I can understand the OP posts but you have to bear in mind that he is in the minority, and personally I would not want it made easier for men to see their kids because it means that more children will be put at risk. This is about the children at the end of the day, and there are many many many single mums who have had horrible relationships with the father of their children, this can be mental, verbal or physical abuse, often in front of the children also. Making it easier for fathers to have access would just open up a whole can of worms because right now, dads CAN have access if they are willing to fight, it might be long and lengthy but it is possible. It also helps weed out the good from the bad, in that most controlling exes will give up, whereas a decent dad who will fight to the death for his child will never give up.
I personally do not think it is right for babies to have overnight access with the dads if the mums are not ok with it, it is alright saying split the time half half, but life is not half half, it is not perfect like that, it is disruptive, and you can disagree with me here, but when babies are young, it can never be equal rights, I know for a fact that I became a mother from the moment I became pregnant, I had to eat the right food, look after myself, attend hospital appointments etc, all because I was nursing a life inside me, I was protecting this life, and I was ensuring no harm came to the baby I was carrying. I had to give up coffee, certain food, fizzy drinks and so on. Then I had to go through the most horrible labour ever, it was awful, hormones are everywhere, the body goes through major changes, 8 months on I am still recovering from the trauma of labour, then I had to breastfeed, again nourishing my baby and looking after him, still unable to eat and drink the things I like and in just 8 months of breastfeeding, I need 4 fillings because breastfeeding is taking all the goodness out of my body, tell me a father who can do all of this? if they did they certainly would not be demanding equal rights when a baby is so young!
I physically cannot bear to be apart from my son, I know him, I carried him, we co sleep, I feed him, it is a proven fact also that babies think they are part of their mums, they do not see themselves as separate people, hence when they realise that they are separate , they go through separation anxiety, which is why overnight visitation is not recommended until after around 2 years of age. Mummies heartbeat and voice is usually what they hear for nine months in the womb.
It is only with formula, paternity, women now going to work and such that fathers take a bigger role in their babies lives, but generally women naturally because they carry the babies and usually breastfeeds them were the main carers. No offence but who has heard of fatherly instincts? You hear so much of mother instincts and it is so right! I have a sixth sense with my son, my ex would think he is fine, but I would just 'know' when something is not right, which resulted in us going to hospital after my son was extremely ill despite the doctors and HV telling me it was a bit of wind! ( turns out to be a serious infection).
Whilst he is a baby, I KNOW best for my son, and I would not trust him with anyone, not even my nearest and dearest, because whilst he has no voice, and he thinks he is part of his mummy, I am his voice, and I know what makes him happy and sad.
There will come a point in life, when he will want more than mummy and that is when daddy comes in and daddy can do all the daddy things. Usually from 3 onwards.
I think being shoved from two homes at a young age has no benefit, all it does it make the father feel better that he has some control and feels he is being a great dad because he has baby for x amount of time, but I honestly see no benefit in it whilst baby is young, When they are older, they find it fun, and will enjoy the change and quality time with mummy and daddy, but as babies? no.
It would be nice in an ideal world to have mummy and daddy living together and thus bath times, bed times, etc is shared by both, but when you are a single mum or single dad, there is no ideal solution, fact is, we live apart from the ex, and the baby has a primary carer and needs to have routine, and stability there, and be with mummy, whilst seeing daddy as much as mummy is happy with ( and usually if daddy is a good person any decent mum would welcome this) then as baby gets older, then it gets easier and no doubt mummy would want a break anyway and probably would welcome overnight visitation.
What i don't like is all fathers demanding equal rights in the sense that they can just turn up when they want, make demands when they want, presume it is fine to have baby overnight, take them abroad on holiday at such a young age, expose them to so many changes at a young age, where they have no voice, cannot speak and whilst learning about the world and themselves are also trying to get used to two different homes , two different set of families, probably two different ways of parenting etc. It is a lot of demand on a baby. My mum was a single mum, and my dad tried bless him, but I know he was not nice to my mum and my mum never said a bad word about him, but I honestly wished he left us alone, I hated the disruption it caused in my life. I hated the stress he put my mum under, the demands he made, and the blame he placed on my mum when I know for a fact my mum struggled, it is not easy being a single mum, having no help, having to do it all by yourself. I hear my friends moaning about their husband, but least they have help on hand.
My ex is controlling, his mother is controlling, he shouts at me in front of our son, he is abusive, but he will still make demands that he should have as much right as me to our son, whereas as far as I am concerned, the moment you shout at me in fron of our son, play games, lies etc, you no longer put our son's welfare first, so you do not deserve equal rights. My son is happy and bubbly, but when he sees his father, he is sombre and clingy to me.
So I am sorry but I do not think ALL fathers should have equal rights and easier access to their child. I do not believe any father is better than no father.
It is better in my opinion to have one single parent giving all their love, doing the best they can and providing a secure upbringing, then two parents, who stress each other, argue, etc, as the child will only be miserable trying to please both parent and feel to blame for both their parents unhappiness.
It is about what is best for the child, sometimes that means just one parent in its life, if you are a decent father, then of course you deserve to be in your child life.
There is also two sides to every story, I am sure my ex is having everyone feeling sorry for him about not seeing his son, but sadly I am sure he only gives his fake version of why that is. I dread the day he ever takes me to court, because sadly I know for a fact, that our son will not be benefiting from him. I hate the motto that just because a man is horrible to his ex does not mean he cannot be a decent father...you are either decent or not, you don't chop and change by being nasty and horrible to one person but then being able to be a good role model and upstanding person to your kid...that is called split personality to me!!
Furthermore all these stories of dads taking revenge is pretty scary!! For a man to lose control, it is a pretty tough thing.
There is never going to be a perfect solution when it comes to access and kids. The main thing is to minimize the risk to the important person in all of this...the children.
PS I urge you to google Family court, children at risk, I would hate us to go down that road!! Where our courts in order to give father equal rights just let all fathers get rights despite putting the children at risk. Prime example would be my friend also has an 8 months old son, her ex has hit her whilst she was holding the son, threatened to take him away, and so on, well they went court, she denied him access, he got supervised access in a contact centre, now all he has to do is turn up for six months then he gets unsupervised access...what signals does that send out? 6 months for him to become a better man? this is the man who put his son at risk by whacking his son's mother more than once whilst she was holding him, and in six months, he will get him unsupervised, that little boy is not safe, but because the courts do not want to be bias, they are giving more and more dads access, personally he should be made to attend anger management, and have supervised access for a few years until the little boy is old enough to speak so that if the dad does abuse him , the little boy can say so.
If you see the NSPCC website, some children has died as a result of access to their fathers. Sorry but no no no no to making it more easier for ALL fathers to access their children despite their bad behaviours.