A post about bleeding in 1st Trimester

I keep having a lot of brown bleeding For a few seconds then barely anything on the tissue when i wipe. It is not as heavy as a period when it comes but it's enough to scare me to death. It doesn't help that I have 1 week before the epu will see me!
Today I would be about 3 weeks along. I took a test yesterday morning, the day my AF was due, and I was fairly certain it was positive.

I had hoped to take another test to confirm but I was fairly certain I was pregnant (3 weeks of nausea, 2 weeks of exhaustion, tender lower abdomen, heightened sense of smell, etc).

Then this morning I began bleeding - bright red with clots. I've had some light cramping as well. I went to the doctor but of course there is nothing that can be done because I am too early to scan; I simply have to wait to see if the blood gets worse or if it goes away.

But hearing your stories gives me hope so thank you! I hope others can be reassured as well.
Just a little update on my brown spotting and cramping. I had a scan yesterday and saw my little baby jumping about and heard the hearbeat and it was as old as i thought it would be. They said they can see no reason for the spotting, it's just one of those things, possibly as the placenta is implanting. Implantation bleeds can happen throughout which i didn't know. Also, sonographer told me that 30% of women have spotting with know known cause and it causes no problems. Cramping is perfectly normal. Good luck ladies.
When did you start bleeding? light brown on and off 5-6 weeks, RED started last night :/

How heavy was the bleeding? enough to be on my panties but not heavy enough for a period.

What consistency was it: brown- creamy, like brown discharge. red def blood, consistency of egg white

How long did it last? red is still happening on and off

What colour was the bleeding? ^

i know i have a SCH so im certain that is where it is coming from.
Spotted at 10 weeks with 2nd child right before first OB appt. Went in immediately to office and scan showed little guy was just fine. It was just slight spotting on panties after being up and down on a step stool for about and hour ( had slight cramping also )
Went on to have healthy pregnancy :)

Currently 5 weeks 2 days. Began spotting red at 4 weeks 6 days about 4 small coins (best description? Hehe) within 18 hours. Then changed to brown discharge until this morning when it increased and turned red again. I've also had dull cramping even before spotting began. I'm not even sure if I've upgraded from spotting to light bleeding. Drs office explained might be imposition bleeding when I called 2 days ago and recommended to call if it got worse. Well they are closed to today :/
Cramping is increasing as bleeding increases. Cramping has always been in the lower left back ( sometimes seems pinchy ).
Reading all these experiences is so informative but I'm so torn on what to feel emotionally. I'm trying to stay neutral or numb I guess but it remains difficult with the cramping. Wishing there were more resources here in the states other than the emergency room.
Thank you for this thread! I'm 7+4 with my second baby and had bad cramping on tummy and lower back yesterday evening with light brown discharge. It was all fine this morning but as the day has gone on, I have had more cramping and now more pinkish discharge. I feel reassured by some of your experiences but am still really worried. I didn't have anything like this at all last time ;-(
Thanks for posting this and for everyone sharing their stories.

I had bleeding with my first pregnancy at 10w5d. It was once in the morning. Pink, watery discharge. Had a scan and everything was fine. I had the same another 2 or 3 times during the pregnancy.

This time i am 6w5d. Last night i pulled my stomach. Had a sharp pain followed be period pains. Last night the blood was red, not enough to go onto my underwear but there every time i wiped. This morning it was brown, but as i started doing things it went back to red, still only when i wiped. Went on a bus to baby group, bright red blood some on my underwear and dripping after i went toilet. Got home and as ive settled down so has the bleeding. Not it is brown and red and only when i wipe.

Have a scan in the morning to see if baby is hanging in there. xx
When did you start bleeding? 6+5

How heavy was the bleeding? It was bright red and soaked underwear.

What consistency was it (ie. were there clots / was it bitty / was it watery)
Just like af I suppose no clots etc...

How long did it last? The initial rush of blood then it ease and bleed for a few hours then for about 3 or 4 days brown discharge.

What colour was the bleeding? Red then brown.

I did have AF cramps for about an hour before the bleed not sure if it was related or not. I had them before and since and all was fine.
I bled for aprox. 18 days during my 5-7th weeks. It was dark brown mostly but at times it was bright red. It was never heavy but it did reach my panty liner quite a few times. Cramping off and on like the beginning of AF. I had a ripping feeling in my pelvis area one night aound 6 weeks and I thought surely this was the end.

At 5w5d I had a scan and I was told I would miscarry. The baby didn't look right.
I was given pain meds (that I never took) and sent home to wait.

Today I am 7w7d and I had a scan and saw a perfect little baby as well as a blood clot (their guess) as big as baby's head resting right under the umbilical cord.

I haven't bled for 3 1/2 days. They think my bleeding was due to the blood clot. They think they were looking at the clot when they told me my baby was abnormal.

They can't do anything about the clot but baby looks great, stong heartbeat and did a dance for me.

Praying for a H&H 9 months for all.

