (which are never horrible ones!) we do them.

But the constantly whining is tough!
Omg this is my 5 year old exactly. So whiny all the time it never stops...he literally can't talk in a normal voice. Then he is constantly figthing/picking on his 3 year old brother (he also picks on him in a whiny voice lol) so I have to keep the peace between them at all times. Then I have my 17 month old daughter and 8 week old daughter in the mix.
It is just chaotic. Not to mention my 5 year old wakes very very early because he for some reason all of a sudden 'doesnt like sleep anymore' so now he's crabby from being tired and the whining just gets worse.
I cannot wait for school in september.

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