A trip to my mom's put baby and I both in agony! Please help!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2011
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My baby will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. He was born 5 weeks early and stayed in nursery for 10 days. He wasnt really able to latch on so I ended up exclusively pumping. I had a lot of milk once it came in and then because of work I ended up pumping less, but he always had enough milk for every feeds because I had quite a stash while he was still in nursery.

So yesterday took him to my mom's so she could watch him while I go to doctors. I brought with me 400 ml worth of breast milk that was in a large container. I gave him a bottle right when I got there and there was still 300 ml left which I told my younger bro to put in fridge for me. When I got back from doc's I was gonna make him another bottle but the container was completely empty. I asked what happened to my milk and no one knew almost like it magically disappeared...logn story short; that was the last 300 ml of milk I had left. The 300 ml was supposed to be enough for 3 feeds while I pumped on the side to save but because the milk magically disappeared I eended up starting at square one. Been pumping like a maniac since yesterday but still not getting enough milk for him. He needs at least 2 oz but I am pumping just that or even a little less. Can someone please tell me what I have to do? I dotn want to starve him!
if you dont have enough milk, you may need to top him up with formula. Its better to give him a bit of that than leave baby hungry but in the mean time, pump regularly, keep hydrated and try to relax when pumping to encourage as much let down as you can x
When's the last time you tried bf'ing? Maybe his latch is better now. My ds was in the nicu for a week and they gave him bottles and formula without asking me. Bc of the bottles I figured he wouldn't be able to latch so tried pumping the first week he was home but felt I could never get ahead. My oh encouraged me to try bf'ing again and to my surprise it worked!
Sound like you have a supportive oh buttercup!

OP - have cuddles with baby while you express if you can. X
Angelandbump- that's what I was thinking too. Might give top off with formula then let him starve. I was so set on breastfeeding with ds1 that I never considered formula so he ended up suffering and weight plummeted.
Buttercup- I tried nursing directly and he latches on ok but gets mad cuz not enough milk.
From what all the nurses and LCs have told me, even when you feel it isn't enough milk, it really is enough. Hour isn't going to starve. I bet if you tried ebf again that your supply would increase anyway just from the increase in stimulation from your lo!
From what all the nurses and LCs have told me, even when you feel it isn't enough milk, it really is enough. Hour isn't going to starve. I bet if you tried ebf again that your supply would increase anyway just from the increase in stimulation from your lo!

Thats what everyone told me even when ds1 was a newborn..but both of my babies seriously act like they are not getting what they need. With ds1 I pretty much just ignored his dissatisifaction because the nurses told me he's getting enough than I think so I kept waiting it out and never topped with formula as a result he started out as a chubby baby and ended up goign off the growth charts because he wasnt gaining for several months. Now same thing is happening with ds2.

I am still doing all I can, put him to breast first, if he's not full (never was) then if I have expressed milk handy I give it to him, but with the missing milk dilema I had to pump from scratch so no longer have milk handy. We had such a bad morning he cried constantly for a few hours even when I put him to breast he sucked a few times and maybe it wasnt coming fast enough but he cried til his face got red. I had enough and didnt want both of us suffering so went out and got formula. Made him a 4 ounce bottle he took 2.5 ounce and been asleep at least an hour now. I'm just supplementing til I have enough milk to feed him. Dh is pro breastfeeding at least first 6 months and was afraid I would go cold turkey on him and just stop breastfeeding altogether and I said no just gonna supplement for the next 1 or 2 days til I get more milk.

My last pump was half an hour ago and I got 2.5 ounce which is an improvement just hope it stays that way and get better over time.
Maybe try hand expressing until you feel your letdown starting. It sounds silly but if i take deep breaths and empty my lungs, I feel it helps my milk come faster. Once my letdown comes, I spray like a hose.
Maybe that will encourage your baby to latch more xx
Maybe try hand expressing until you feel your letdown starting. It sounds silly but if i take deep breaths and empty my lungs, I feel it helps my milk come faster. Once my letdown comes, I spray like a hose.
Maybe that will encourage your baby to latch more xx

I still put him to the breast when I am home but still have to pump more than I nurse because I go to work and daddy needs milk to bottle feed him. He latches on fine but seems to get frustrated pretty easily if he doesnt get it the first time. Sometimes he latches on clumsily and after first try he just gives up and keeps crying til I give in to bottle. I dont mind bottle feeding really, long as he gets his milk just was worried bout supply. I am getting anywhere from 3 oz - 4.5 oz plus during a pumping session...he's currently taking 2.5 oz every 2-3 hours atm so its enough for him not to starve...but hoping I'll get more.
take ur shirt and bra off at night and cuddle him, let him look around babies under 9 months will naturally look around for a nipple... they are programed too, even if they are formula feed. Squeeze out some milk on your nipple.. Spend lots of skin to skin time..

Sadly pumping is a pain because the amounts will never be what baby pump, and on average most people only pump .5-2oz a day, or at a time, if lucky. Also remember babies stomach is about the size of their first.

Babies that are commonly given bottles and than breast can get fussy sometimes, because most of the time the bottle gives them milk faster, they don't have to work at it like they do on the breast..

