
* Who you want in the delivery room:Hubby.

* Eating and drinking during labor:Just ice to crunch :)

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back):I haven' thought yet about it,but yes I hate those leg stirrups!

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair:After I found out I pooped a little last time with DS I would say enema now!

* Routine IV's:Yes.

* Catherization:Yes.

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous):Hopefully it will be with nature ,last time I was induced because baby was showing distress.

* Fetal monitoring:Yes.

* Pain relief/ medications:Yes!!!

* Episiotomy:No!!!

* Mirror during birth:No!!!

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation):Hopefully won't need induction.

* Forceps/vacuum extraction:No,I managed without them last time and pushed for all I was worth,LOL

* Vaginal exams (minimal):Yes.

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage):Oh yes please!

* Camera/video camera use:Depends !

* Umbilical cord cutting:Yes hubby cuts it :)

* Cord blood banking:Yes.

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately:Yes!

* Rooming in:Yes,baby stays with me :)

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers:No,I am planning to BF.

* Circumcision:No.

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications:2 days like last time.

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby:Yes.

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops:Yes!

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room):Had c-section with first DS and hubby was there and was given baby almsot right away to start BF :) Hopefully no section this time though!
* Who you want in the delivery room: OH only

* Eating and drinking during labor: Yes

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): Whatever I want

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: Don't mind

* Routine IV's: Only if necessary

* Catherization: Only if necessary

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): Naturally only

* Fetal monitoring: Only if necessary

* Pain relief/ medications: Only if necessary, preferably none

* Episiotomy: Only if necessary

* Mirror during birth: No

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation): None

* Forceps/vacuum extraction: Only if necessary

* Vaginal exams (minimal): don't mind

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): free movement, bath, music, aromatherapy oils, massage

* Camera/video camera use: No

* Umbilical cord cutting: OH

* Cord blood banking: Not offered

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately: Yes

* Rooming in: No, but to be brought to me for feeds

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers: Yes, if needed

* Circumcision: n/a

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications: as short as possible

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby: Yes

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops: Yes

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room): Only in an emergency due to allergies. OH to stay with me at all times.
Haven't written it yet so this is a first draft!!!

* Who you want in the delivery room:

DP, midwife occasionally and at the end!

* Eating and drinking during labor:

Strawberry Ribenna so far, will get chocolate, crisps and general rubbish to keep me going

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back):

Whatever feels right, going to start bouncing on a gym ball this week so might use one of them but am hoping to use the birthing pool when I'm dilated enough.

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair:

Don't think that's even an option unless I get DP to do it - won't be! Don't want an enema either I don't think.

* Routine IV's:

Don't think IVs are routine? Will only have an IV if necessary.

* Catherization:

Only if I need an emergency C section

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous):

Only if absolutely necessary.

* Fetal monitoring:
Only if absolutely necessary.

* Pain relief/ medications:

TENS and Entonox only plus hopefully use of birthing pool. NO pethadine / meptid. Epidural if absolutely necessary (preferably mobile).

* Episiotomy:

Only if necessary, prefer to tear.

* Mirror during birth:

Not for me to look at but can be used if they need to see what's going on and I'm in the pool.

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation):

Only if absolutely necessary.

* Forceps/vacuum extraction:

Only if absolutely necessary.

* Vaginal exams (minimal):

That's fine, they're only going to do them if they need to (I presume!!)

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage):

Birth pool / bath, massage, music, distraction techniques (like counting things, counting backwards in 2s, 3s etc, using imagery)

* Camera/video camera use:

DP can take whatever photos he wants, I'll be screening them before anyone else sees though. Think we'll probably leave them til after the birth though!

* Umbilical cord cutting:

Only once it's stopped pulsating (unless it's an emergency) and not for 3 mins, DP to cut it if he wants to (he's not sure).

* Cord blood banking:

Not an option as we can't afford it, not able to donate it at our hospital either.

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately:

Will hold him immediately, they can't take him anywhere while he's still attached to me. Will breastfeed as soon as possible when I've got out of the pool and the cord has been cut to get the contractions going to deliver the afterbirth and for bonding.

* Rooming in:

Want to be out of there as soon as is physically possible!!! He'll be with me / DP at all times hopefully unless anything goes wrong

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers:

Not until breastfeeding has been established.

* Circumcision:

Only if medically necessary.

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications:


* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby:

They can do it if they're quick, can't take long can it? They could do it while I'm getting out of the pool.

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops:


* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room):

It would be an emergency C section so it'd depend what was possible (i.e. if I've had to have a general anesethetic. Would want DP there and to hold my baby after birth if possible.

* Who you want in the delivery room: My OH

* Eating and drinking during labor: if i can, yes

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): anything that is comfy, i want to have freedom to move about.

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: If needed

* Routine IV's: Definate no no unless really really really needed. I have very bad veins for getting IVs in and i just hate them. Last attempt at one took 14 goes between both hands.

