A bit late but just wanted to share!!


Proud momma of 3!!!!
Feb 16, 2011
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Birth Story of Kyleigh Michelle!!!

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Dawnann, I am 29 years old and married to my wonderful husband Randy. We have been married going on 3 years now. Just a quick update on pre and pregnancy here for you. We tried for 26 months before we finally got a positive pregnancy test, but unfortunately that pregnancy ended 5 days later in a miscarriage. We were heartbroken and torn by this as we just didn't understand how we could try for soo long for our 1st baby together, as I have 2 from a previous marriage, and it can be taken from us sooo quickly. I became very depressed in the coming weeks, and he tried everything he could to just keep me smiling. 3 weeks and 2 days after our miscarriage, much to my surprise, we had a positive pregnancy test again. This time I was freaking out thinking it was just going to happen again. I took every precaution, phones doctors and had hcg levels done and requested and early scan. After my first hcg levels came back, doctors had me scared as they said they would repeat test but were worried it would end as well as my betas were only at a 31 and they were hoping for atleast 100. Well to their surprise the next test came back right were it needed to be. We had some bumps in the road with subchronic hematoma, that was present until my 22 weeks ultrasound, placenta previa, and no weight gain, but other than those problems, my little champ was excellent on every scan they did. That is our pregnancy journey now for the birth of my wonderful princess.

I had been having braxton hicks contractions starting on Friday the 14th of October and they were strong and would be regular for an hour or two then they would just go away. Sleep became few and far between as I could no longer get comfortable, but was still working 50 hours a week at this time. My last week of work I worked 57 hours. I worked through my contractions and being as uncomfortable as hell, but kept pushing through it. Then on Friday the 21st, I worked 9am-8p.m. and then drove 40 minutes to get home. It was a very busy day that day and even though i knew contractions at started again about 3 pm that day I didn't time them as I was soo busy, i never had a chance to. Well on my drive home, I started timing them and to my surprise they were steadily 4 minutes apart and getting very strong. So when i got home I told my husband we needed to go to labor and delivery to get checked, we dropped kids off at the sitters and went in at 930p.m. They put me on the monitor for about an hour said I was 1 cm dialated, but babies head was super low at station 0 so when dialation started I would probably deliver within an hour or 2 as she was sooo ready to push out. They admitted me since contractions were regular and 3 minutes apart at this time. They started pitocin and gave me an epidural, hoping I could get some sleep, because I had been up all day after only 3 hours of sleep the night before. They checked me 1x throughout the night and i was still just 1cm. They say I was having trouble dialating due to having leap procedure done 5 years ago and it causes scar tissue on the cervix that the babies head has to break through to dialate to 10cm. My doctor came in at 730 am, he checked me and said I was at 4cm, woohoo finally her head is coming through, but i guess they had stopped pitocin during the night from the babies heart rate decelling. That is where during contractions her heart rate would go down but doesnt come back up as quickly as they would like, typically caused from a cord around the neck or cord compression as it is squeezed from contractions. He broke my waters and started pitocin back up. 5 minutes later there were alrams going off everywhere as her heartrate dropped way down to 55 and wasn't coming back up as aparently my body started contracting with no breaks between contactions. I rolled to my right, i rolled to my left, i was put in trendelenburg position, where my head was down and my feet were up they tried everything, her rate still stayed in the 50's. They had already put the amnniotic transfussion in, it wasn't working, so now pitocin is off again and i'm given 2 shots to stop contractions. Well her heart rate came back up to the 100's and we were taken to theatre as they said in no way would she make it through labor at this rate. I was soo worried my husband wouldn't get to come back as they said they were gonna try to get him dressed and in there before she was born, but getting her out right then was their main concern. I just wanted to break into tears at this time as I was soo scared and could possibly be going in alone to do this. I never imagined having to have a c-section, so did not have myself prepared at all for this. I could see the worry on my husband's face so i didn't break down crying, i needed to stay strong for him and myself. Whatever they gave me to stop contractions then made me sick, so while they have me on theatre table i have the anestesiologists at my head holding a puke bag as i couldn't stop dry heaving now either. Then my husband came in while they started working and i was soo relieved. They had my shoulders and head wrapped in warm blankets as I was freezing from the sudden increase in fluids they were pushing through the iv's. I didn't feel 1 bit of the section, though they kept saying you may feel pulling and some pressure nadda. Next thing I remember I heard my daughter cry, and was soo relieved. her birth time was 9:01 am and she did have the cord around her neck, which is what cause all the issues. She scored an 8 and 9 on the apgar scale, so healthy and happy. I was in there til 10:00am as they finished me up and my husband and daughter were taken to the nursery. I went to recovery til 1130 then I got to hold her for the first time then!!! That is the birth story of my little princess, and though not the way I planned am just thankful she is happy and healthy as could be!!! born 10/22/11 at 9:01 am weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce and 19 inches long


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Lovely story, Kyleigh really is beautiful. Well done Dawnann and Randy! , congrats and thanks for sharing your lovely story. xx
:cloud9: thanks for typing that up for the rest of us! I LOVE your avatar and can't imagine what it might feel like for you to be holding your rainbow baby now. :cloud9: So happy for you after all that you and your DH have been through to reach this point; thanks for sharing your story and the beautiful pictures!
wow,how scary!! :hugs:So glad all was okay in the end!! And she is gorgeous!! Well done!
Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful!

The moment a child is born,
The mother is also born.
She never existed before.
The woman existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new.

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