advice about 1st infertility appointment


Active Member
May 12, 2008
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Hi folks!
I was wondering if any of you lovely ladies could shed some light on a few things for me?

I have my first gyn appointment on wed. We have several issue regarding fertility but I am trying to remain optimistic, therefore wednesday will be 12dpo for us. we had well timed bd'ing and i'm keeping positive for this month (lost my pma for a few cycles there).

I am planning on testing on wed morning even though it will prob too early. My question is, at 1st appointment will they take blood or urine sample? Will I get an internal exam? they dont go well for me....

I have already had 21day and 28day tests last cycle which showed lower than normal prog and higher than normal prolactin.

Think it would be wonderful just to be pg and say "see ya" to gyn but know that is prob unlikely.

Just want to go to appointment with my eyes open to what to expect.
Sorry for essay!
I haven't been for my first yet but they sent me a letter with blood results/tests they would like before the consultataion and that DH will have SA on the day and i would have internal scan on the day. Mine is a private appointment so i don't know if things are different?
Thanks for responding! I got the same letter. Mine is NHS but I'm being referred based on ongoing issues with periods as well of lack of BFP. Hubbys SA should be back on monday. Think I'm just confused because I don't know if she is going to go straight for the probs TTC or try to diagnose my menstrual issues first or is it all one big "so you can't get preggo?" package!

Just want to be pregnant this cycle and avoid all doctor unpleasantries...

Best of luck with your appointment when it comes!

I'm the same as you - currently 8DPO and hoping for :bfp: so I don't have to go - and pay!
eeek! thats so cool that you are in the same position (well not cool but you know what I mean!) I read regularly on these boards but im not really a poster. but there is something comforting about knowing someone else is in the same position.

I had a temp spike of 0.5 this morn which has boosted my pma. although my cycles are so rubbish there have been plenty of fake signals before.

I am now adding you into my wee positive mantra today- as karma for being kind to a new poster "let the bfp come tansey's way and let the expensive doctor stay away!"
Thank you!
You should join in our buddy thread - it doesn't matter whereabouts you are in your cycle.
hey, on our first visit to fs, i had bloods and an internal examination. then was refferred for my hsg, good luck, pma!!
Hey before 1st appointment we had bloods and two SA done. When we went to actual first fertility appointment consultant just discussed results which he said didn't shine any light on our problem ttc. I was surprised no internal and then arranged for a laparoscopy. Said could do a hsg but he felt laparoscopy was best option. Good luck for your appointment, fingers crossed for a :bfp: before you go x
thank you to kristy and caz also!

doesn't sound too terrible when you put it like that!

think i am just at that crossroads- glad to get the appointment to see whats going on but frustrated that it has to happen in the first place. However after a few bleak months cursing my useless body I am back to full on
"yee-ha, lets do this, uterus i love you, give me a baby" mode

here's to an ironic BFP the morning of my appointment..although that may be too early lol


Seems like a few of us in the same boat here. I have my first NHS hospital referral appointment with a gyn this week. I have no idea what to expect I am not even sure if they want my DH to go too the letter was just addressed to me. Don't know if I am getting bloods or scan or if its just a wee chat!

I am 5dpo and I would love to get a BFP this cycle and also say to the gyn thanks for the appointment but its no longer needed. Fingers crossed we can all tell our gyn's & FS their services are no longer required v soon.
heehee we have started a wee club! here's to telling the docs thanks but no thanks!

shalagirl- i was also wondering about dh coming to appointment- letter was just addressed to me. but when he "submitted" his SA he had to write my name on it so i presume the results will go on my file? anyway he is working so i will go to first one and he can come to next one. hope i wont get my knuckles rapped for not bringing him?
my gyn is scary.....went to her 10 years ago for issue not related to ttc and she was em...abrupt! and i was a scared wee teenager with no pants on thinking aaaaargh!!! lol
Dixiegal I was thinking the same as you just go myself to this appointment and really hope they didn't want to see my DH too. My appointment is tomorrow moorning so I'll get back to you about what happens and whether missing DH was a prob.
Hi dixigal,

I had my first appointment with FS in Jan 09. During this appointment it was mostly chat, he took all my details such as have I ever been pregnant before, has DH ever had any children, do you smoke, drink and if so how many, ages etc etc. This report is then sent off to your doctor and a copy sent to you. I also had an internal done during this appointment, smear test and various other swabs taken all over very quickly though.. nothing to worry about. He then refered me for an US Pelvic exam and a HSG. Which happen a few months later, all clear I am pleased to say. Prior to my 1st FS appintment we had day 21 bloods done and DH had SA done.

