My first post and I am already expecting to get a lot of flac for it but here goes. I am almost four months and still getting set up with a regular Dr. (I have had some counceling appt. and an ultrasound; just where you see, not evasive). But I am sure they are expecting to poke around my insides tommorow with a pelvic exam and I am going to refuse. I have done a lot of research into this just as I have with a lot of other pregnancy issues and have determined that at this time the potential risks to the baby outweigh the very few possible benifits of such an evasive exam. Now I expect to be getting a lot of hate for this in the way of people saying I must not care about my baby or other such crap so save it you can possibly contain yourself. I have noticed that western medicine (USA especially) is super obsessed with turning pregnant women into lab rats (not just pregnant women but many other citizens as well) and I just don't buy all the canned crap advice that has been thrown at me (usually by corn-fed idiots). There are places where a pelvic exam during pregnancy would be looked at as insane and very risky so why are we not informed of the possible risks for infection, risks of miscarrage and other risks that are in reality a lot higher than the very risks of rare birth defects detected by these evasive tests? Everyone loves to spit out numbers of how many babies may be born with this or that but they never tell you what number of births they are comparing their study to and they also don't tell you how many of those mothers were at higher risks to begin with. Am I the only one who is sick of all the Fu**ing scare tactics or are most people just happy believing everything they are told with no investigations of their own? When the information is out there I refuse to just believe what is widly known or accepted as truth. Does anyone else feel anything like this on any level or am I the weird one for not blindly believing everything I am told. . .
Any unbrainwashed opinion appriciated.
Any unbrainwashed opinion appriciated.