A tattooed bride, tea length dress, pinwheels, toadstools and red & blue!

my hubs & best man set up the room for me beens I just couldn't get there between hair makeup getting ready etc I was so worried that it wouldn't be how I saw it in my head despite me sending lots of instructions but I didn't need to worry they did a perfect job so much so to point hubs text me a couple of pics when it was done & I bawled my eyes out cos was spot on (was first lot of tears on day & happened to be as my cousin was doing my makeup so my maid of honor had to text him on makeup artist instruction to tell him no more pics & then makeup had to be re started lol)
Ohhh can I ask to join too?? Well, I'll ask and you can deny me :)
my hubs & best man set up the room for me beens I just couldn't get there between hair makeup getting ready etc I was so worried that it wouldn't be how I saw it in my head despite me sending lots of instructions but I didn't need to worry they did a perfect job so much so to point hubs text me a couple of pics when it was done & I bawled my eyes out cos was spot on (was first lot of tears on day & happened to be as my cousin was doing my makeup so my maid of honor had to text him on makeup artist instruction to tell him no more pics & then makeup had to be re started lol)

Ah that helps me relax a little bit haha! Because we're having the first look session, no one can get in to do it.. everyone else I'd trust will be either busy themselves or with me haha! I'm sure it'll be okay though!

Ohhh can I ask to join too?? Well, I'll ask and you can deny me :)

Of course!


Well... that's everthing sorted... I bring my dress home from my mum's on Sunday and now it's essentially a waiting game... I'm bored already :haha:
its all so exciting! Under 2 weeks to go!
And 2 weeks for you! It's madness... it really is!!

My brother strikes again... I haven't mentioned in here his other "strikes" so I'll try to include everything!

He'll be leaving after the meal and NOT making a speech because he has to go to work after the meal and can't drink (taxi driver) so won't be making a speech without a drink.

His speech is really important to me... sigh. He's happy to take a day and night off work to go bowling. He's happy to take the day and night off work every Monday to play darts in the pub...

This is the same brother who decided him and my nephew will be wearing kilts when we'd specifically asked people not to then called my mum when he was trying them on and asked if I would be paying for them. The same brother who's getting a light up, noise making, water emitting fire engine for my nephew to play with during the ceremony "so he doesn't get bored". The same brother who refused to wear the buttonholes I'd made so had to buy him a new one. The same brother who's refusing to wear the bow ties the rest of the men will be wearing so has bought his own tie. The same brother who's apparently forgotten whose wedding it is... the same brother who's getting married next August and I want to come up with a million and one plans to do to him what he's doing to us!
They're not on properly but you get the gist...

possible wedding nails... cheapies but I LOVE them! Although how the heck do people with long nails get things done? I'm struggling and they're only on one hand...
You will get used to them being on lol, I love having super long ones on, Give it a few days and you wont feel like you have anything on lol.

1 week is not long!! :D I miss wedding planning :haha:
Your brother just sounds like he's being rather selfish and forgetting just whos wedding it is. He seems to be doing it on purpose too :nope:

Love the nails! Not done mine in ages! Might break out the konad nail stamps tonight haha
You will get used to them being on lol, I love having super long ones on, Give it a few days and you wont feel like you have anything on lol.

1 week is not long!! :D I miss wedding planning :haha:

I hope so haha! Would you like to come and finish mine?! ;)

Your brother just sounds like he's being rather selfish and forgetting just whos wedding it is. He seems to be doing it on purpose too :nope:

Love the nails! Not done mine in ages! Might break out the konad nail stamps tonight haha

Yeah, since my brother met his fiancee he's been hideously selfish. If it doesn't benefit or give something to him and his family, he just doesn't care :nope:

I can't paint nails to save my life... I glued all my fingers together putting these on... :dohh: :haha:


Music is sorted! :happydance:

