A strange question about your BFP

The night before we went for food at Nandos and I couldn't stomach the extra hot sauce when I usually need to have it attached in a drip onto my arm because I cant get enough of it! lol We were going to go the the pics as well but I was knackered so we went home. Just before I went to bed I said to Matt 'My boobs are killing me', he said 'are you sure you're not pregnant?' as a joke and I said 'no of course Im not'.

Next morning woke up and was sick... thought I better take a test incase so I did, not actually thinking there would be anything then there it was. SHOCK!!!

I rang Matt straight away as he was on his way to work and I was like "Um... can you come home please? now? its an emergency' so he had to get off the train and come home. He didnt actually believe I was pregnant, he thought I was just holding the test upside down or something lol

Scariest but one of the best days of my life. Apart from all the puking.

Ooh love it Carly!

It was a monday, I was due on the wednesday, had no symptoms. We'd been trying for 3 months but wern't hoping, we were under the consultant for treatment due to me not have AF visit for 9 years but were using no BC.

On that Monday I had no reason to think I was PG at all, just something in my head said I was so I got a test from the 99p shop and it was positive straight away. Whn Mark came home I just said 'I got a positive pg test' neither of us believed it. The next day I got another one from 99p store and got BFP again, then got 2 tesco ones and 2x BFP so made apt with dr who confirmed it.

No AF for 9 years and pg in naturally in 3 months, knowing I was pg before Af due????- explain that if you can!!!
It was a thursday. OH and I were out getting groceries and on the way home he picked up a First Response Test because he suspected I was pregnant. I told him I would take it the next morning. Instead, I took it when we got home, and put away some groceries while I waited the two minutes or however long the wait was. When I went in to look at`the test, and saw a :bfp: I was absolutely shocked, as I didn't believe it was going to happen for us! I told OH and he gave me a hug and I was in shock and amazement. Tears in my eyes, I called into work and told them I was not going to make it in and would explain the next day (I knew I would be too ansy to work that evening). I then called OH dad and told him, as I knew he would be excited to hear our news, because he knew we were trying, and was excited to be a grandfather. It took until the first scan to sink in. The scan was another wonderful moment. I like to relive those moments- BFP, all three ultrasounds, first kicks, hiccups and giving birth. These are the most important and wonderful times in my life, and I will never forget them.:cloud9:
I was at my friends house and i took 4 test and it was all positive, talk about suprised
awww what wonderful wonderful memories, thank you for sharing ladies :hugs: x x x
It was the first month we tried. I took a test 10 dpo as it was my DH's birthday, but it came up negative. I was disappointed, but read the instructions that said it was only 50/50 that early. So I was due on Saturday, but on Friday morning, I couldn't help myself and I tested. I took the test into the kitchen after the 3 minute wait. I stood there, took a deep breath and flipped the test over. Much to my surprise it said 'pregnant'. I thought 'it doesn't say that, and turned the lights up and it still said 'pregnant'. I just stood there in shock with the word echoing in my mind. After about 30 seconds, I burst into tears and ran down the hall to our bedroom. It was 6:30 in the morning, and I burst in there telling DH to turn on the light, turn on the light. He keep saying what is going on, and I just told him to turn o nthe light. As soon as he did I shoved the test in his hands. He looked down and said 'does that say what I think it does' and I told him 'YES we are pregnant'. We laid there for an hour just giggling, amazed and shocked. It was so wonderful!
Mine was on a Friday, i took 3 tests after my period was late, i was absolutely convinced i wasn't pregnant as i had a miscarriage only 5 months before. I can remember the bright pink line getting darker & darker! Makes me wanna cry just remembering it! It was so emotional :cry:
It was a Thursday night after work in early January. This was our first month ttc after having a miscarriage in November (we had started ttc in September and then took a break in December). When I tested I was about 12 days post ovulation and even though I had been feeling a bit queasy the day before and had sore nipples (not an af sign for me), I did not think I could be pregnant that quickly. I did the test because my hubbie's brother and girlfriend were coming over for drinks that night and I did not want to drink if there was a chance I could be pregnant.

So I bought a Clearblue Digital and did the test in the toilets at my local gym before I went for an exercise class. I was so stunned when the test came up 'Pregnant' in a couple of seconds. I ended up buying a couple more tests, just to see the line turn blue!
It was a Thursday night after work in early January. This was our first month ttc after having a miscarriage in November (we had started ttc in September and then took a break in December). When I tested I was about 12 days post ovulation and even though I had been feeling a bit queasy the day before and had sore nipples (not an af sign for me), I did not think I could be pregnant that quickly. I did the test because my hubbie's brother and girlfriend were coming over for drinks that night and I did not want to drink if there was a chance I could be pregnant.

