6w U/S no heartbeat - so sad


Sep 13, 2013
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Hello all,

According to my LMP, I would have been 6w pregnant today. Went in for U/S and doctor did a vaginal scan. Saw the little bean but they could not find a heartbeat. It was so heartbreaking to hear him say that. We asked him if there could be a mistake or if there's any hope and he said he's 100% sure this pregnancy is not viable. :cry:

I do not know what the CRL or GS size was, but he told me that the fetus was at 6.5w. I found that to be odd, but I don't know if it was me trying to hold on to any last bit of hope.

I've scoured the Internet for information and I know there are women who have had no HB at 6w only to come in a few days later and see a little flutter. I've also read that women have had their gestational age be lower on the U/S in comparison to their LMP. Can't say that I've seen much about it being the other way around though.

I have a pretty reliable 28 day cycle, but tend to ovulate a bit later than 14 days. Usually between day 16-18 according to FF charts. I haven't used those charts for several months so I couldn't say for sure when I ovulated this time, but I'd assume it was around the same.

My LMP was July 31. My DH and I had intercourse on the August 17th, and I found out I was pregnant on Aug 30th. Using the LMP I think I'd have been exactly 6w on 9/12 based on a standard ovulation on 8/14. However assuming I ovulated later, I put my pregnancy at a little less than 6w.

For the life of me I can't find anything about U/S scans measuring larger than LMP. I'm assuming he based that off of a CRL measurement which I think would've been at 8mm @ 6.5 weeks and I'm assuming that would be I got pregnant prior to 8/14 which I don't know if it's possible.

In any case, that's a whole lot of numbers and over thinking, but after being told no hb can be found, you just want to hold onto any bit of hope... regardless of how minute it may be.

We've been TTC over 3 years now. This one was a natural pregnancy after 3 failed IVF attempts. We really thought this was the one and I just feel numb after crying my eyes out.
So sorry for your loss.

What's the plan? Are you having a follow up scan?

My fetal pole measured 3mm and was given 10days to grow (which it didn't). But I was much further ahead by dates 8+5. From what I recall you add 1mm every day after 6 weeks to get a date and until the fetal pole measures above 5mm there is still a chance of heart beat starting.

I think its really hard. You want to hold onto any hope you can, but at the same time don't want to get your hopes up and have to grieve all over again.

If you are not satisfied with the first doctors answer get a second opinion.
I am so sorry. :hugs: Going through a loss (or a potential loss) is already unbearably difficult. It is beyond cruel to have to go through it after LTTTC and failed IVF.

As far as measuring ahead, since you weren't tracking ovulation that cycle, it seems entirely possible that you simply ovulated earlier that cycle, which would explain the advanced growth. I always ovulate a week later than average (CD21), so when I had an early scan this time, I told the sonographer that baby would be measuring a week behind my LMP. Sure enough, it was.

As far as no HB, it's obviously scary and could be a sign of a nonviable pregnancy, but it's still on the early side to diagnose that conclusively. Did your doctor schedule a follow up ultrasound? The American Pregnancy Association recommends: "If a vaginal US is done (between 5.5 and 6.5 weeks) and no fetal pole or cardiac activity is seen, another ultrasound scan should be done in 3-7 days. Due to the fact that pregnancy dating can be wrong, it would be much too early at this point to make a clear diagnosis on the outcome of the pregnancy." https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/earlyfetaldevelopment.htm

I am not trying to get your hopes up because, like Celesse said, I know it's a thin line to walk between holding on to hope and clinging to false hope, but it IS early to know for sure. The waiting game is awful. I'm praying so hard that you're able to get a follow up scan and get good news... you certainly deserve it. :hugs:
Celesse and Topanga, thank you so much for your support! We are having a follow up scan this coming Monday. It was at my request (Doc was so certain it was over he was looking to starting scheduling the D&C). We were thinking of getting a second opinion, but not sure. It's something my DH and I will discuss today I suppose.

I've also read the information on the americanpregnancy site and it certainly is very insightful. Though I guess you never want to lose hope, given the circumstances these things rarely turn out well. I know there's a chance, but at the same time you have to prepare and accept what is.

