So this was our 10th month ttc. It has been so hard and I never thought I would have such a struggle. I did fall pregnant 6 years ago but miscarried at around 8 weeks and my oh has a 7 year old son so I am really hoping it's just a matter of time but I have been saying that for months now. My AF used to be every 28 days and as soon as I saw the first bit of blood she was here but the last 3 cycels have been 26 days and the first 2 days have been brown spotting so I have been hopeful each time it was maybe IB but no . I have all the classic ovulation symptoms - I get the pain and then a few days later my boobs start getting very tender to touch and then when AF shows my sore boobs disappear. I have the sames symptoms this month as every other so I'm pretty sure she is on her way. I get postives on OPK's and we always dtd at the right time and throughout the month. I just wish it was my turn now I'm so ready to be a mum and I don't know how I will cope with another AF appearing!
Thanks for listening.
Thanks for listening.