A thought on introducing solids...

My son just turned 4 months old today, and is the same as you described yours in the first paragraph of the first post. He also is interested in watching us eat, and actually last night I hand expressed some breastmilk onto a spoon and gave it to him just to see what he'd do. He loved it! All babies explore things by putting them in their mouths. However, Those are NOT food readiness signs.

OP, I get your argument, I do. Logically, it makes sense. But unless you go search out the research yourself, don't just dismiss your HV because she disagrees with you. You don't HAVE to follow her recommendations, but it's her job to tell you them, because it's what the NHS advises based on current research.

It really bothers me in general, when I see (and I see it ALL the time on here) that "mommy knows best." A mother's instinct is a wonderful thing, and I would say I haven't seen anyone on here who is deliberately out to do less than the best for their child. That doesn't mean that we all KNOW what is best, or that we're not comfortable doing things in another way which, while it may not be harmful, may be slightly more risky in some way.

You've already started introducing cereal (which yes, would be referred to as weaning, even if you aren't cutting out milk). It's up to you whether or not you keep doing it or not. Everybody and their brother will have a story about someone they knew who was introduced solids at 2 weeks and was fine, and someone who was EBF until 6 months and has loads of allergies. That's ALL anecdotal evidence, which shouldn't really have a say in your decision. Researching the science behind it all would give you an objective point of view to reevaluate your decision on.

Like I said, my son is 4 months, and sounds on par with yours developmentally. I am 99% certain that if I started him on rice or oatmeal, he'd take to it well and love it, look forward to it, pull the spoon as you described, etc. but based on the research I've done, I don't feel it's best for him. And I can tell he's not missing anything by me not giving it to him. He doesn't know about it, and he'll wait 2 more months before he does. I cannot fathom feeding him solids at this point.

Anyway, you've done what you've done. It's not the worst thing ever, so don't let other posters on here make you feel like it is. But also, don't bash the real research that has been done concerning the topic.
It is my understanding that the reason that there is an increase in allergies, is that often solids are being introduced while the infant isn't (fully) on breastmilk. That if we were to give our infants breastmilk (ebf) while introducing solids that this would minimize the chances of allergies.

Again I am not sure, but that is what I read. I do not know about other communities, but mine anyways, around 6 months a lot of people have fully weaned from breastfeeding their babies or do a combination of ff and bf, the theory could make sense though.

Also I do believe that regardless of allergies, it might be better to wait a bit with solids just to be sure that the digestive system is matured.

P.S. I have only read the first page, so I hope I am not repeating anything! xxx
I started at about 5.5 months with DS as he was crawling and eating food off the floor (happens with a messy toddler lol). I tend to think when they can physically feed themselves they are *probably* ready (makes sense evolutionary) , however, why take the chance if it can be avoided?
The keyword here is guidelines, that's all they are. It's not the law. Read as much as you can, talk with people and then make your own choice.

I didn't know what I wanted to do but the choice was taken from us due to our LO's reflux. We ended up weaning super early at 15 weeks on medical advice. It was the right choice for our girl and I'm thankful our HV was awesomely supportive rather than just spouting current guidelines which would have made me feel worse than I already did.

As for the OP being a troll, perhaps she just doesn't want to come back because of all the bickering? She may have made a dramatic few posts but can I just remind people how utterly stressful those early days can be. Rather than being abused and called a troll maybe we should be supportive? That doesn't have to mean agreeing with her but just responding kindly.
It is my understanding that the reason that there is an increase in allergies, is that often solids are being introduced while the infant isn't (fully) on breastmilk. That if we were to give our infants breastmilk (ebf) while introducing solids that this would minimize the chances of allergies.

Again I am not sure, but that is what I read. I do not know about other communities, but mine anyways, around 6 months a lot of people have fully weaned from breastfeeding their babies or do a combination of ff and bf, the theory could make sense though.

Also I do believe that regardless of allergies, it might be better to wait a bit with solids just to be sure that the digestive system is matured.