So I bought a Clearblue Digital and did the test in the toilets at my local gym before I went for an exercise class. I was so stunned when the test came up 'Pregnant' in a couple of seconds. I ended up buying a couple more tests, just to see the line turn blue!

And you managed to keep it secret on BnB for aaaaaages!!! I remember you telling us....I was on holiday in California and sat in the internet cafe in our hotel! :)
Month of December....Christmas spirit did it! I remember OH's birthday coming around on the 15th and kept thinking, I hope I don't get my period. Thought the same for Christmas and then New Years.

I was so happy to not have my period during those times and, yet, all the while trying to remember when my last period was.

After New Years, I kept expecting to get it.

January 14th, woke up so hungry. Totally unlike me to be hungry then as I can go all day without eating. "Dan, I think I better go and get a pregnancy test." Hunger in the a.m. was always my first pregnancy sign.

Brought my kids to school and then went and bought a pregnancy test. POSITIVE WTF! "Dan, I am pregnant." Dan looked ever so shocked and not very happy, "What are our options?"

This was around noon. After telling him, I thought about our options and knew I had to keep it.

By the evening, we were both happy about it. :)

Keep in mind, this was also the day our employee did a midnight move on us and left owing us $10,000 so we just weren't in a good mood that day already.
I done 2 cheap tesco tests.

Oh went and bought them..! I cryed my eyes out 4 the first 2days then had a change of heart and kinda liked the idea of being a mummy...

so glad now-Morgans the best thing 2 happen 2 me :)
It was a Thursday night after work in early January. This was our first month ttc after having a miscarriage in November (we had started ttc in September and then took a break in December). When I tested I was about 12 days post ovulation and even though I had been feeling a bit queasy the day before and had sore nipples (not an af sign for me), I did not think I could be pregnant that quickly. I did the test because my hubbie's brother and girlfriend were coming over for drinks that night and I did not want to drink if there was a chance I could be pregnant.

So I bought a Clearblue Digital and did the test in the toilets at my local gym before I went for an exercise class. I was so stunned when the test came up 'Pregnant' in a couple of seconds. I ended up buying a couple more tests, just to see the line turn blue!

And you managed to keep it secret on BnB for aaaaaages!!! I remember you telling us....I was on holiday in California and sat in the internet cafe in our hotel! :)

i remember that to i was well impressed u didnt tell x
We'd only been trying one month, and I'd been taking OPK's all month just for the fun of it because it was our first month and I was all excited. Got a +OPK on Nov. 25th, kept taking them, and it was neg again on 27th. By December 2nd it was + again and I took a HPT just to be sure, and there were the two lines. Only 7DPO so I was shocked as hell.

I told my partner I thought I was pregnant and she just said - well we'll wait and see and make sure your period doesn't come (I hadn't done the HPT yet). So I went in the bathroom with a HPT and did it, and sat on the loo for the five minutes. The lines were there in two, and I walked out of the bathroom and OH was just walking out of bedroom and into the bathroom. I must have had a right look on my face, cos I walked past her and she said 'so it was negative then?' and I just passed it to her, and stood there in shock.. And then we celebrated. I was only 3 weeks gone! Its almost a year ago now! :'(
It was a Thursday night after work in early January. This was our first month ttc after having a miscarriage in November (we had started ttc in September and then took a break in December). When I tested I was about 12 days post ovulation and even though I had been feeling a bit queasy the day before and had sore nipples (not an af sign for me), I did not think I could be pregnant that quickly. I did the test because my hubbie's brother and girlfriend were coming over for drinks that night and I did not want to drink if there was a chance I could be pregnant.

So I bought a Clearblue Digital and did the test in the toilets at my local gym before I went for an exercise class. I was so stunned when the test came up 'Pregnant' in a couple of seconds. I ended up buying a couple more tests, just to see the line turn blue!

