9 months baby and still naps on me


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
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Hi ladies,

I feel quite ashame when I tell friends that my baby still naps on me and at irregular times so it is hard to have visitors. I have to guess when she would be awake because she naps on me!

I have tried sleep training her for naps it was three days of crying and a very stressful mum. So until she masters sleeping at night I am not going to try anything in the day time. Having said this she will needto nap well by one year and four months due to childcare.

Anyone in the same situation or have a great story to give me hope that one day soon she won't need me to be her bed?
My eldest slept on me till he was about 1. With him, I put a small mattress on the floor and layed down next to him and fed him to sleep. For the first few days I would stay close by, so that I could feed him back to sleep as soon as he woke up. But after a week or 2 I could feed him to sleep and leave him asleep for his whole nap. My DD is one next month, she has her morning nap in the pram. And if she has a second one, which is a bit hit and miss, its usually on me.

Personally I don't mind them napping on me. It gives me a chance to have a little rest as well.

I found having a routine works well. DD usually falls asleep on the way back from dropping Ds to school. At first I made a note of nap times and night sleeps so I could see if there was any pattern. I have also found, when she has good naps she sleeps better at night.
DDs sleeps are still habit all over the place, eg. Yesterday she woke up at 6am and her nap wasn't until1.30. Today she woke up at 6 but had a nap at 8.30. Whereas DS would wake up at tthe exact Same time everyday and naps would be exactly the same.
Sorry, I've gone on a bit. Hope that helps some though.
DS napped on me until he was 11 months then I noticed that his naps on me were only 45 mins which is the maximum he would nap in his cot so on New Year's Day I decided 'new year new try in the cot' and it worked. At first I would have to resettle him with the boob halfway through but now 8 times out of 10 he will sleep the whole nap without a peep! :)

It was a struggle before but it was as if he was ready to do it in the new year. I think some babies like that closeness even as they get older and if they won't nap in the cot then maybe they won't until they are ready. Also dropping to one nap really helped my DS at nap time and bed time but he was 1 when we did that so a bit older than your LO.
My 9 month old does this too. I feel like I can't say either to people generally. If I put her in her cot she lasts 20 min max then won't go back over and is cranky. My hubby wirks from home so wakes her sometimes which doesn't help.

It would be so handy to have time during the day to myself and to get stuff done around the house.

I go back to work in July though so am hoping the nursery tire her out or she outgrows it.
Lol as I read this, my 19 month old son is asleep on me! He doesn't nap for long enough on his own good luck!!
I, too, have a 9 month old who still naps on me. I do find it awkward having visitors since she can also be unpredictable when she naps and the fact that I have to hold her makes it weird. I find it so stressful and awkward hanging out with my dh's family because they always offer for me to put her in a playpen for naps and seem to think it is so odd that I hold her. My family doesn't care and is very accepting. If she naps in her crib it is way too short and I have to deal with a miserable grump for the entire day which I cannot handle. I actually like holding her because I enjoy the cuddles and relaxation time, but she goes to daycare in 2 months so I am slightly worried about how she will do then.
Thanks for the replies! I have been putting dd down drowsy for bedtime sleep for two and a half months already and still she cries between 20 minutes to a hour before going down. On and off crying as I give her cuddles very 5 to 10 minutes depending on how intense the cry is.

Talking to other mothers it shouldn't take this long to train. At best she would sleep ten hours straight but once it hits 3:30am and she wakes up that is it.
DCS I also have a single mattress which I use to sleep with dd if I really need the sleep. She needs to sleep on my chest though or else she with cry! I really hope she grows out of it soon!

Literati love Oh I go back to work on August if they can find me work! I hope our little ones can work it out soon! I am very scare because she is so clingy to me every since six and a half months!
my 2 year old (26 months) only naps if I am sitting next to him :haha:it was well after 1 that I managed to put him down for a nap but only after he is fast, fast asleep
Felix does he goes some days without naps. I can imagine he is able to fight it these days!

I think once dd goes down to one nap will try to train. Worse scenario no nap but she should be more bearable then. We can always hope that tomorrow will be the day!
My LO napped on me until she was about 15 months I'm going to say.

I went back to school when she was 5 months old and my mom watched her. She napped on my mom too until about 10 months when my mom decided to try to transition her to her crib. It only took her a couple of days and she was totally fine with it. She was also fine sleeping in her crib when my DH watched her, it was just when I was around that she napped on me. And to be honest I was totally fine with it. Eventually she got big enough that it got uncomfortable having her on me for 2 hours so I transitioned her to napping in her bed. I don't really recall how long it took but my lack of memory would indicate that it wasn't too traumatizing.
Childcare won't take her this year hence my mum will be minding her. My mum hates the baby crying hence she will let her nap on her. Next year though she needs to go to childcare at 1 year 4 months hence I hope she gets it my then! Thanks for the hope.
Felix does he goes some days without naps. I can imagine he is able to fight it these days!

