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7 weeks with brown discharge


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013
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I am about 7 weeks and don't have ultrasound until 28th and hoping we see heartbeat as we saw fetal pole around 5+4. They don't know exact measurements yet. Saturday I started having brown discharge when I wipe and I still have it and now when I have a bowel movement it turns pink. Is this normal? I know some spotting is normal in first trimester and can mean baby is growing. I am just a but paranoid. Thanks ladies!
Anyone? It's turning red now and it's between red and brown.
honey, I'm basically having a PERIOD!! red, brown, pink. been having since Saturday.. went to er, ultrasound shows perfectly healthy and strong heartbeat baby!! I am a little over 7 weeks.. you will be just fine. mine started with brown discharge also. doc said that I could bleed the whole time and be fine :).. don't worry. it is hard not too, I have been but you're baby will be fine.. they said that some women are bleeders and it just happens... :) as long as it is not gushing out it is fine!! you are JUST FINE HONEY!! do not stress over it, and my doc told me today "you would know if were having a miscarriage, it would be gushing out, and you would be in excruciating pain" also they did an exam, none of the bleeding was in my uterous.. if you are that worried, go get it checked.. :) you will be fine and so will baby
Thank you! I know I've miscarried a few times but I'm just worried it's the start of one and I know as long as there's no clots. I'm glad to hear your little baby is fine and ultrasound showed healthy baby!! I've been trying not to worry. I'm so excited to have this baby and so scared. Thank you for the reassurance!! I needed to hear that!!! <3
Thank you! I know I've miscarried a few times but I'm just worried it's the start of one and I know as long as there's no clots. I'm glad to hear your little baby is fine and ultrasound showed healthy baby!! I've been trying not to worry. I'm so excited to have this baby and so scared. Thank you for the reassurance!! I needed to hear that!!! <3

I'm sorry about you're miscarriages! I had one back in September too.. and I really should take my own advice of what I said to you :) lol! I am horrible at taking my own advice. trust me I'm terrified right now! hahaha. the blood is only when I wipe but its so much.. i know ppl who've had literally periods !! and i feel like I'm on my period without pain!! lol you should be fine :) and baby is fine too!:) and you are welcome. i always need the reassurance!!! being pregnant is so so scary... i never hear the bad stories ppl go through in them so I'm just like "oh this should be a breeze" IT'S NOT :( lol :hugs:
I had brown discharge on and off with my son from about 6-9 weeks. I've had it this time too and also bit of red if strain for bowel movement so I try to avoid. Saw little pickle and it's heartbeat at 8+1 so fairly sure all ok. When I was younger I remember my mum telling me she didn't know she was pregnant with me as she kept having periods (her words) so anything is possible!!
I'm deffinetly having a "period" right now :( bout to go back to the er.. ughhh I hate bleeding :(
Ring and get a scan to check. Ive had 3 different pregnancies that i bled. 2 have had good outcome and one was a mmc. Bleeding isnt actually normal in pregnancy, things can still be fine but id never ignore bleeding. If its not heavy and no cramps id say thats a good sign, but for your own sanity a scan is a good idea. You should be able to have one sooner than the 28th.
I hope everything is okay annaaabanana! I keep telling myself that baby is fine but every time I wipe and trees blood I'm upset and start wondering. I hate how my scan isn't until 28th but I'm making myself wait. Our health insurance is expensive. Thank u all for te reassurance! It has helped a lot!!
It has turned red with some cramps and the dr thinks it might be miscarriage so I just got lab work done to see where my levels are at.
It has turned red with some cramps and the dr thinks it might be miscarriage so I just got lab work done to see where my levels are at.

Good luck, I hope you get good news! Praying! :flower:
I hope everything is okay annaaabanana! I keep telling myself that baby is fine but every time I wipe and trees blood I'm upset and start wondering. I hate how my scan isn't until 28th but I'm making myself wait. Our health insurance is expensive. Thank u all for te reassurance! It has helped a lot!!

today's ultrasound showed perfectly healthy heartbeat, perfectly growing baby, but sac is not growing :( I will most likely mc. the doc said 50/50 but I am loosing all hope right now :( I'm sorry you are going through this also.. :hugs:
I'm really sorry. I hope baby keeps growing and all is okay but I'm really sorry if it ends in MC. Praying for you
I think they are still making me wait to get scan on the 28th. They want to make sure that by then we will be able to see heartbeat. Last scan at around 5+4 measuring sac we saw fetal pole but too small to measure she said. I should be around 8 weeks at ultrasound she said give or take a couple days
I'm so very sorry anna and jtyler! I am going through the same thing. I'm 5+5 and just started having brown discharge with some blood in it. I just got back from the dr. Had bloods drawn and will have bloods drawn again on Thursday. I'm only lightly cramping and I feel like I am going to vomit but that could be because I haven't eaten lunch or I'm stressed about this or who knows what. The waiting and not knowing is absolutely horrible. I'm at my desk at work and know that this is completely in God's hands but I'm having a very hard time right now. Dr. said they wouldn't do ultrasound because they wouldn't be able to see anything at this point anyway. I'll be waiting and praying with you! :hugs:

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