And you managed to keep it secret on BnB for aaaaaages!!! I remember you telling us....I was on holiday in California and sat in the internet cafe in our hotel! :)

i remember that to i was well impressed u didnt tell x

I remember that as well, almost fell out of my chair, and I was SOOO happy for you!!
i have pcos so knew it would be a little more difficult to get pregnant straight away. we were trying for almost 2 years and had been referred to start treatment at the end of the month that i found out i was expecting! we had had a hectic few weeks and even moved house just before i found out, and i genuinely think because the thought of getting pregnant had not been so prominent with everything else going on helped to relax me and hubby and that led to us getting pregnant. as i was doing a pregnancy test every month getting a negative result, i didnt even look at the window when i had done it, and left the test in the bathroom. when my hubby got in from work he found it - and the result - and insisted on about 4 other tests just to be sure!

second time around, DS was just 1 and we decided to start trying again expecting it to take at least 12 months, and then by the end of the pregnancy DS would be near 3 years old. i took my last pill on 31st march, and by end of april i just felt different! i did a test but it was negative. i really felt like i had done first time round, but the test convinced me not. half way through may, still feeling 'different' (i dont seem to suffer ususal pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness) i did another test which was positive. im now 30 weeks pregnant and still cant get my head around the fact that it happened so quickly!

luckily OH has been great and i am over the moon, but wondering how i will manage with a 22 month old, and newborn! looking forward to the challenge!

sorry for the longwinded tale, just love remembering how it all happened.
poppy i have no idea how you kept it too yourself, its so hard :) x

i have pcos so knew it would be a little more difficult to get pregnant straight away. we were trying for almost 2 years and had been referred to start treatment at the end of the month that i found out i was expecting! we had had a hectic few weeks and even moved house just before i found out, and i genuinely think because the thought of getting pregnant had not been so prominent with everything else going on helped to relax me and hubby and that led to us getting pregnant. as i was doing a pregnancy test every month getting a negative result, i didnt even look at the window when i had done it, and left the test in the bathroom. when my hubby got in from work he found it - and the result - and insisted on about 4 other tests just to be sure!

second time around, DS was just 1 and we decided to start trying again expecting it to take at least 12 months, and then by the end of the pregnancy DS would be near 3 years old. i took my last pill on 31st march, and by end of april i just felt different! i did a test but it was negative. i really felt like i had done first time round, but the test convinced me not. half way through may, still feeling 'different' (i dont seem to suffer ususal pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness) i did another test which was positive. im now 30 weeks pregnant and still cant get my head around the fact that it happened so quickly!

luckily OH has been great and i am over the moon, but wondering how i will manage with a 22 month old, and newborn! looking forward to the challenge!

sorry for the longwinded tale, just love remembering how it all happened.

what two wonderful stories, i too have pcos, huge congratulatins x x x
Well we had been sort of trying for 4 months my preiods have never been regular i done a test every month always negative we went to turkey and i seen a fridge magnet which was supposed to be the turkish god of fertility so i bought one put it on my radiator in me bedroom right near my headbord and thought no more of it! any way went out got drunk :blush: woke up the next day said to chris "im sure in pregnant in NEVER this sick" ...so we decided to take a test the next day went to tesco got a pack of 2 tescos own in the car on the way home i rember saying "if i am pregnant we should call the baby sicky!" but i really didnt think i was so didnt bother taking the test till the next day ...took it and there is was :bfp: phoned mam told her, took the other test...:bfp: got a clearblue digi "PREGNANT!" i still cant belive it when i look back ..and hes asleep in his cot!!!

Well we had been sort of trying for 4 months my preiods have never been regular i done a test every month always negative we went to turkey and i seen a fridge magnet which was supposed to be the turkish god of fertility so i bought one put it on my radiator in me bedroom right near my headbord and thought no more of it! any way went out got drunk :blush: woke up the next day said to chris "im sure in pregnant in NEVER this sick" ...so we decided to take a test the next day went to tesco got a pack of 2 tescos own in the car on the way home i rember saying "if i am pregnant we should call the baby sicky!" but i really didnt think i was so didnt bother taking the test till the next day ...took it and there is was :bfp: phoned mam told her, took the other test...:bfp: got a clearblue digi "PREGNANT!" i still cant belive it when i look back ..and hes asleep in his cot!!!

aww so so wonderful, i no, i can hear maddi snoring as she has a cold and i just can't believe she's here :cloud9: x
I went to a NHS walk in centre because i wasn,t feeling myself...i was aching all over...and could barely walk...the nurse told me i should do a pregnancy test...i shrugged it off and laughed and was like ''yeh right''...i nearly passed out when she said its a BFP!!! :happydance:...i couldnt stop smiling....

Still in disbelief i went and got a clearblur pregnancy test which says PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT...and i was...i had never smiled so much:)xx

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