I think once dd goes down to one nap will try to train. Worse scenario no nap but she should be more bearable then. We can always hope that tomorrow will be the day!

These days he falls asleep for his naps lying next to my husband (who is on a mini-sabbatical) he's literally never fallen asleep without someone rocking him, holding him, wearing him, lying next to him etc ... he never will either.

He only goes to nursery half day, part of the reason is I have no idea how a nursery will ever get him to nap so he will only go for a full day once he can go a day without napping.
Felix I pray that I our babies get it soon! They say babies behave betterwhen we are not there!
So I am going to answer with honesty even though sleep training is a heated issue and some may not like my answer. But here's the truth.

Until my little one was seven months we were the same way. She slept on me for every single nap alllll day. I tried everything to get her in the crib. Every ninja move, every gentle method. I was getting depressed sitting all day and I felt like it was time for her to nap in her crib.

I tried the no cry sleep solution and it didn't work for us. The one thing I did gain from that book was installing a nap schedule appropriate for baby's age and sticking to it. That way we at least had a schedule.

Then I read how to raise a good sleeper by Janet Kennedy and followed her method. Unfortunately the timed farmer method and such didn't work for us because it just made my baby more agitated.

So I started a routine, put down shades, changed diaper, put sound machine on, said time for your nap, put her in her sleep sack, nursed her to drowsy,then said I love you, have a good nap. I then put her in the crib and left the room.

After about a week of crying...and by crying I mean protesting. She was super duper mad....she got the message. Once the door was shut I wasn't coming back in until she slept a little.

Now at 11 months she always lets out one little cry but just to complain. She either goes right to sleep or chats and plays in the crib until she puts herself down. It is hard to believe that it is the same baby that was on me all day and only took thirty minute naps. Her naps now are at least one hour long usually more.

I struggled with letting her cry. And if she cried for twenty minutes I would get her and pretend that nap never happened. I really didn't want to let her cry because I hated hearing it and it broke my heart. But I tried everything else and there was no other way. And I hate to say it but it worked.

Now our night sleep was awful for awhile. I never ever ever let her cry at night. For some reason day sleep training seemed less mean. So she was waking all night to comfort nurse back to sleep. We all were in one bedroom. But then we went on a family trip where she had her own room. She slept alllll night long all three nights. Previously she had woken 6 times a night. She is now sleeping through the night. She was just using me for comfort, but because I day sleep trained her she knew how to go back to sleep. So when I wasn't an option she did.

Here are my thoughts...if you love baby sleeping on you and don't mind it..don't stop! They are only babies once! Don't let others opinions affect you. But, if it is a problem for you, and nothing else is working, don't be afraid to sleep train. It is hard to stomach in the beginning. But it does work, and now I can say baby can sleep on her own, she still loves me, and she wasn't traumatized. By 9 months a lot of the crying you hear as mommy I desperately need you is actually just anger at being put down. I learned the difference between an actual need you mom cry and I am mad because I am not getting my way.

Parenting is tough. You have to make so many decisions that you don't want to make. Just know that whatever you decide to do is right for you and your family. You don't need to change a thing if you are happy. But if not, maybe reevaluate. You are the mom. Make the choices that work for you! Whatever you do will be right!
Oh I wanted to say that something that did help was that I read in some books and articles how babies get better quality sleep in their cribs (once they know how...the beginning obviously not). That helped me with the training because I felt like I was doing it to ultimately get my child better sleep in the end. It helped make the tough times better
Oh I wanted to say that something that did help was that I read in some books and articles how babies get better quality sleep in their cribs (once they know how...the beginning obviously not). That helped me with the training because I felt like I was doing it to ultimately get my child better sleep in the end. It helped make the tough times better

Thanks for your reply. For nap training how long can your little one*cry for?

I have tackled sleep training the other way. Doing night time. She can sleep ten hours straight but usually have problems early morning. It has been two and a half months now and she still struggles to go to sleep. I was hoping once she master night time sleeping daytime would be ok.

Last time I tried nap training she cried two hours on and off. I was confluent every five to ten minutes depending on cry. She didn't sleep so I pushed her in the stroller to try to get to her sleep. Now she hates her stroller very bad.

Really appreciate your experience.

My 19 month old still naps on his grannies. Not on me anymore because I'm pregnant and can't take the weight. He can sleep on his own and does when we leave him in his cot, but he likes it better the other way lol
Mine is 2.5 and has had one single nap without me or my husband snuggling her. We still bedshare.

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