P.S. I have only read the first page, so I hope I am not repeating anything! xxx

well then by this logic then no matter when babies are weaned...if they are on formula...then they don't stand a chance...that I def don't buy.
Ahh the great weaning debate. I don't think it's quite as big of an issue in the us. I can't honestly think of one person I know that has waited till 6 months to wean. Honestly I'm the odd one who waits until at least 5 months. :haha: and my pediatrician said at dd2 4 month check up next month we would talk about starting solids. I think the best thing is to just read the guidelines and research for yourself and make your own informed decision. It's ultimately up to you when and how you wean your baby. Good luck :)
Ahh the great weaning debate. I don't think it's quite as big of an issue in the us. I can't honestly think of one person I know that has waited till 6 months to wean. Honestly I'm the odd one who waits until at least 5 months. :haha: and my pediatrician said at dd2 4 month check up next month we would talk about starting solids. I think the best thing is to just read the guidelines and research for yourself and make your own informed decision. It's ultimately up to you when and how you wean your baby. Good luck :)

Yeah, I've never heard much debate on it honestly, lol! Just on here. With DS1, pediatrician recommended we start weaning at 4 months. I didn't know any better as a FTM and trusted our pediatrician (still trust her, by the way), so we did. With DS2, they recommended starting to wean sometime between 4-6 months, so their recommendation had changed a bit. I had done more research on my own though, so decided to wait longer with DS2 to introduce solids. I started around 5 1/2 months with DS2, very slowly introducing a few bites.
Ahh the great weaning debate. I don't think it's quite as big of an issue in the us. I can't honestly think of one person I know that has waited till 6 months to wean. Honestly I'm the odd one who waits until at least 5 months. :haha: and my pediatrician said at dd2 4 month check up next month we would talk about starting solids. I think the best thing is to just read the guidelines and research for yourself and make your own informed decision. It's ultimately up to you when and how you wean your baby. Good luck :)

Yeah, I've never heard much debate on it honestly, lol! Just on here. With DS1, pediatrician recommended we start weaning at 4 months. I didn't know any better as a FTM and trusted our pediatrician (still trust her, by the way), so we did. With DS2, they recommended starting to wean sometime between 4-6 months, so their recommendation had changed a bit. I had done more research on my own though, so decided to wait longer with DS2 to introduce solids. I started around 5 1/2 months with DS2, very slowly introducing a few bites.
That's exactly what I've always heard 4-6 months. So I went for right in the middle :haha: I get a lot of questions on why I don't wean the minute my babies turn 4 months I'm just like cause I don't wanna :haha:
I'm in Australia and our health nurse advised starting solids between 4-6 months with the emphasis on 'mother knows best' we tried some puréed pumpkin at 4 and a half months to see if she was ready... Nope...so we just tried on and off until she was ready...it's only now she's starting to enjoy it, food in my opinion is to learn and have fun, milk provides most of the nutrition.

I have no idea why anyone would want to rush solid foods.....it's messy!!
Ahh the great weaning debate. I don't think it's quite as big of an issue in the us. I can't honestly think of one person I know that has waited till 6 months to wean. Honestly I'm the odd one who waits until at least 5 months. :haha: and my pediatrician said at dd2 4 month check up next month we would talk about starting solids. I think the best thing is to just read the guidelines and research for yourself and make your own informed decision. It's ultimately up to you when and how you wean your baby. Good luck :)

I think it's not as big of an issue in real life in general. This is the internet. Everything gets blown up. :haha:

I am in the US and waited until 6 months to wean based on the guidelines and my research.
I asked our pediatrician what her recommended weaning age and she said, "When you feel they're ready." I waited until 6 months but my girls weren't ready until 8 months, being preemies. We never gave rice cereal. It has no taste and no natural nutritional value, so we went right to fruits and vegetables.