Guests being seated
All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar
You Are So Beautiful - Joe Cocker
Grow Old with You - Adam Sandler
Wonderwall - Oasis
Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung
1,2,3,4 - Plain White T's
Brightest - Copeland

Bridal entrance
Everyday - Buddy Holly

Signing the register
The Luckiest - Ben Folds
Grow Old With You - Adam Sandler
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes
I'm Sticking With You - The Velvet Underground
Earth Angel - Death Cab For Cutie

I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles

Drinks reception
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
Earth Angel - Death Cab For Cutie
She Is Love - Oasis
Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung
Wonderwall - Oasis
Grow Old With You - Adam Sandler
I'm Sticking With You - The Velvet Underground
1,2,3,4 - Plain White T's
You and I - Ingrid Michaelson

Lots of repeats but it's okay :D
love those nails I bite mine but had false ones for wedding day they got removed by lunchtime the day after so un pratical
Thanks! I plan on removing them once the evening reception is in full swing lol!

I wrote my speech last night :D
this time next week you will be waking up a Mrs :)
this time next week you will be waking up a Mrs :)

Indeed! How odd! This time next week, we'll be packing last minute things for tomorrow :D :D :happydance: :happydance:

Oh, here's my speech!

I know it's not a common occurence, for the bride to give a speech, but as I'm sure you're aware by now... it hasn't really been the most traditional of weddings so far has it, and why chance that now? There are some things I want to say to a couple of people so please grant me these next 5 minutes.

First of all, thank you SO much to everyone for just simply being here. Your presence is the best present Colin and I could have hoped for and it means the world to the both of us to share this day with each and everyone of you.

I'm going to start with saying thank you to Henri. Of everyone from London, you're the only one here and, despite not having seen you for 7 or 8 years, I just need to look at you and know nothing much has changed; isn't that what true friendship really is? It means more than I could tell you that you went to the effort of travelling to be here with us. When you think back to that horrendously cold, rainy day in London, lying in the grass listening to that Snow Patrol song on one of our phones... could you ever have imagined back then that we'd be where we are now all these years later? It's amazing and you're amazing. You've got the most perfect little family of your own and, today, I made a start on mine. Thank you for being here.

Thank you to Maurice and to Wendy for all the help we've received in the run up to the wedding and for welcoming me so well into the Gamble family. We met for the very first time not that long ago in the entrance lobby of a hotel and whilst Colin and I waited for them to come down from their room, I think my stomach was more of a mess than it has been at any point today! But the minute Maurice saw Colin, his face broke into the biggest smile I've seen and I was quickly pulled into a hug; any nerves I'd had vanished then and it's made me so incredibly happy to have the both of you involved in the planning as much as possible and so appreciative to the help you've give us. Thank you and I'm looking forward to a thousand and one happy years as a Gamble.

Thank you to Leigh, my maid of honour and my sister. You look absolutely stunning today and there's no one else I'd have wanted by my side throughout the planning and here today. The fact that you never once questioned what I asked you to wear was not only very very surprising but highly appreciated! You've made a large portion of the planning process ridiculously easy so thank you for that, thank you for being here and thank you for the mountain of support you've given through the years; I was never the easiest sister to live with and you sure did let me know it the majority of the time but I couldn't have asked for better and I'm so proud to be able to look at you and say "yep, that's my sister!" Thank you.

To Katie and to Ross. You're 2 of the best friends a girl could ask for and you've both been there for me through numerous ups and downs and I know I can turn to either of you when I need it; you both look amazing and you've been such a calming influence on me throughout today. I couldn't imagine doing this without either of you. Thank you.

To Jarred and Pete. We met for the first time just 2 days ago but you're really, really great guys. It means so much to Colin to have you both here today therefore it means the world to me too. Thank you for being here with us today.