* Catherization: only if needed

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): If they reccomend it then yea

* Fetal monitoring: only in intervals, would like to be able to move about.

* Pain relief/ medications: Going to try and avoid an epi but will see how i go.

* Episiotomy: If needed

* Mirror during birth: No thanks

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation): Want to go as long as i can before need to be induced

* Forceps/vacuum extraction: if needed

* Vaginal exams (minimal): minimal, yes

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): my ipod lol, massage from OH

* Camera/video camera use: not during birth, only afterwards

* Umbilical cord cutting: OHs choice

* Cord blood banking: Nope

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately: Definatley

* Rooming in: Yep

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers: If BFing doesnt work or if supplementing is needed. Dummies, yes ill be using them

* Circumcision: No (not really done in uk anyways)

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications: hours lol, i want out asap

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby: weighing done as soon as (think they do in uk anyways) not sure if they do the eye drops here.

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops: i want OH to do first bath

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room): If needed ill have one, OH will be present, hold baby as soon as able and bf as soon as able.
Most of them dont apply to me because im wanting a home birth like i had with my last one,

Its really interesting to see the diffrent/similar things people want tho xxxx
* Who you want in the delivery room: Hubby

* Eating and drinking during labor:If I feel like it

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back):whatever takes my fancy

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair:not something done in my hospital....luckily:rofl:

* Routine IV's:IV's are usually for a reason, none given here routinely. I may need one for antibiotic treatment during labour coz I'm strep b positive

* Catherization:if necessary but usually only if you've had an epidural or can't naturally empty your bladder

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous):natural if poss but happy for them to be broken if needs be

* Fetal monitoring:I'm happy to have continuous monitoring as I have lost two babies shortly after birth and feel happier to hear baby's heartbeat even if this means the restrictions of a monitor

* Pain relief/ medications:I would love an epidural again but labour very quickly....I hope they get one in in time:cloud9:

* Episiotomy::cry:had to have one last time...if it's necessary then it's gotta be done, they don't perform them for nothing:dohh::dohh:

* Mirror during birth:never been offered but yeah, I'd love to see baby emerge and see all my hard work being paid off:happydance:

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation)I go into early labour and am usually very fast, I'd be very surprised if I needed this

* Forceps/vacuum extraction:If baby needs to get out in a hurry then fine. Had a vacuum extraction last time as baby was in distress and tightly corded:cry:

* Vaginal exams (minimal):I like to know how I'm progressing

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage):If there's time:rofl:

* Camera/video camera use:definitely....I love to get all the pics I can please

* Umbilical cord cutting:Daddy does it usually

* Cord blood banking:Not got the cash I'm afraid

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately:DEFINITELY

* Rooming in:The best bit:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers:No way:dohh:

* Circumcision::cry:ouch, nope

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications:As short as possible

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby:We don't have that over here

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops:we do this ourselves apart from eye drops which we don't have (what are they for anyway?)

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room):As much contact with my baby as possible and as soon after as possible if I need this procedure
* Who you want in the delivery room: my mum

* Eating and drinking during labor: cola and maltesers lol

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): walking

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: shaving

* Routine IV's: not sure

* Catherization: not sure wht tht means lol

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): or this

* Fetal monitoring: yes

* Pain relief/ medications: yes

* Episiotomy:

* Mirror during birth: ohhh no lol

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation):

* Forceps/vacuum extraction:

* Vaginal exams (minimal):

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): bathing,music

* Camera/video camera use:dont think my mum would want to be the camera woman lol

* Umbilical cord cutting: my mum

* Cord blood banking:

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately:

* Rooming in:

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers:

* Circumcision:

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications:

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby:

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops:

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room):

lol i dunno wht to write in half of them, maybe im just silly but im only 21 and midwife hasnt really spoke to me about this stuff, but thought id give it a shot for fun x
* Who you want in the delivery room: My Mum and my cousin

* Eating and drinking during labor: Not allowed

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): Moving about as much as possible, using birthing pool too.

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: Don't think thats an option! I'll have to make sure I've done that myself beforehand! lol

* Routine IV's: No thanks

* Catherization: Again, no thanks.

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): Preferably spontaneous of course, but if they have to be done, they have to be done.

* Fetal monitoring: Yes, though not constant.

* Pain relief/ medications: Gas and air - as little as possible.

* Episiotomy: No. The midwives in my unit prefer to let you tear naturally if you're going to. Easier healing.

* Mirror during birth: Hadn't thought about that. They could be good.

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation): I'd rather not.

* Forceps/vacuum extraction: If really really needed.

* Vaginal exams (minimal): Go for it, I doubt I'll be caring :rofl:

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): Aromatherapy, massage, birth pool.

* Camera/video camera use: Definitely.

* Umbilical cord cutting: After it has finished pulsing, my cousin's doing it.

* Cord blood banking: I'll need to look into it, but its interesting.

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately: Yes.

