haha no worries i get my moments as well with just wanting to raise my hands up in the air and call in the white flag especially i dunno why and dunno if i'm the only one noticing but lately there's been nothing but family bonding type of episodes on every show possible or pregnancies. My favorite show Bones, the season got cut short because not only did she act giving birth in the show but she had to go on maternity leave in real life.
My DH recently showed me Howard Sterns life movie and I couldn't help it in the movie when Howards wife announced being BFP after her loss I went "man I want her eggs!!!" because she got her BFP so easily after her MC. Although gotta admit, even though I never went through a loss I balled my eyes out with her and wanted to jump in the screen and hug her. I guess that part of the movie I appreciated because for once a movie depicts that TTC is not all sunshine and rainbows that people make out to be.. although at the end you find out they successfully have 3 LO which kinda killed it but still, liked that they touched that subject especially since it's all real events.