To Alan! My big brother. Growing up, my grandad so greatly filled the space my own father should have taken and he done an amazing job. When he passed, my big brother stepped up and followed in his footsteps and for that, I'll be eternally greatful. Now that I'm old and married, I suppose you can step down from that role now! And now you're even older, you've got your own beautiful children and I'm so proud of the man you are and the dad you became. I never had to think about who I wanted to give me away today; it was always going to be you. Thank you for everything you've done for me and thank you for being right by my side as I made the most nerve wracking walk of my life today!

Mum. Where do I even begin? Everyone says they've got the best mum in the world and, when they do, I just smile and nod my head because it just can't possibly be true... because I truly have the best mother anyone could ever ask for. I can't even put into words how much you mean to me, mum, and if I tried, it'd just be a hideously inadequate attempt.My childhood was an amazing one full of fun, love and laughter thanks to you and when I look at myself, Leigh and Alan, I'm constantly amazed at the job you've done raising us. When I was at my worst, there was just one person I could rely on to be there day in and day out, at any hour and that's you. Your love and support has been constant and unfaultering and to think of everything you've dealt with, put up with and done for me is just mind blowing. It's all thanks to you, this person I've become today. It's all thanks to you that I learned to love myself enough to allow someone else to love me. Everything I am today and everything I hope to be in the future is all thanks to you. If I grow up to be half the woman and mother you are, I'll truly be the happiest woman in the world. Thank you so much for everything mum. Like I've said, there are just no words to describe just how much you mean to me and how much I love you. You don't hear those words anywhere near enough as you should from me so I'll say it again: I love you, mum. And thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To Colin! I should probably fit you in here somewhere! Who'd have thought this day would ever come? It's been a complete whirlwind since the day you entered my life and I hope that whirlwind never stops. For those who don't know, Colin and I met online and he was meant to be coming over from Northern Ireland to visit me just for the weekend. He arrived for the visit... and just never went home! We've yet to spend a night apart, even last night, and I can say, honestly, I'm yet to grow sick of him! There's not a soul on this earth that I could even begin to imagine spending the rest of my life with but you; things I thought would be impossible are seeming possible now that you're in my life. You've awoken feelings and emotions in me that I never thought I'd be lucky enough to feel. You mean the entire world to me and the thought of our future fills me with the most intense excitement. Thank you for that. Thank you for being you. But, most of all, thank you for becoming my husband today. I can't wait to see what we can acheive together. I love you.

Lastly, I'd like to raise a glass to those who couldn't be here today. To my granny and my grandad White. My grandad McEwan. To Dani. I hope the view is as good up there as it is from down here.
That's a beautiful speech!! Certainly going to have a few tears with that one I reckon :)

I've not been able to keep up with your journal, but from what I have seen, your day is going to be epic!!!! I can't wait to see the photos
Thank you!!

I'm currently in that "I don't really know what I should be doing and I've got this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that I'm forgetting something" stage.

I also have full blown flu and a chest infection.

I also still don't know how I'm doing my make up.

.... lol. It's all good. I only really have tomorrow to find out what I'm supposed to be doing, remember what I'm forgetting, get rid of the flu and infection, completely gut the house, figure out what I'm doing with my make up, get everything I'll need in the place that I'll need it and be READY TO GO on Saturday morning. Friday is literally fully booked and just doesn't exist in the diary anymore.
Wow I love your speech! It made me tear up & I don't even really know you! hahaha!!!

Feel better soon!!!!!!
Oh no! Hope you shift the illness before Saturday. And that the "forgotten" thing actually isn't forgotten at all. I get that feeling all the time whenever I go away, but never actually forget anything.
Eep! 2 days to go!! That time 2 years ago was my due date for pixie.

Hope you have a wonderful day and I cannot wait to see your pics!
I'm sure you're far too busy to be on here so thought I would post a little message for when you do get online I hope you both have a fantastic day tomorrow & it's everything you hope & dream for :flower:
Good Luck for tomorrow, I hope your day goes amazingly!
Can't wait to see pictures :)

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