Advice as starting to worry a bit


Mummy to 3 and WTT for #4
Apr 17, 2010
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I wanted a home birth with my daughter but it was refused at the last minute. Because of that I haven't really prepared anything other than having a pool booked for hire. I'm scared when my midwife comes at 34 weeks to do my check she will say no for some reason. But i want to be able to get everything ready as i want to try and be positive. What other things do i need to be well stocked on for a home birth?
My MW told me it's all down to the 36 week checks as to whether you can have a home birth or not. I would definitely raise it the next time you see her though so you can prepare yourself for either home or hospital.

I'm only just looking into it myself but my MW was round on Saturday and she said plenty of towels - some for clearing up, some nice warm ones for the baby, a plasticy mattress protector thingy (sorry, very vague!) if you plan to give birth in bed, dust sheets etc to protect sofas, carpets and so on. Then anything to help you, like a yoga ball, big beanbag, plenty of pillows etc. You also need to keep an area free for the MW to care for the baby if he/she needs any help right after birth, so a table or something where the baby can be laid down and the MW can do whatever she needs to do easily. A swing bin is needed too so they can throw stuff away - apparently they take the bin bag with them when they leave so that's nice to know :D

I'm sure if you speak to your MW she will have a list of things, and other people on here will prob have far better advice than a novice like me :)

Good luck hun, hope you get the birth experience that you want x
Your midwife has no say in whether you're 'allowed' a home birth. It's your choice. If you are unusually high risk, they can and likely will offer their advice on what they feel might be best, but the final decision is yours. They have a duty of care to you and you can decide at any time if you want to stay at home, even after you're already in labour. You just have to call any tell them and they are required to send two midwives to support you.

Here's a good list though of what you might need, along with lots of other good info:

Best advice though: plan it and believe it will happen. If you're afraid or go into it thinking it probably won't happen the way you hope, it won't. You really have to believe in yourself and trust your body because you really can do it. Those of us who have homebirthed aren't super-human or stronger or better able to deal with pain, we just trusted ourselves, felt confident about what we were doing and surrounded ourselves with the right support.

Btw, have you thought about a doula? One might really help you feel stronger and better supported leading up to and during your birth.
I agree, by law a HB is your right. Of course if they have a valid reason to go to hospital it can be wise to listen to their advice but dont be fobbed off with excuses or with reasons you dont agree with.

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