Hi there, I just want to say that I'd definitely recommend acupuncture, but I've never tried reflexology. I got the Zita West book - How to get pregnant - when I first started TTC and to be honest just skim read some of it. 16 cycles down the line and I now really wish I'd read it properly as she has a lot of good advice. Tbh I haven't really paid much attention to the diet advice, although we eat healthily, but the rest is useful.
My acupuncturist is part of the Zita West network (look on her website and you'll find them around the country).
I've been going every week for about 2 months and absolutely love it. I just wish I could afford to continue every week! She has increased my cycle length by a couple of days already (it was about 24 days before) and I feel so much better and relaxed. There are certain points she uses to relax you and it makes such a difference.
Like Shalagirl said about her reflexology, I also feel much better for having someone to chat to about things as she's lovely and she's treated so many other women in a similar situation to me. She's also helped women reduce their FSH levels and reduce their cycles, although she's honest and says she can't work miracles and it doesn't work for everyone. We're heading for ivf and I'll definitely be going to her throughout the whole treatment as it apparently increases your chances and I'll really need her to chill me out! I know what you mean about thinking about it constantly though, as I'm exactly the same! Can't remember what i used to think about before.
Good luck x