A few section questions please dears

Hello loves.

Was your section elective or emergency? Elective due to extended breech

If you baby was breech what gestation were you when you had you had your elective section? 39 + 2

Did you request/were you able to have immediate skin to skin contact with baby?
Once out of theatre in recovery I had to request the skin to skin, MW seemed surprised!!

Did you manage to breastfeed or did a section hamper your efforts? I'm having a few issues with BFing, low supply, but think thats just me as many people don't have any issues. I suggest taking a pump in with you I wish I did that really helps supply

How long were you in hospital for?29 hours, but that is unusual

How long was your immediate recovery - before you could do basic household tasks/climb stairs/change your pants yourself etc? Lol, about 3 days OH wasn't quick enough with the hoover. But climbing the stairs, and walking immediately, I don't like lifts so we walked down from the hospital with LO

How soon after your section could you do any kind of "heavy" lifting? (I have a toddler who will be around 19 months so thinking of lifting him mainly). I think you should be careful with this one, your abdominal muscles have bben broken and could rupture

How soon did you feel able to cope at home alone with baby? immediately, you can lift the baby no worries

How soon after did you feel able to have sex? Lol, about a week after!!

Finally - and this might seem like an odd one but I am bridesmaid and my best friend gets married 6 weeks after I am due, how soon after your section do you feel you could have realistically coped with a "night out". I don't mean drinking etc I just mean a night being active and on yoru feet out of the house? Tessa was born on the 7th Feb and my b'day is the 13th, we all went out for dinner (thai, yum) and we went for drinks around my parents first, it was nice. We took baby with us and was fine, although not as strenuous as what you've planned but more than do-able

Hope that helps x
Just to add a couple of things:

- You may get the shakes after surgery, this is completely normal and will wear off in about 1-2 hours

- You will need a catheter, I asked for mine to be removed at 6am the next morning, but thats because I was very mobile and wanted out ASAP

- Sitting up from laying down hurts loads, due to the abdominal muscles needed, use loads of pillows to prop yourself up, and sit up slowly.

- If it is elective your baby MAY be more mucusy as they haven't had normal labour to squeeze the mucus out of their lungs, mine awoke about 3am coughing and spluttering, I just rubbed and hit (didn't want to use the word pat, as sounds too gentle) her back to get it all up.
Once she's expelled the mucus she was fine.

I see you've already had a baby but just rememeber that second night is a killer, it's when they realise that they are no longer in you and scream all night, lol!!

Hope it all goes well for you xx
I didn't have one in the end but my section was booked for 39+1 with a breech baby.

Kitty have you asked if you could have a natural or gentle CS?

Google it and do some reading tis a much nicer way of doing things.
Kitty have you asked if you could have a natural or gentle CS?

Google it and do some reading tis a much nicer way of doing things.

Hadn't heard of these but looks much better!
Alot of great responses but I thought I would add my 2 cents

Was your section elective or emergency? Emergency(sort of) - Didnt know baby was breech until i was already in labrour and they checked my cervix at the hospital and felt a bum.

If you baby was breech what gestation were you when you had you had your elective section? I was 39+5 went into labor naturaly.

Did you request/were you able to have immediate skin to skin contact with baby? I was so out of it from the whole situation/drugs I did not hold baby until I was in the recovery room.

Did you manage to breastfeed or did a section hamper your efforts? Breastfeeding was a rough start but we got the hang of it pretty quickly :)

How long were you in hospital for? Had baby early tuesday morn, out on Thursday.

How long was your immediate recovery - before you could do basic household tasks/climb stairs/change your pants yourself etc? I'd say 1-2 weeks. I was in a lot of pain (TMI but it took about 4 days before I could get a poop out)

How soon after your section could you do any kind of "heavy" lifting? (I have a toddler who will be around 19 months so thinking of lifting him mainly). WOW I would have to say close to a month, before I was totally off pain meds and feeling comfortable enough.

