Advice / direction from women who have never been pregnant...


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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errr..... anyone else experienced the utter tripe that seems to come from the mouths of women who have never had children?

I've had about 3 women say things to me.. oh, you want to do this... make sure you don't do that etc etc and they've never even been pregnant!!!

I am glad they feel they can offer me advice or whatever it is, but geeeez! I didn't know they were experts on pregnancy!

sorry, rant over! :mrgreen:
You know once u annouce it every man and his dog will have some advice to offer lmao
Its so irritating but i always kept my mouth shut in case i thought they had never been pregnant-but in actual fact they once had been and just never got to tell anyone (misscarriage etc).
:rofl: lol Serinas right something weird happens to people once they find out your pregnant...

...they all know someone whos had babies or cats had kittens or theyve delivered a piglet and they all have something to say....usually somthing useless or stupid.
hahaha! it's SOOO true!

wouldn't you LOVE to have the guts to say 'what do you know?'..I'm too shy for that though! :blush:

Corkette - that's a fair point and sometimes why it stops me from saying anything, but what about the men? lol
I hate hearing horror stories from people who have been pregnant before just as much as I hate getting nonsense advice from people who've never had a child, lol.

My mom tells me all the time about how she was too far in labour to have an epidural with my brother and they tried to give it to her but it wasn't successful really and she felt it all, for a 9lb baby.. I don't want to worry about things like that LOL so I'd rather she kept it to herself!
Yeah i get that to. usually the negitive ones that say bad things and actually say how digusting it is to see it move around my belly and that they couldnt have that. Makes me feel like an alien though or that i am horrible to them. I dont know many that dont have kids but I did know one that was a pain in th arse! always saying neg thnigs like my life is over, oh god you wont know yourself and have you thought this through. Then there is the ones that say your life is gone and they would never do that.

Not one bit of helpful advice though,
I have become used to being able to tune out nonsense. I just nod as I hear "blah blah"... This time it was just people in my family have a strong opinion on how many kids we have. No one was rude enough to say anything except my sister in law... She has two grown kids and thinks she is a genius... hahah
not even ppl that have never been pregnant people tht have been pregnant r the worst i find some just dont seem to realise that every pregnancy is individual
I hate the ones who point at the random screaming toddler in the middle of the shop and go "oh youve got all that to come"
oooo it will only get worse hunni. Especially when you start to show. Complete strangers will be offering advice and telling horror stories. You just learn to ignore them in the end. :D
I just roll my eyes and wander off..It's a pregnant womens prerogative to not to have to stand there listening to people talking out of their arse.:ignore:
I'm sick of this too. There's an old woman living a few doors down from me who has never had kids, just looked after 5 bro's and sisters when she was younger. But she believes this makes her an expert on children, and pregnancy!

So far she's told me midwifes are useless, I need to see a doctor! And she's never heard of pregnant women getting stomach pains before so I must see a doctor!
She came round the other day to show me some awful tops with scenery painted on them and told me I must get some because young women with their bumps showing look awful!!!!!!!!

I just smile and nod even though I don't agree with anything she says lol!
Thing is it doesnt end there my daughter is 3 and im still getting it.

She got a bit upset the other day round at the shops because she wants me to go and buy her chocolate but i had no cash anyway this woman walks by muttering just wait til its a teenager felt like slapping her one. (the woman that is lol)
I've actually heard that it gets worse after the baby is born. Everyone has an opinon that they feel they need to share.

:hugs: You get to a point where you don't care anymore and start snapping. I used to be polite and listen when people would yammer on about stuff, now I can't be bothered. For every time that someone has said "Oh, but I've known soooo many people who've had babies" I've replied that I have too, and to trust me that it's not the same when you're expecting yourself.

Normally gives them the hint to back off.
I hate the ones who point at the random screaming toddler in the middle of the shop and go "oh youve got all that to come"

If I had a pound for everytime I heard that I would be loaded! my neighbour called to the door the other day with her toddler looking for her dog, her kid wouldnt stay by her side or listen to her and wandered off so while she was talking she was looking for him and told me "oh you have all this to come"

same happened with mate who has brat kid, he smashed my xbox controllers! she didnt care she ignored him and all she would say when he was either raiding my cupboards for my food and throwing massive tantrums and smashing my things was "you have all this to come"

no I dont because my kid wont act like that because I wouldnt allow it! sorry but what a moronic thing to say! They think everyones kids are the same that they all grow up smashing stuff and having no respect. I didnt do anything like that when I was a kid and knew no one that did either because I was taught it wasnt acceptable. They forgot that bit.

So I cant wait till I have my baby and it grows up a bit and say back to them when thir kid is acting up "no my kids grand and has never acted like that"
Every since I told my work, one of the women in my office keeps asking stupid questions (well I think they are stupid anyway :rofl:) The best one so far is 'So what do you want? A boy or a girl or are you not bothered?' Eh, hello it's not like I can send it back or that I have any control over it!!!!

That and 'so do you know what it is?' - I told work the day after my 12 week scan! I explained that it was too early and also that our hospital has a policy of not telling you (they were sued for giving someone the wrong info - so just don't tell any longer) but she still asked 'so what is it?'


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