So 4 months later I have my final appointment on May 11th to discuss next steps IVF as there is no reason why I can't fall pregnant...very frustrating. Good luck it's another step forward to getting your BFP. With any luck you will be pregnant before your appointment and wont have to go through all of the above. It's not that bad though, even the HSG wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.

Also : I went on my own to the first appointment, but DH is coming to the next one cause we will be discussing what comes next.

Thanks for posting this question, I was going to post this morning to ask the same thing; it's amazing how many of us are in the same boat. I haven't had a letter yet, but my GP said my appointment should be within a month (NHS) and I too was wondering what happens. I want to go prepared with all the information handy so no time is wasted needing more of the same tests. The ball is rolling but it seems to be moving slowly at the moment. I feel loads better now I know a bit more of what to expect. Good luck ladies, lets hope we're not needing too many appointments after all...FX
Well had my first hospital gyn appointment this morning. Dixiegal - I wish I had of taken my DH with as the doc had questions for him too and I think she had expected him to attended.

First she asked me questions about my (and my DH's) state of health - do we smoke, how often we bd, any medical probs in the past etc. Then she took an internal swab abit like a smear test and that will be sent of to be tested for anything strange like Chlamydia.

Then I had an internal scan and got to see my ovaries with eggs (yeah) and my uterus (although it is tilted apparently this is the case in 10% of women and shouldn't be a prob) on a monitor.

The doc gave me forms and I have to get my gp nurse to take blood on day 2 or 3 of my next cycle - I think thats testing hormone levels.

Anyway there was nothing too bad about the whole appointment in general, pretty much like what Puddleduck said too. As my DH SA from a few months back showed some concern the gyn advised he get this redone privately and have a it really thoroughly examined. Once he has that done we will go back to see the gyn again and see whats next.

It really does feel like the ball is moving. The gyn was really lovely and I felt she was doing her job well.

I do hope everyones first appointments go well and positive progress is made.
Hi guys

I am a regular lurker but havent actually plucked up the courage to post until reading this thread. I have been ttc since June 08 to no avail and my doctor has just begun sending me for tests.

I have given day 2 bloods and have given day 22, 24, and have day 28 bloods to do as my af is all over the place (varies from 28-33 days) and she wants to check my progesterone levels thouroughly to see if i am ovulating or not. I am also going for a scan of my ovaries the second week of May to see if everything is ok but i havent been referred to a gynae - is this normal?

I read a lot of you have been referred by the docs and then had the bloods, scans etc done, should i ask to be referred? I have an appointment in 3 weeks time to discuss the blood results and then 2 weeks after my scan to discuss those but i dont have a clue where this will go next.

Any advice?
Hi MeToo - I think I lot of doctors carry out their own intial tests before referring you to a gynae at the hosptial, however they all don't seen to do exactly the same tests. My local gp aksed for a 21 day blood test from me and SA for my DH. I think this is fairly standard as would be getting day 2 bloods done. It probably depends on the size of practice ur local gp works at - if it's a larger practice they maybe have more resources and funds for testing, then its on to the hosptial for the rest.

Also you said you were going in to discuss ur results with ur doc, my gp talked to my DH on the phone about his SA and told him he would refer us on which saved a bit of time waiting for appointments. I guess docs just work in different ways. At you next appointment do ask about being referred to specialist at the hospital and I am sure ur doc will explain at what point he will think of doing that.

My af is all over the place (varies from 28-33 days)

A 28 - 33 day cycle sounds pretty reasonable to me. I've been tracking my cycle length since last Jan and on average I have a 29/30 day cycle but some times it is alittle longer or shorter.

Seem like your doctor is getting things moving for you anyway with intial investigates which is great. Many best wishes.
Thanks Shalagirl, i guess gp's do vary depending on the size of your surgery. Glad to hear my af seems regular-just waiting until all my tests are done to see what the next steps are.

Babydust to all. x

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