Abdominal pain? Ovary pain? Possible cysts? (TMI warning)


Mama of 1
Jul 18, 2011
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So I have never had kids but I have been TTC for 3 months now. I have a lot of PCOS symptoms or endometriosis and I'm waiting for my doctor to get back to me regarding my blood tests.

Sometimes around ovulation, I get stabby pains and swollen ovaries (can actually feel it!) after I BD especially, but sometimes just randomly.

Now I am around 4DPO and last night I had the WORST abdominal pain ever starting in the middle and shooting off to the right side. It's stabby/achy/crampy all together. I almost fainted and/or threw up, not really sure but I felt so out of it like I was in and out of consciousness. I am a quiet person with pain as I have high tolerance, but I'm sure the average person would be shouting. It was off the charts pain. I felt paralyzed by it and couldn't move without severe pain and dizziness and nausea. BF is used to my random pains so he didn't realize how severe it was and just went to bed. :| It kept me up all night basically. It lasted around 15 minutes like the above, then eased off a little to where I could move but couldn't sit down without it hurting nor lie flat.

The pains kept shooting down in the rectal and vaginal area, alternating, and this is still happening. It's now manageable though highly uncomfortable.. mostly ranging from a 4/10 to 8/10 on the pain scale. And the pains are still there in the mid and right abdomen, now somewhat in the left a bit though I think its just referred. I went into the Urgent Care clinic but they said might just be a cyst and I might just be prone to them since I have the pain monthly. The doc said this month maybe the corpus luteum cyst held on a bit longer than usual and ruptured now instead of the usual cysts which rupture at OV (I can't remember the name.. follicular?)

Anyway! What does this sound like? I've read PCOS cysts, regular cysts, and endometriosis all cause these symptoms. I just find it weird how its in my bottom area now (sorry for the TMI detail) and it hurts to try to use the bathroom almost like my muscles are completely strained and if I try, my organs will fall out somewhere. O_O

I'm kinda scared, but they said to wait it out... Does this sound like cyst pain? I read a forum with 750+ posts complaining of the EXACT same scenario, but no one ever posted back with what they had...

What do you think? Anyone had this?
I didn't want to R&R, but what ever it is I hope you get your answer :hugs:
Hi Butterfly

wowsers that sounds awful! I'm so sorry you have been in so much pain! I don't get pain that bad but I just wanted to say I also have PCOS and I am constantly having some pain or another in my lower abdomen, usually on the right side. Seems to get worse when I am about to get my period but I can never really tell if any of the pains are ov pains, since I get them on/off throughout my cycles. I've been to the doctor about them but never got any answers other than it's to be expected with PCOS.

I have been pregnant twice (but lost both) and with my 1st pregnancy I did have pain on the right so bad I couldn't walk, stand etc. It didn't make me feel sick like you, but it was the worst pain I've ever had. The doc's explanation for this was also to do with the corpus luteum cyst. I'm not suggesting you are pg since you get CL cyst after ov anyway, but I just wanted to reassure you that the pain from these types of cysts can be pretty awful. I was told they can take up to 3 months to fully go away so fingers crossed it is all innocent and will get better over time. It could be pressing on a nerve, which would explain the pain in the rectal area. I think things are pretty close together round there - but I'm not a doctor so please don't take my word as absolute!! After my pregnancy ended the pain did indeed go away after a few weeks. I still get pain on the right side though (which was always the case for me anyway) and now I'm having acupuncture, the guy says he can get rid of this for me. I'll see how it goes and try to remember to update this post!
Thanks so much. That was really helpful. :hugs: I have been told everything in my abdomen/pelvic area is very cramped anyway so the nerve thing makes a lot of sense! I looked back through my posts and realized I have had this pain for a couple months now so here's hoping it will go away soon! Maybe it was just hanging around and then finally burst? Still getting achy/twingy pains but nothing so painful as that night.

I'm sorry for your losses. It's so hard to have that happen. I had one veryvery early (4weeks, barely pregnant!) and I still felt so sad and disappointed. I wonder if that's what started this pain I have since it was around the end of June...
Glad to be of some use! Yeah I have read that when they burst it is really painful - I think I was lucky and mine must've just shrunk because the symptoms gradually faded over time. Also I forgot my SIL had a gianormous cyst on her ovary - originally misdiagnosed as fibroids but once they realised it was actually a cyst they operated to remove it and she is now fine. Wasn't fun for her at the time of course and she had to take about a month off work to recover from the op but the main thing is it was nothing sinister or difficult to sort out.

I'm so sorry for your loss too. It is really hard isn't it, when you want something so much and it doesn't work out. June wasn't that long ago so I'm not surprised you are still sad. It's been a year since my first and 7 months since my second and some days it is still really hard. Fingers and toes crossed for us both we have a happy healthy 9 months soon! x
This sounds like the kind of pain i had last year and i am still unsure what caused it. I came of BC in Sept 09 and cycles returned to normal 28-30 day length but then after about 6 months i would get extreme pain around O time to the point i would have to dose up on painkillers that would only make the pain less strong. I have a high pain threshold and my BFF was shocked how many paracetamol and ibuprofen i needed!! Anyway last October af arrived and lasted 2 days kind of brown and not very heavy (TMI sorry) but the pain on my right side was unbearable like someone had reached in, grabbed an ovary and was squeezing as hard as possible, i ended up lying on the bed in a ball crying (i don't cry either) so my DF practically dragged me to hospital. They weren't really very helpful (we are in Cyprus) usual question when is last period - currently on, are you pregnant, no etc. They did urine test to check. Then said we'll take blood samples didn't say what for. Put me on a bed to wait, this took about 2 hours. The dr came in and said tests were all ok, is the pain still there?!?! I felt like slapping him and saying no it went when you drained me of blood!! They gave me a pain injection - fantastic stuff lol.

I booked in to see a gyno after that just to see if he could help. He did pelvic exam and ultra sound and said everything was perfect so maybe it was just a one off. Since then the pain at O time is there not quite that bad but i can definitely feel it. This month i had to take pain killers again which only mildly eased it. I really don't know if all this is affecting our chances of BFP or if its meant to be normal!?! If i was in the UK i think i would be seeing my GP whenever it happened but its really difficult to see anyone here!

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