A Challenge For You!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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I have a challenge girls!

I've found a gorgeous bedding set that I love, however I can't justify the cost.


So, our nursery colours are going to be blush pink and creams and I was wondering if any of you could help me find a nice bedding set.

The only thing, is that OH and I are both really not into cartoons/monogrammed/character type bedding so as almost everything we've seen isn't right.

Help is appreciated!
Hey ive been looking for you as I love this sort of thing and i dont know what I having yet so I cant look for things like this for my bubba yet I found this and think this is beautiful

But i guess its not the right colours but i know what you are saying about cartoons or characters because im exactly the same, but im going to keep looking for you untill i find something your happy with x
Hey ive been looking for you as I love this sort of thing and i dont know what I having yet so I cant look for things like this for my bubba yet I found this and think this is beautiful

But i guess its not the right colours but i know what you are saying about cartoons or characters because im exactly the same, but im going to keep looking for you untill i find something your happy with x

Ohhh there is some lovely stuff on there :cloud9:
That is really pretty! We're hoping to have dark wood for the nursery too, but as family are buying the cot and stuff we won't get it for another month.

I've bookmarked that, but thank you so much for helping me find something. I've been looking for awhile now. :hug:
https://www.lullabys.co.uk/shop/erol.html#1X0 this is nice
ooo its getting me all excited now I want to start looking at bits for my one cant wait till i can pick them out, they have some beautiful things for babies now days
That second link redirects me to their home page. Is there a name I can search for on their website?

I love looking at stuff like this too, but I get frustrated when I can't find anything nice :rofl: I'm getting stressed too, as OH and I have bought hardly anything for the baby, and I'm almost 30 weeks! I mean we have a pram, buggy, carseat and some clothes and that's it! lol.
There some lovely bits on here at cheap prices too
Why am i still looking, look at the time, what have you started woman lol x
They do some really beautful things on here https://www.noolibird.com/index.cfm?p=fairies i know my daughters would love this
Right last one and then im off to bed thanks for giving me something to do with my evening lol https://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wc...displayA_189_10751_-1_14736_65366_10001_14736 simple and pretty
love the links ladies! gorgeous! not sure if this is what your after but reading your thread reminded me of the this is mothercare:https://www.mothercare.com/gp/node/n/71399031/026-1987258-6652441?ie=UTF8&mcb=core

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