Advantages and disadvantages of living in the USA?

how much would the average person pay a month for healthcare insureance? just curious

My husbands old job- 400 a month just for me, plus co pay (30.00 for doctors, 100 for hospital) and ontop of that 20 percent of all charges after my 500.00 deductible is reached. Meaning I pay 500.00 and then I pay the remaining balance of 20 percent.
His care through his job for the last 6 months? 300.00 a WEEK just for me and my son, not my husband included. Plus all the same co pays, but this was a 1000.00 deductible but once that's paid it's full coverage. We couldn't afford it, that's 1200 a month for just me and my child. I switched to my moms plan since she has my sister on there, im free of charge on hers. My son is through the state.
My husband made great money before haiden and the first 3 months of his life. We were making 1200 a week with his paycheck. He now only brings in 600 a week. which is very little compared to our mortgage, and other bills that come in at 2000.00 a month not including gas and groceries. We get by, but we don't live the life we use too. Thankfully soon he might be going back to his old job.
Family coverage is $1200/mo and that's with OH's employer picking up part of the tab. We're far from lazy. OH works 60 hrs a week. I'm a SAHM and full time student (doesn't pay to work just to turn around and give it all to a daycare center). We work hard and we stick to a budget but $1200/mo?! How do you budget for that and still live the "American dream"? Like I said before, it's more than our mortgage and utilities combined. And to top it off we still have to pay a deductible and co pays. Having insurance would cost us over $16k a year when you figure that in.

ETA we don't have insurance. OH does because his employer picks up the tab for single insurance, not family. God forbid something happened, we'd be screwed. After I finish school and work we'll hopefully have it. Hopefully my employer will offer it at a better price or again, I'll be working just to pay for daycare and health insurance. Chances are it will cost me $$$ to work. That's sad.

Sometimes you can't afford insurance, don't care how determine you are, you can only work as much as your allowed by the boss. 1200 is what we were gonna have to pay. We would be 600.00 short on bills. My husband works full time, and i'm a full time college student and mom. Even if I got a part time job, it would all go to daycare which cost 1200 a month where I live.
Thats funny I thought the same but I was on holiday in the usa and was definitley ready to home (to the Uk) to have healthier food. I definitley overate as the portions were so huge.
I live in south Florida and love it. We have two seasons: hot summer and cool summer lol. There are a TON of snow birds though which is good for our economy down here but the majority of them are cranky old rich farts lol. I live 4 miles from beach, 1 hour from Miami and two hours from Disney world. So we have lots of options here!
I agree - Canada is nicer :) don't mean to offend anyone, but from my experiences, people are friendlier in Canada, food is healthier and health insurance is better :) and forgive me for saying this, but we don't have the freedom of firearms and in my opinion this makes for a safer society (it's just my opinion, no offense!! )
I honestly don't get the healthier eating argument for other countries. I have complete control over what I choose to eat and there's nothing stopping me from eating as healthy as I choose to.
I chose to buy local veggies and local meat from the farms in my community. I choose to have home cooked meals most of the time and eat junk food in moderation.
Besides erikab922 has anyone actually lived outside the US? It's hard to compare advantages and disadvantages without, IMO.
I honestly don't get the healthier eating argument for other countries. I have complete control over what I choose to eat and there's nothing stopping me from eating as healthy as I choose to.
I chose to buy local veggies and local meat from the farms in my community. I choose to have home cooked meals most of the time and eat junk food in moderation.

I do have to agree with that, nobody forces it in your mouth :haha: I honestly don't like to blame food for obesity, everything is great in moderation, and working out, but that's what your suppose to do to stay healthy. I will say that Americas food is very tempting though! It's just all so great, and we do give large portions, but I always only eat half and take the other half home for another meal. 2 for 1 :winkwink:
I honestly don't get the healthier eating argument for other countries. I have complete control over what I choose to eat and there's nothing stopping me from eating as healthy as I choose to.
I chose to buy local veggies and local meat from the farms in my community. I choose to have home cooked meals most of the time and eat junk food in moderation.

What, you mean you guys don't eat at the Waffle House for breakfast, Cracker Barrel for lunch, the Outback Steakhouse for dinner, and then wash it down with Dairy Queen and hit Dennys at 3am??!! :rofl:

US has tons of healthy food if you are willing to look for it and/or pay for it. Hell, the healthier stuff is actually cheaper if you know how to cook and can find a proper farm. We used to cross the border (I lived across from Sumas county, Washington) and pick up the local cheese every weekend with my parents!
I think each country has its perks!

Im a yorkshire lassy born and bread and you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming from my rural country life! That said there are parts of the UK I just would not like to live!!! im lucky I live in a cute, typical quaint english village and we have zero crime, great schools and so the yorkshire moors on our doorstep!

I work for an american company and have travelled to the staes alot... I agree with some past comments that the different states vary so much in culture, food and way of life... i'd personally treat it similar to europe... each state is like a europes many different countries - all very different but with a similar under tone... just my opinion.

I love conneticut... thought it was lovely... though one say after shopping all day on a day off my co-workers were horrified and told me it was a rough area!!! I spent the rest of that trip hidden in my hotel! ha ha :haha:

People are very warm and friendly in the USA... its funny as at first you arent sure if its sincere as we arent always used to it in the UK... espically in cities.. but they are more open in their emotions then we are I think...

Now I dont get why the UK gets such a bad rap for food... when my boss came over she was dreading our food which I couldnt understand???

My hubby loves canada, he said if he had to leave england he'd move there.

hugs to all the UK, Candian and USA mummies out there! one of the things we all have in common is we LOVE our LOs and we are very blessed to have them!!! :hugs:

^Yeah unfortunately UK food has a very bad reputation, possibly started by the French as a method of cold war. I found the food in London to be OK but I didn't go to any proper UK pubs, which I regret.