How soon did you feel able to cope at home alone with baby? I was home alone after 2 weeks (maybe less)

How soon after did you feel able to have sex? probably 2 months or more

Finally - and this might seem like an odd one but I am bridesmaid and my best friend gets married 6 weeks after I am due, how soon after your section do you feel you could have realistically coped with a "night out". I don't mean drinking etc I just mean a night being active and on yoru feet out of the house? I would say at 6 weeks you could (with a good recovery) make it through a wedding ceremony but a whole night out (especially a busy wedding) might be quite a struggle.

Hope all is well, I'm currently prego with #2 and am really hoping for a VBAC, C-section is not at all what I wanted the first time around so hopefully we can make it right this time :)
Hi Kitty, you have had great replies but I wanted to add something. I had my LO via csection at 41 weeks due to breech positioning. However, they did not know he was breech until I went in for an induction. I would recommend having the csection as early as possible and making sure they screen the baby for hip dysplasia. Babies with breech positioning are more likely to have it. Still a small chance but def something to ask them to look out for. Early treatment is very important for this condition. Hope I didn't scare you but something I wish I would have known about. xx
Great thread, my daughter may be born by c-section in the next 1.5-2 weeks if she doesn't turn from breech...I'm trying to prepare myself as this is not at all what I wanted/expected
Hello loves.

I'm just trying to prepare and arm myself with as many facts as I can.

My daughter is currently breech, has been since they started palpitating at 28 weeks. I am 33 weeks and measuring 2 weeks ahead so my midwife didn't seem too optimistic about her turning naturally. I am aware though that there is still PLENTY of time for her to do so and I do hope she does.

Anyway the chance of needing a section is of course on my mind, especially having decided to refuse ECV to turn her (lots of reasons for this having fully researched).

So if those of you that have had sections wouldn't mind answering my a few Qs that would be fab:

Was your section elective or emergency? 1 Emergency, 2 elective
If you baby was breech what gestation were you when you had you had your elective section? None breech
Did you request/were you able to have immediate skin to skin contact with baby? I had skin to skin within 20 mins and was BF'ing straight away
Did you manage to breastfeed or did a section hamper your efforts? I BF all 3 of mine with no problems
How long were you in hospital for? 1st was 5 days, the other 2 i was out within 36 hours
How long was your immediate recovery - before you could do basic household tasks/climb stairs/change your pants yourself etc? Erm it varied, 1st was a hard recovery and took a couple of weeks until i felt comfortable, the others within a week i felt pretty normal and had to be reminded to slow down
How soon after your section could you do any kind of "heavy" lifting? (I have a toddler who will be around 19 months so thinking of lifting him mainly).A few weeks before heavy lifting, although 6 weeks is advised
How soon did you feel able to cope at home alone with baby? Within a couple of weeks
How soon after did you feel able to have sex? About 4 weeks
Finally - and this might seem like an odd one but I am bridesmaid and my best friend gets married 6 weeks after I am due, how soon after your section do you feel you could have realistically coped with a "night out". I don't mean drinking etc I just mean a night being active and on yoru feet out of the house? As long as there is places to sit and rest you should be ok, but really 6 weeks after you should be feeling ok

Many thanks in advance xx

Answered within quote x
I would recommend having the csection as early as possible and making sure they screen the baby for hip dysplasia. Babies with breech positioning are more likely to have it. Still a small chance but def something to ask them to look out for. Early treatment is very important for this condition. Hope I didn't scare you but something I wish I would have known about. xx

I thought it was standard that breech babies had an ultra sound of their hips at 6 weeks, my LO did, they automatically sent the appointment out.

It's also to check the growth of the NOF and the pelvis :flower:
I think it is standard in some areas, and it might have been done automatically if I'd given birth in the other hospital in our area :wacko: but I really had to push for a referral to have her hips checked, and that was with her having un-equal creases!
An ultrasound is not standard in our area either. But the doctors picked it up because they could feel his hips clicking out of place. We had an ultrasound 5 days later to confirm.

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