I am new to this and would appreciate any advice. Last sept I stopped my long term bc pill taking after 6 years consistently on it and only having my no pill week every 2 - 3 months.
Anyway prior to starting the pill I had irregular periods maybe every 3 months or so and I didn't take much notice as I was only 16 at the time. I decided to take a break from it last sept to figure out my cycles. Since then I have had 2 periods. One at the end of Nov and one now. I have been having unprotected sex the last 2 months or so and not pg.
I had a scan at start of this year which showed symptoms of mild pcos with 12 - 13 follicles on my right ovary though nothing extreme. I had bloods done twice and my doctor just said to me "everythings normal" when it came to the bloods results. My doc keeps suggesting for me to go back on the pill which I don't want to do as it is only a cover up for problems. she is also suggesting to lose weight and that but I know the issue of irregular periods has been there since I was 8 & 1/2 stone a few yeas ago.
my concern now is that after 2 months of UP sex I am still not pregnant although I am not trying but not preventing it is worrying me for when I am actively trying and I am only in my early 20s now.
Has anyone been in a similar situation. What was the outcome. Where do I go from here ? Sorry for long winded post just looking for some advice. Any help I am very thankful for. 😊
I am new to this and would appreciate any advice. Last sept I stopped my long term bc pill taking after 6 years consistently on it and only having my no pill week every 2 - 3 months.
Anyway prior to starting the pill I had irregular periods maybe every 3 months or so and I didn't take much notice as I was only 16 at the time. I decided to take a break from it last sept to figure out my cycles. Since then I have had 2 periods. One at the end of Nov and one now. I have been having unprotected sex the last 2 months or so and not pg.
I had a scan at start of this year which showed symptoms of mild pcos with 12 - 13 follicles on my right ovary though nothing extreme. I had bloods done twice and my doctor just said to me "everythings normal" when it came to the bloods results. My doc keeps suggesting for me to go back on the pill which I don't want to do as it is only a cover up for problems. she is also suggesting to lose weight and that but I know the issue of irregular periods has been there since I was 8 & 1/2 stone a few yeas ago.
my concern now is that after 2 months of UP sex I am still not pregnant although I am not trying but not preventing it is worrying me for when I am actively trying and I am only in my early 20s now.
Has anyone been in a similar situation. What was the outcome. Where do I go from here ? Sorry for long winded post just looking for some advice. Any help I am very thankful for. 😊