Honestly, I can understand FTMs wanting to start their babies on solids ASAP because it's "fun." But oh my gosh, it's really NOT. I spend every single day wishing I could put my girls back on 100% breastmilk because their poop makes me die a little inside with every diaper change.
I started Isabelle at 5 months - too early in hindsight. With Joel, I kinda forgot about weaning because 6 months still seems so tiny! We did just start last week though with some banana. I know he's ready and he enjoyed it.

17 weeks is so tiny, I really would only wean then for medical reasons. With a first baby you think 17 weeks is huge, but it really isn't.
We started weaning Thomas a few days shy of 6 months. He didn't eat more than 1 mouthful at a mealtime until 9 months anyway.
I agree with the posters who have questioned why mums are so keen to start weaning due to the mess -omg it soooo messy lol!

However, at just over 16 weeks I am starting to question if I am going to start weaning my daughter or not. My gut feeling is that she does now need solids. I am breastfeeding and she is feeding much more often, sleeping much less and is not satisfied after feeding from both breasts. I expected a growth spurt and with additional feeding my breasts have been making extra milk - both sides are very very full and she empties both but still hungry.

This is my third baby, the heaviest yet (15lb) & my other two also started around 4 months, as per guidelines back then.

Does early weaning cause IBS & allergies - maybe, mabe not. I think there are lots of other factors involved. I am from a big family and and all my siblings and cousins (15 in total), our children and their children have all been weaned between 10 and 17 weeks. None of us have allergies, IBS, disorders of digestive tracts, obesity, diabetes or food intolerances. Maybe we just have lucky genes?
I weaned ds at about 18 weeks. He seemed a hungry baby, went through milk at a crazy rate. However I really really regret this now I have started weaning my daughter. We waited until 6 months to do blw with her, and it has been one of the best most amazing parenting experience ever. For me all those days spent pureeing foods, spoon feeding, panicking when introducing anything remotely lumpy, worrying about choking/gaggin when introduing new finger foods, faffing over every mess - where just an absolute nightmare!! lol..

With dd she eats everything, and anything we eat, she eats more than my son, she attempts to eat anything. We have been weaning for nearly 2 months, and I love the way we do this. I am completely confident in her ability to remove food when it seems stuck. I am enjoying every aspect of watching her eat - she is amazes me completely!

Now I am not going against the op, unltimately the bare minimum age is 17 and 3/4 weeks (which is 4 months), and it is your choice, but make sure you are doing it for your baby and not because you are excited about the next stop.

I agree with the posters who have questioned why mums are so keen to start weaning due to the mess -omg it soooo messy lol!

However, at just over 16 weeks I am starting to question if I am going to start weaning my daughter or not. My gut feeling is that she does now need solids. I am breastfeeding and she is feeding much more often, sleeping much less and is not satisfied after feeding from both breasts. I expected a growth spurt and with additional feeding my breasts have been making extra milk - both sides are very very full and she empties both but still hungry.

This is my third baby, the heaviest yet (15lb) & my other two also started around 4 months, as per guidelines back then.

Does early weaning cause IBS & allergies - maybe, mabe not. I think there are lots of other factors involved. I am from a big family and and all my siblings and cousins (15 in total), our children and their children have all been weaned between 10 and 17 weeks. None of us have allergies, IBS, disorders of digestive tracts, obesity, diabetes or food intolerances. Maybe we just have lucky genes?

It's the 4 month sleep regression and growth spurt honestly if you can ride it out it gets better within 3-4 weeks xx
I agree with the posters who have questioned why mums are so keen to start weaning due to the mess -omg it soooo messy lol!

However, at just over 16 weeks I am starting to question if I am going to start weaning my daughter or not. My gut feeling is that she does now need solids. I am breastfeeding and she is feeding much more often, sleeping much less and is not satisfied after feeding from both breasts. I expected a growth spurt and with additional feeding my breasts have been making extra milk - both sides are very very full and she empties both but still hungry.

This is my third baby, the heaviest yet (15lb) & my other two also started around 4 months, as per guidelines back then.