* Rooming in: Of course! There's no other option anyway, but I wouldn't have my baby taken away from me to be put in another room!

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers: No. I'm breastfeeding. NO dummies. Ever. Hate them.

* Circumcision: No no no no no. (Having a girl anyway!!)

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications: Out as soon as the paediatrician has been round.

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby: Eye drops??? Eh? No eye drops. Postponing weighing til I've had a cuddle at least.

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops: I'll be bathing her myself first time, she'll be getting no eye drops and weighing won't take too long!!

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room): Urgh, if it comes to it I'll get a spinal, have my Mum in the room and hold my baby for as long as I can whilst being stitched!!
* Who you want in the delivery room: OH and either mum or sister.

* Eating and drinking during labor: Cheese sandwiches are being made in preperation and taking some tortilla chips :p

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): Trying them all!

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: Shaved down there anyway (OH helps :blush:)

* Routine IV's: Nope.

* Catherization: Nope.

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): Spontaneous if possible :)

* Fetal monitoring: Yes, little as possible though.

* Pain relief/ medications: Gas & air.

* Episiotomy: Rather not :p

* Mirror during birth: No way in hell :|

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation): No thanks.

* Forceps/vacuum extraction: Avoid if possible.

* Vaginal exams (minimal): Minimal yes.

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): Ooooh yes please ;)

* Camera/video camera use: Not allowed I don't think.

* Umbilical cord cutting: Daddy to do it :) if possible of course.

* Cord blood banking: Nope.

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately: Indecisive... a little wash first perhaps, BFing as soon as possible.

* Rooming in: Yes!

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers: Nope, trying to do without dummies/bottles.

* Circumcision: Nope, unless really medically necessary.

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications: A night at least, I don't smoke so it wont be a problem staying indoors :p

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby: Nope, would like baby taken care of and weighed before cuddles.

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops: Of course :)

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room): Avoiding if possible.
* Who you want in the delivery room: Midwives, OH, mum, daughter (maybe) - planning homebirth tho.

* Eating and drinking during labor: If possible, wasn't really able to last time coz I didn't feel able to.

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): Whatever feels right at the time

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: No - they don't do this anyway

* Routine IV's: No

* Catherization: no

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): spontaneous

* Fetal monitoring: Intermittent with doppler

* Pain relief/ medications: breathing, TENS, gas and air

* Episiotomy: Would rather tear

* Mirror during birth: Don't think so

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation): No, wouldn't be advised for me anyway as I had a c-section last time.

* Forceps/vacuum extraction: Only if needed

* Vaginal exams (minimal): None until I feel the need to push, and then only to check I'm fully dilated.

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): Breathing

* Camera/video camera use: Only afterwards

* Umbilical cord cutting: Not until the placenta has been delivered and then by OH

* Cord blood banking: No

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately: Skin to skin and letting LO find the breast themselves

* Rooming in: Will be at home (hopefully)

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers: No

* Circumcision: No

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications: None

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby: Damn right - no eye drops in UK

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops: I'm doing most of it myself

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room): Emergency only, OH there, spinal, skin to skin as soon as, would like the screen lowered so I can se LO being born.
* Who you want in the delivery room: OH

* Eating and drinking during labor: yes if allowed

* Activities or positions during labor (walking, standing, squatting, hands and knees, lying on back): whatever i feel comfy doing

* Enemas/shaving of the pubic hair: Ill do shaving beforehand

* Routine IV's: Only if necessary

* Catherization: Only if necessary

* Rupture of membranes (artificial or spontaneous): Would prefer spontaneous

* Fetal monitoring: Yes

* Pain relief/ medications: Gas and Air/ Pethidine - Under no circumstances do i want an epidural

* Episiotomy: No

* Mirror during birth: No

* The use of pitocin (and other options for induction/augmentation): If needed

* Forceps/vacuum extraction: If needed

* Vaginal exams (minimal): Yes

* Relaxation techniques (shower, bathing, music, massage): Bath, Music, Massage

* Camera/video camera use: Yes

* Umbilical cord cutting: Doctor or midwife to cut the cord

* Cord blood banking: No

* Holding your baby immediately after birth/breastfeeding immediately: No want them to be cleaned and wrapped in a blanket first

* Rooming in: Yes

* Supplementary bottles, pacifiers: Baby will be bottle fed

* Circumcision: No

* Length of hospital stay, barring complications: Minimal

* Postponing administering eye drops/weighing until after you hold/breastfeed your baby: Can do it when they have cleaned and wrapped baby before they give baby back to me

* Being present for first bath, weighing and administering eye drops: Yes

* Cesarean (partner's presence, anesthesia, holding your baby/breastfeeding in delivery/recovery room): Want to avoid cesarean unless absoulutly necessary and if i do have to have one i would like a general anesthetic and then baby cleaned and taken straight to OH
Unfortunately I have to have a C section :cry: but will be having an Epidural with my DH there. Hope you all have great births, take care :hugs: XX

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