Snatch has unfortunately caught on here- Yes, England. Bad food, worse weather, Mary Fuckin Poppins England. But I would love to try some of the real stuff! :)
^Yeah unfortunately UK food has a very bad reputation, possibly started by the French as a method of cold war. I found the food in London to be OK but I didn't go to any proper UK pubs, which I regret.

Snatch has unfortunately caught on here- Yes, England. Bad food, worse weather, Mary Fuckin Poppins England. But I would love to try some of the real stuff! :)

ha ha!!! Come to Yorkshire i'll do you a proper sunday roast... with yorkshire puddings for starters!!! :thumbup:

I would say the food in the UK is definitely better, especially the meat and fresh produce. The meat here is far from organic (even the organic stuff!) it's full of hormones, steroids and water. Not nice at all! Dont get me started on the bread (why on earth is it sweet?!) and the chocolate bars taste disgusting too. how Hershey managed to create an empire is beyond me! however, american cakes snd desserts are so good, i have put on about 7lb since moving here. the bakeries are out of this world! The standard of restaurant food in the UK is also much higher, though you can't beat America for customer service and client care.

The people in America are much nicer on the whole. And Americans are far more hardworking. No one expects anything here.

Everything runs on 'convenience' here in NYC. I can get anything I want at any time of day. And most of it will be delivered too. It def is the city that never sleeps. Beats London hands down.

Outside of manhattan, you get far more living space and huge houses for next to nothing (there is so much land so why not!). But the construction of the houses is poorer than equivalent UK houses (think wood houses, thin plasterboard and flimsy doors etc even in luxury builds). The property tax is astronomical.

Also, unless you have a very secure well paid job, the healthcare system alone is enough to send you running for the hills.

But the weather and the people will be enough to convince you to stay.

I choose the USA over the UK for a better standard of living and nicer people. But that's only because my DH is doing relatively well so we can afford to live nicely here. I'm not so sure I'd choose the US if we had an average or low income. And I'm not sure whether its my British accent that secures me favorable treatment here. I have seen other immigrants, especially those from Mexico, in general being treated like a horrible underclass. Race relations here are very iffy compared to the UK.
And Americans are far more hardworking. No one expects anything here.

I have some people I could introduce you to! OH's cousin's girlfriend (confused yet?) is pissed because she didn't get WIC/food stamps because her OH makes too much. She'll get it when the baby comes because they'll be a family of three but not until then. She was getting it before but only because she was lying and omitting his income on the paperwork because "it's none of their business". And she's pissed that they don't take into consideration that her OH's finances are being garnished because he didn't pay an old bill. Her OH - oh, he's a piece of work! He doesn't pay federal taxes because "he doesn't believe in the government" but he is willing to use the handouts his GF receives.

Yes, there are plenty of hard working people but there are probably just as many that expect everything for nothing.
And Americans are far more hardworking. No one expects anything here.

I have some people I could introduce you to! OH's cousin's girlfriend (confused yet?) is pissed because she didn't get WIC/food stamps because her OH makes too much. She'll get it when the baby comes because they'll be a family of three but not until then. She was getting it before but only because she was lying and omitting his income on the paperwork because "it's none of their business". And she's pissed that they don't take into consideration that her OH's finances are being garnished because he didn't pay an old bill. Her OH - oh, he's a piece of work! He doesn't pay federal taxes because "he doesn't believe in the government" but he is willing to use the handouts his GF receives.

Yes, there are plenty of hard working people but there are probably just as many that expect everything for nothing.

I think if you came to the UK, you'd be far more shocked by the extent to which the welfare system supports people. It's far more widespread and the payments people receive on benefits in the UK is much more generous.
Besides erikab922 has anyone actually lived outside the US? It's hard to compare advantages and disadvantages without, IMO.

I agree it is hard to compare if you've just visited another country. I lived in Europe for 8 years. I enjoyed it immensely and miss it, but I like being home (in the U.S.)
For us (when comparing to life in Germany):

U.S. Advantages
- Much easier to buy a house with land
- More room to breathe (as in, population density is a fraction of that in Germany - can't get away from people here :p)
- Much easier to switch jobs
- Not as restrictive education-wise to get certain jobs, which would otherwise be impossible here unless you have the exact degree and training required

U.S. Disadvantages
- Tricky health care system, sometimes unaffordable
- Can be laid off a job easier (and you're screwed if you lose a job there!)
- Public transport is terrible in most areas
- Don't feel same sense of security because of high crime rate and love of weapons
- Higher education requires most students to get into a large amount of debt
- You're lucky to get a mere 2 weeks of paid vacation a year

That's what I can think of for the moment.. we're very back and forth about whether to stay in Germany or move to the U.S. so we have this mental list and it's so 50/50, making the decision far from easy. Of course family plays a big role in my decision. It's lonely here! So there are personal factors for me as well but when I think of my babies I realistically think staying in Germany is the better choice. That is, unless my husband is able to get a great job in the U.S. In any case, we want to decide before they're in school so time will tell for us.

Good luck!
Wow I can't believe how much some of you pay for healthcare!! I live in California and work for a small company that covers me, my husband and son 100%. I don't pay a cent except my copayment which I don't have to pay for any regular visits. So free healthcare IS possible is the US, you just have to get the right job I guess.

My pregnancy was covered 100%, didn't pay for a thing but I had to pay a $2000 deductible for the birth which was an emergency c section with a 5 day hospital stay, all meals provided for me and husband and EXCELLENT care!
Okay, I saw ketchup being mentioned so I have to throw this in! McDonalds ketchup is sold in stores here:

I've never seen this sold in the US! I just found it funny.:lol: It's good too and normally I'm very picky with ketchup. :p

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