Also try pumping one side if you can get him to eat, pump in the shower, with a hot (well as hot as you can handle) wash cloth on your breasts.. Pump at night, even if you have to wake up too.
I know I could never pump exclusively as my body just stops producing enough milk to be pumped, however I know my dd is still able to suck it out I just can't pump it :haha:
My only advice is to just put him straight on the breast, and maybe ask for some help from a la leche group?
The difference with breast and bottle is that with a bottle the milk comes straight away, first suck, on the breast baby has to suck a few times to get the milk to let down. As he's used to bottles he'll get frustrated at the breast because the milk isn't instant. If you hand express or pump until the milk starts coming out steadily, then latch him on he'll get milk from the first suck and won't be as frustrated. Once you get him on the breast and feeding properly he'll be more efficient than any pump can ever be, he'll get more milk than you get pumping x
The difference with breast and bottle is that with a bottle the milk comes straight away, first suck, on the breast baby has to suck a few times to get the milk to let down. As he's used to bottles he'll get frustrated at the breast because the milk isn't instant. If you hand express or pump until the milk starts coming out steadily, then latch him on he'll get milk from the first suck and won't be as frustrated. Once you get him on the breast and feeding properly he'll be more efficient than any pump can ever be, he'll get more milk than you get pumping x

Thats what the lactaction specialist also told em before we left the hospital. Thing is he might be getting more than I think from the breast but I cant exclusivly breastfeed him because I have to work. Plus whenever I breastfeed him, he latches on and is no longer frustrated but after 20-30 minutes of nursing I would lay him down and he wouldnt go to sleep. He'd lay there in his bassinet looking around and alert and start to cry less than an hour later. I just really need to work on being able to pump extra or at least enough milk because if I dont, dh will have nothing to feed him when I am gone and we'll have to eventually formula feed him which I dont want but will be the last resort.
But putting baby to the breast as much as possible will increase your supply not lessen it. So you'd have more chance of pumping more for the times you're not going to be there. Exclusively pumping is very difficult, not many women can do it. Having some feeds at the breast will help maintain your supply long term.

As to the fact he didn't go to sleep after a beast feed, maybe it's just coincidence? Maybe he wasn't sleepy? Maybe he wouldn't have slept at that time even if you gave him formula? There's no reason he should be less satisfied with a breastfeed as long as his latch is good and he's transferring plenty of milk.
But putting baby to the breast as much as possible will increase your supply not lessen it. So you'd have more chance of pumping more for the times you're not going to be there. Exclusively pumping is very difficult, not many women can do it. Having some feeds at the breast will help maintain your supply long term.

As to the fact he didn't go to sleep after a beast feed, maybe it's just coincidence? Maybe he wasn't sleepy? Maybe he wouldn't have slept at that time even if you gave him formula? There's no reason he should be less satisfied with a breastfeed as long as his latch is good and he's transferring plenty of milk.

I'm getting about 4 - 5 oz of pumped breastmilk now so theres an increase but thats also how much he's been taking at each feeding so not really saving anything. I cant really relax yet.

As far as the not sleeping after a breastfeed, he'd be awake and cranky...not awake and playful. The routine usually plays out this way: put him to breast for 20-30 minutes, put him in swing/bassinet, he'd be quiet for 5 minutes starts crying hysterically, I start pumping like a maniac to give him some more in a bottle, gives him at least another 2 oz, THEN he will be happy and go to sleep.

Idk, my motherly instinct just tells me he's not able to get enough from the breast because after 30 minutes my breast still feels full and I am able to pump 3 oz..because he is a preemie and weight gain is an issue the lactation said to stop breastfeeding at 20 minutes (although I went for 30) since we dont want him burning extra calories trying to suck. I know he is getting something at the breast because I can hear him suck adn swallow but he is lazy and falls asleep at the breast.

On a side note he keeps spitting up after each feed, do you know what might cause this? He doesnt cry after spitting up though so I dont think its reflux? He spits up and looks so happy. Getting tired of changing his clothes. Its not much, just a dribble most time but sometimes it would trickle down his ear (doesnt go into his ear though).
I think it's what's known as posseting. I think it's totally normal.
Perhaps your baby drank all the milk while you were gone.

We left our baby with my mom for 3.5 hours(when she was 5 weeks old), so my DH and I could have dinner and a movie together. Our baby drank not only 200ml of pumped breast milk but also 200ml of formula we had in the bag! Plus 60ML of water. It was nuts. She never drinks that much in 3.5hours in the evening. So apparently she may have been nervous and just needed the milk"comfort fed.
Perhaps your baby drank all the milk while you were gone.

We left our baby with my mom for 3.5 hours(when she was 5 weeks old), so my DH and I could have dinner and a movie together. Our baby drank not only 200ml of pumped breast milk but also 200ml of formula we had in the bag! Plus 60ML of water. It was nuts. She never drinks that much in 3.5hours in the evening. So apparently she may have been nervous and just needed the milk"comfort fed.

I asked my mom if he had another bottle while I was gone and she said he slept the whole time, so I still havent came up with an answer but its been over a week now so idc anymore.

Ughh he drank 4 oz of milk and just spit up again! His onsie is wet sround the neck area but I am too tired to change it...I actually just changed him less than an hour ago (not from spitting). We had a family outing today at the lake and there was no way I could pump just nursed him but always felt full so was able to pump 4 oz after getting home and gave it to him.
Sounds like he is either full or he spit up because he needed to be burped.

Also the fussiness after a feeding could be just being tired. My 7 week old does this now.

Sometimes she'll be awake, 1hr after a feeding. Just smiling and moving her arms and legs around and turning her head left and right while looking around. But sometimes she gets so cranky after a feed. And I have to rock/bounce her to sleep while patting her back.
Also, I feel full after feedings now, too, and can often pump a couple oz. I think its all that cluster feeding my baby has been doing. How old is your baby? Was he cluster feeding recently?

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