Background: After a traumatic delivery, baby wouldn't latch on. 16 Breastfeeding Counsellors and Midwifes later, we still couldn't manage breastfeeding. Baby got jaundice, so started expressing. Have been expressing ever since, and managed to avoid using any formula!
Last night I tried baby at the breast, like I have done a couple of times a day since I started expressing.
And he latched on! He fed for about 10 minutes and definitely drank!
No sucess since then, but I know he can do it now, and it looks like we might crack breastfeeding after all!
6 weeks of spending 40 minutes 8-10 times a day expressing has paid off! I'm so glad I stuck with it, against all the advice of Midwife and Health Visitor.
Last night I tried baby at the breast, like I have done a couple of times a day since I started expressing.
And he latched on! He fed for about 10 minutes and definitely drank!
No sucess since then, but I know he can do it now, and it looks like we might crack breastfeeding after all!
6 weeks of spending 40 minutes 8-10 times a day expressing has paid off! I'm so glad I stuck with it, against all the advice of Midwife and Health Visitor.