Doc was 100% sure and I'm assuming he was basing his reason on the CRL. I read that if it measures over 5mm with no HB it's 100% non-viable. I don't know what the CRL was, but I can only guess that it had to be over 5mm considering the machine was reading a 6.5w gestational age.

Either way I want to thank you for your support and words of encouragement. These things are so difficult to go through and sometimes I feel like no one understands what it's like. Here, a lot of us have similar experiences and it sure does help to be able to have people who can relate to what is going on.
I vote for the second scan for sure!

If I were in your shoes, I so would. I know these docs are just trying to give worse case scenario to not create false reassurance. Personally, I would have to say 6 weeks is early for some people to see HB. On a far stretch, the quality of the ultrasound machine and settings may be impeding the view of the flickering. I am not trying to false reassure you either, but if I were you, I would get the second scan and possibly a second opinion.

A d/c that early is kind of invasive in my humble opinion. I m/c at 6 weeks and we induced bleeding with cytotec though I didn't actually start bleeding on my own till 24 hours after the single dose of it.

I hope you get answers. The limbo land is no fun. Did you get any beta quant HCG done? Ask for them. A single level doesn't speak a whole lot for itself but series of them will. The HCG serials, LMP dating, CRL and evidence of HB/no HB can be correlated together for a better guess at viability than just CRL and HB criteria off LMP. Just my opinion though... :/
Thank you for the response LifeAfterDepo. I'm sorry that you (or any of us for that matter) have to experience something like this... this is my first and it's nothing short of horrible.

We'll see what happens with the second scan on Monday. Also no HCG test was done. Doctor just did the internal u/s, found no hb, looked around a bit more, still couldn't find a hb, and that was it. Said we should schedule a D&C.
Hi Aloha,
I usually hate false hope, but 6 weeks could still be early for a HB. It sounds odd your doctor would say that.
When I went in at 6+4 my doctor asked me if I was sure I didn't want to wait because seeing something that early is, well, early.
Ask for HCG, I know a HPT isn't all the reliable right now- but try that as well. Ask to do another US with an different doctor.
I have a good feeling about this (hugs) Keep us updated.
However agonising it might be having a little bit of hope only to have that hope later taken away the second scan does give a sense of closure. I know 100% that my embryo was not developing as I saw it shrink over the space of 9 days. Even though I was so sure of my dates if I'd have gone for management straight away there would always have been that little bit of me wondering.

I'd love for you to get happy news on Monday, but even if its bad news at least you will know for certain. Even being certain its pretty hard to sign that consent form that lets someone end your pregnancy.

Pop back and keep us updated especially if you need more support.
Nina, many of those same thooughts have been running through my mind until I was talking to my DH about our last u/s. He said he saw 6.5mm (which is most likely a reference to the CRL) and a 6.4 gestational age.

My heart sank and any bit of hope I had went out the window. It is a 100% certainty my baby has been lost when no hb is detected with a CRL greater than 5mm. I don't think there is a doctor or medicial journal that says otherwise :cry:

Celesse, you're right and if nothing else we will have closure, be able to start the healing process and try to pick ourselves up and try again.

In any case, we have our 2nd u/s appt still set for today so we'll see how that goes. I wanted to cancel, but my DH still insists that we go. This whole process has been such a drain emotionally. I find it harder and harder to hold faith, but I suppose at the end of the day, that's what faith is. Believing when it's difficult to do so.
So I just finished the second ultrasound and it confirmed what I had already known. CRL actually went down and still no h/b. Confirmed m/c :cry:

In anycase it seems like a somewhat common issue for many women around 6-7 weeks pregnant. There are a few stories about nothing being detected only to have a hb show up in a few days or a week.

From what I've come to learn, u/s done at 6 weeks should show a h/b. If not, checking CRL might be a good measure as to whether or not you have hope. If at 6w your baby's CRL measures 5mm or less, but no hb, there is a chance for it to start in a few days. However, over 5mm and no h/b, it's 100% confirmed to not be viable.

Sigh. I preferred it when I was less informed and naive to everything. Just need to take some time to collect myself and try again. As devestating as it is, there's always another chance to try.