Does early weaning cause IBS & allergies - maybe, mabe not. I think there are lots of other factors involved. I am from a big family and and all my siblings and cousins (15 in total), our children and their children have all been weaned between 10 and 17 weeks. None of us have allergies, IBS, disorders of digestive tracts, obesity, diabetes or food intolerances. Maybe we just have lucky genes?

It's the 4 month sleep regression and growth spurt honestly if you can ride it out it gets better within 3-4 weeks xx

I've got to be honest, mine did exactly the same, and I rode it out for 5 weeks before one of my friends took me to one side and pointed out gently that I looked like I was dying. Her LO had been the same at that age, and she'd given a bit of baby rice and he'd started sleeping through in the traditional sense (i.e., 5 hours) and it had saved her sanity.

Of course, I tried it and it didn't work for me (I think we've hit the six month sleep regression without ever leaving the four month one) BUT LO had so much fun tasting food that I've continued giving him bits and pieces as we've gone along.

So, yeah, definitely try riding it out. Just don't feel you have to keep on going past the point where your friends start mistaking you for Patient Zero of the Zombiepocalypse.
It is my understanding that the reason that there is an increase in allergies, is that often solids are being introduced while the infant isn't (fully) on breastmilk. That if we were to give our infants breastmilk (ebf) while introducing solids that this would minimize the chances of allergies.

Again I am not sure, but that is what I read. I do not know about other communities, but mine anyways, around 6 months a lot of people have fully weaned from breastfeeding their babies or do a combination of ff and bf, the theory could make sense though.

Also I do believe that regardless of allergies, it might be better to wait a bit with solids just to be sure that the digestive system is matured.

P.S. I have only read the first page, so I hope I am not repeating anything! xxx

well then by this logic then no matter when babies are weaned...if they are on formula...then they don't stand a chance...that I def don't buy.

Of course this is about chances, no one said that if solids are introduced to partially ff babies or fully ff babies that they will definitely develop allergies. Of course not, it is not that simple.

There are fully ebf babies that still develop allergies while introducing solids, why? Because genetics isn't that simple, there are a lot of factors that play their designated role. Just like someone can be a chain smoker and never develop cancer or get a heart attack and die at the age of 93 perfectly healthy. Whereas it is also possible that a very healthy conscious person does get a heart attack at the age of 55.

It is a theory that because formula is more common now, and that there is a bigger amount of infants whom are not (exclusively) breast feed during the introduction of solids that the rates of allergies have increased. I find this completely plausible, why not? It does not mean that it is the sole reason, it also could be, or be one of the main/leading reasons, but it is a possibility nonetheless.
I'm in the US and did a ton of research and ended up deciding to introduce solids at 4 months. LO didn't really eat much until about 8 months, but he got exposure to some allergens and that was the whole idea.

Anyone who has delved into the research to the extent of reading scientific articles will have seen that there's at least starting to be a trend of findings going in the opposite direction to the current guidelines -- namely, that introducing allergens earlier is better in the absence of a family history, at least while BF. My personal conclusion from my reading and my discussions with our ped (who recommended waiting until 6 months per current guidelines) is that the guidelines are likely to start changing in the next few years. But that's obviously going beyond the current published data.

Just wanted to say this since the assumption is often that moms who introduce solids earlier are ill informed. That is not always the case. If you read many of the articles cited on e.g. Kellymom, they do not specifically support waiting until 6 months rather than 4+ months, at least for the sake of preventing allergies (the stuff on respiratory illness is less ambiguous IIRC but it seemed worth the tradeoff to me).
Ahh the great weaning debate. I don't think it's quite as big of an issue in the us. I can't honestly think of one person I know that has waited till 6 months to wean. Honestly I'm the odd one who waits until at least 5 months. :haha: and my pediatrician said at dd2 4 month check up next month we would talk about starting solids. I think the best thing is to just read the guidelines and research for yourself and make your own informed decision. It's ultimately up to you when and how you wean your baby. Good luck :)

I think it's not as big of an issue in real life in general. This is the internet. Everything gets blown up. :haha:

I am in the US and waited until 6 months to wean based on the guidelines and my research.

This is true :haha:

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