Hi ladies, I am away at the moment but wanted to catch up on how you are all doing. Sorry AF showed Bug, anniversaries are awful. Sunday coming would be a week since I conceived the baby I lost, can not believe a year has passed.
Nat not sure about our timing this month either, dh could not manage third day in a row which is the day my charts say I ovulated. He sometimes does not perform well under the pressure of tcc either. Fingers crossed the swimmers lasted out for us eh.
Totally agree Kelly a bfp would lift our hopes. A lady I am friends with on another board has just got her bfp, been trying since I started beginning of last year, high FSH and told pre menopausal. I am so so happy for her, the best news and it has given me new hope for me and all of us. I am 5dpo CD 18, do not think will be my lucky month looking at my charts, not sure how accurate it is as I have been ill and away since Monday. I am feeling a bit more positive in general though so hope it rubs off on you all a bit. Sending hugs your way. X
mrs kitty your bedding is perfect this month
Do you think? I would of liked to of bd the Sunday as well but hey lol. How are you? X
Bug I am so sorry, take the time you need to grieve. I always find that after a day or two into my cycle, I start to feel better. Hugs to you.
Mrskitty I agree that is really good timing! It's great to BD before! I am skeptical of O day but mind you I had perfect timing last month and didn't get pregnant. I honestly think its luck!
Thanks, Brighteyez! I hope you are right. How are you?
Get busy Kelly! Lots of high energy food dhs way lol.mrs kitty your bedding is perfect this month
Do you think? I would of liked to of bd the Sunday as well but hey lol. How are you? X
no I really think you got the job sorted perfect ill be stalking your temps now to see whats going on lol
yeah im doing good plus opk for me so lots of bonking vibes my way lol
My chart looks terrible, big temp drop below line. At least I know we did the best we could. Back home tomorrow, I have missed dh.
V funny Amanda!![]()
Bug hope you are holding up![]()
brighteyes so pleased for you xxxx do you have a link? mrs kitty I cant find you on my facebook lol
brighteyes so pleased for you xxxx do you have a link? mrs kitty I cant find you on my facebook lol
I will pm you on gb later lol! My temp went right up again today!
Yes we need a link bright eyes, I would love to follow it!