Thank you for the support and well wishes.. it helps tremendously to just vent/write others who can relate.
Hang in there Aloha. Working through a recent mc of my own. It's probably the hardest I have experienced, but keep the hope. I am so sorry for your loss. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. But know you have people who care and don't even know you and want to see you go on to a happy healthy pregnancy. God bless.
So I just finished the second ultrasound and it confirmed what I had already known. CRL actually went down and still no h/b. Confirmed m/c :cry:

In anycase it seems like a somewhat common issue for many women around 6-7 weeks pregnant. There are a few stories about nothing being detected only to have a hb show up in a few days or a week.

From what I've come to learn, u/s done at 6 weeks should show a h/b. If not, checking CRL might be a good measure as to whether or not you have hope. If at 6w your baby's CRL measures 5mm or less, but no hb, there is a chance for it to start in a few days. However, over 5mm and no h/b, it's 100% confirmed to not be viable.

Sigh. I preferred it when I was less informed and naive to everything. Just need to take some time to collect myself and try again. As devestating as it is, there's always another chance to try.

Thank you for the support and well wishes.. it helps tremendously to just vent/write others who can relate.

I'm so sorry ((hugs))
Thank you for the support and well wishes. It's tough for sure and all we can do is keep the faith. This forum has been a great help to me emotionally and I'm so grateful I found it.
Thank you for the support and well wishes. It's tough for sure and all we can do is keep the faith. This forum has been a great help to me emotionally and I'm so grateful I found it.

Im so sorry for your loss,ive just had two mc back to back and this forum as well as the ttc after loss forum have been a huge help xxx
I am so, so sorry. :hugs: If you're not already, in time you'll probably be glad you had the second scan. Our diagnosis was pretty much 100% at our first scan too, but over the last year since the loss, I've still found myself trying to find ways it could have been wrong and then I freak out that maybe LO could have survived. It's always the second scan that reminds me that there's no way that's true. It's calmed me down many times over the last year.

Good luck now as you begin the process of actually miscarryng and of recovering emotionally. We're all here if you need us. :hugs:
Im so sorry :hugs:
Have you started to bleed yet? Im in similar situation. No bleeding, waiting to see if I mc naturally or if I'll need d&c. X
I vote for a second scan as well. I had a vaginal U/S at 6wks and all we saw was a sack. At 10wks was my little guy kicking and swimming, heart beating like a champion. All the best
@celine - I'm sorry for your loss as well. This is also my 2nd m/c. First one as maybe a year ago after my first IVF transfer. It was a chemical. This one was much harder because I got to see the little bean. I hope that the both of us (and all the ladies TTC) will have better fortunes.

@Topanga - In a way the 2nd scan brought closure and allowed us to start the healing process quicker. We had those same thoughts as well about hope and perhaps something we could've done more, but at the end of the day, it really was out of our hands and we are working towards accepting that. It's hard as you know and I wanted to thank you again for your words of support.

@threebirds - I haven't started bleeding yet, but had a bit of cramping last night. I'm going in to schedule a D&C. My RE thought it best so that it can be sent for genetic testing. Also, he said that we do have the option of letting it m/c naturally, but he felt if something went wrong it could lead to infection and possible scarring which might make getting pregnant even more difficult than it has been already.

I actually had a coworker who went through a similar situation. She wanted to let hers pass naturally but it became infected and she needed to go to the hospital. She did however go on to get pregnant not long afer and have a healthy baby boy.

@Elijahs Mummy - We did have the second scan which confirmed what we already feared :cry: Did you have a abdominal u/s or transvaginal? I know with the abdominal scans, it's rare to see a hb at 6 weeks, whereas with the transvaginal, it should be there at that time (between 6-7w).
@Elijahs Mummy - We did have the second scan which confirmed what we already feared :cry: Did you have a abdominal u/s or transvaginal? I know with the abdominal scans, it's rare to see a hb at 6 weeks, whereas with the transvaginal, it should be there at that time (between 6-7w).

At 6wks was vaginal, 10 wks was abdominal. So sorry for your loss sweetie :hugs:

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