A little worried...baby not moved much & don't feel right


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2011
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My baby hasnt moved moch today which is a world away from what she is usually like, she's usually very active at certain times.

My tummy is also really tight & sore like bad tummy ache. I'm a FTM so no idea if this is normal but I don't feel 'normal' my back is also much more achey today.

I don't know what to do, :-( I feel like crying just want to curl up because I'm sore.
Ring your midwife or the birth unit and they will advise from there x
Have you tried drinking orange juice or eating something to sweet and see if that jump starts her moving? If you are worried though I would certainly call, doesn't hurt to get comfort from the doctor.
Wat something very cold (good excuse for ice cream). But if your really worried give your MW a call it can't hurt to talk to them :).
Try a big cold glass (ice cold with ice if you can!) of orange juice or similar and lie on your left side. If you've been busy you might just have missed your babies movements. Take an hour to lie down and really concentrate on your baby. I would mw a ring then if you are still worried xx
Definitely call your Doc to be sure. But from 27-30 weeks for me I noticed less rhythmic and less movement for longer periods. I think she was just growing alot during that time bc she's okay and moving more now. Just a bit of reassurance. :)
I'd call your MW, or L&D. It could just be LO having a growth spurt- my LO always has a quiet day just before my bump pops out a bit more. Or perhaps you're coming down with a tummy bug- LO's often go quiet when you're ill. I'd do as others have suggested- have a cold drink, give your bump a little poke and see if you can get LO moving. If not, call! If you're worried its always better to be safe than sorry!
I've done lots of poking to no avail the movements are just not her.

I have spoken to my midwife who said I need to go and get checked so I have phoned the hospital and they've told me to make my way in to be monitored.
Please update when you can. I'm glad you're gonna get checked out.
Glad your getting checked out.

More then likely as soon as they put the monitor on she will start kicking away x
Good that you called....keep us posted.
this happened to me last week, i called my midwife who told me to drink a cold drink and ly on my side for an hour and concentrate on the kicks and count them. I got 13 and she said this was a good number. However if you are worried i would definately asked to be checked, i was very worried and its a horrible feeling. always best to be safe.
Oh sweetie I hope everything is ok with you and little lady!!! Please please come back and let us know you're ok ❤ xxx
Hope all is ok! Sounds like it could be an infection, and you should be ok if treated with paracetamol and antibiotics and kept an eye on. Xx
It's good you are going to go get checked out, it's always good to get it checked out. At week 29-30 I had reduced movement, didn't feel the baby move and no matter what I did she just wouldn't move, so i went to the hospital, they checked it out & everything was good and the baby was moving finally. At the hospital they gave me ICE to eat and the baby started kicking me a lil. The next day she wasn't very active either, such slight switches, nothing like I was used to, I waited a couple of days and her movements came back normal again. But the hospital gave me a piece of mind, at least getting checked out and knowing everything is okay with the baby you'll sleep better at night.
Glad you called, even if its nothing you would drive yourself mad at home with worry for no reason!
Keep us updated, sure you'll both be just fine :)
Good luck at hospital, hope everything fine and you are reassured. It's such a worry when this happens. Hope you're ok xxx
Baby is all ok, trace was excellent the consultant said.

I most likely have a stomach virus which is causing me the aches & pains.

Taking rest of week off work to rest & get lots of fluids down.

Allowed to stay midwife led for now but consultant said she would take over my care if it happens again.

Thanks for the kind words everyone xx
What a huge relief for you. So happy all ok x

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