P.S. I am on progesterone suppositories twice a day.
I have had spotting since the get go in my pregnancy. First I had implantation bleeding a couple weeks after conception. Then every little thing, i.e. intercourse, bowel movements, caused brown/light pink blood. Last night I had dark RED blood.. only a little bit.. but I was so scared! I booked an ultrasound ASAP. Blood came back again this morning.

I went in to my ultrasound expecting the worst... but... Baby is great!

So is my uterus, ovaries, cervix (LOL) .. they had to make sure those were okay too.

We got to see our tiny baby and the womb sac and the yolk sac. Everything is intact. Baby's heart is even beating already! It's heartbeat is 116 which the technician said is great for 5 weeks 6 days. I thought I was 6 weeks, 1 day, but I am actually back a couple days - so my online ovulation predictor was off by a couple days.

As for what caused the bleeding...
The technician said around 6 weeks, many women have bleeding or spotting due to further implantation of the baby. In other words, the baby is getting nice and cozy and making itself a deeper home in the womb sac. Implantation bleeding happens after conception, but the baby really does continue to attach further to the lining as weeks progress.

She said many women absorb the bleeding into their uterus and never see any sign of it, whereas some see all of it and it ends up leaking out. I'm one of those people. It is supposedly very common because she said she sees women every day in my same situation at the same 6 weeks, and all of their babies end of being great. In fact, she had three women before me with the exact same issue and their babies all turned out okay.
Question and I hope someone can help. I was 5 days late starting my period. But when I started it was very light and has remained that way ever since (I started on July 11th). I took a pregnancy test after I was a few days late and it was negative. Coukd I still maybe be pregnant? I know my nerves are shot over this. I've always been regular (I'm 32). I have no clotting or cramps or anything, and it's really only there when I wipe. I don't know if I'm nauseous because of my nerves. But I use an ovulation calendar on my phone and we had sex just before and after I would have ovulated. Has anyone ever been through this????? This is my first time posting and I'm really hoping to get some good answers. Thanks!
When I was pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago, I started bleeding at 6 weeks 3 days. Rushed to ER because I was young and scared. Came to find out I had A- blood and needed the rhogam shot. I got it and had no more bleeding. Got a repeat shot at 28weeks. All was fine until 34 weeks 6 days when I started bleeding horribly (like a murder scene sorry for tmi) I called dr they told me to go to labor and delivery bc they didnt know what to do. They did an u/s and told me I had a blood clot on my placenta and also my placenta had some how turned and grew anterior to my stomach so I couldnt have a c-section. well 22hours of pitocin later and I had a healthy baby girl.

I am currently 9 weeks 3 days pregnant with baby #2. At 6weeks 3 days I began to bleed again. So having past experience I went to ER explained to them that I needed an u/s and rhogam shot. They did ultrasound and baby had a strong heartbeat already at 128 (tech couldnt believe it)(said first ultrasound that young she did to get a heartbeat already) I was happy and they gave me the rhogam shot and sent me home. All was fine until yesterday at 9weeks 2 days. I started out my day with horrible hip pain(on the outside). By the evening time I had began to spot again this time bright red no clots no cramps though. I called the doctor and she told me it would be a waste of time and money to go to ER bc they could NOT give me another shot until 18weeks. She said she is not that worried but I am to come in today for another u/s and we will go from there. So keep your fingers crossed everything is ok today. This A.M. the blood was brown so I am confused on what to think and even though this is my second baby I still am nervous.
I had a little spotting the day I found out I was pregnant so about 4 weeks but stopped that day then about a week later it started again. It started out as a brownish/pink color, only 2 times was there enough to get on my panties. Went to dr had a scan baby was implanted good & there was a fetal pole and little blip of a baby they also did blood work and hcg was rising but progesterone was low so now I am on progesteron and bleeding stopped 24 hrs after taking first dose. Moved about a week after I started the meds and had a spottig episode the day after for about 3 hrs. Go back to the dr today for my 8 week check up, hoping for another scan:)
What a good idea, although I always say; your pregnancy is unique to you, and just because one lady has 'similar symptoms' and has a positive or negative result, it doesn't mean that you will have the same outcome. Nothing compares to the knowledgeable opinion of your healthcare provider :flower:

When did you start bleeding?
My bleeding started when I was exactly 7 weeks pregnant

How heavy was the bleeding?
It was a massive gush all at once, so it was extremely heavy, it then lightened and was like medium/heavy spotting.

What consistency was it (ie. were there clots / was it bitty / was it watery)
It was pretty much just bright red blood on it's own, but towards the end of the bleeding I did have a couple of little clots.

How long did it last?
The gush of blood was over as soon as it began (although I think that's probably implied), the spotting lasted until the next morning, but got progressively lighter.

What colour was the bleeding?
Bright blood red.

I had a scan while the spotting was still occuring (went to A&E straight after the gush of blood happened) and baby was absolutely fine. That was now 4 weeks ago and my little one is still going strong :flower:

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