age 30- TTC 5yrs- PCO/no ovulation, motility issues, 1st round of clomid- BUDDY?


1 beautiful baby boy!
Nov 25, 2009
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I am 30 and just started my first round of Clomid. I have just taken the first lot of 5 tablets. Now waiting to see if I ovulate...

I have no ovulation (due to PCO) and we have male factor motility problems. Been ttc naturally for 5 years- this Clomid is first lot of TX.

Does anyone in a similar boat want to be buddies? :happydance:
I am in same vote huni
Im 27 and been ttc now for around 1 year and 8 months. I have pcos and dont think i ovulate regular and my OH has low sperm results. I did one month of the clomid and my gyno advised that it wouldnt be worth to carry on the clomid due to OH sperm results and has referred us to IVF!

I dont think were in the same vote as far as clomid is concerned but i am in same vote as ovulation problems and motility problems.

I am 27 and my oh is 39 this will be our first baby for us both (i never expected to hear the words IVF) but at same time just do anything for a BFP so if it means IVF then it means IVF..
Where are you from?
Hi Beauty- thanks for your reply. I am 30 and so is my OH and we live in Derbyshire. Where are you from?

How come the Gyno only let you have one month? Are your OH's levels really low? When my OH's first SA results came back his motility had a count of 7 (we were told 15 is the lowest number that can be considered normal) and he referred us for ICSI- but at his second test it had gone up to 14. I owe it all to him- he has worked so hard at changing loads of things in his lifestyle and it worked better than I thought it would!!

My specialist still doesn't hold out much hope of the clomid getting us our BFP but has given me 6 mths to try it- then it'll be ICSI.

Did you ovulate on clomid? Or did you not get a response from it?

Hey huni
I live in Manchester so not too far away! :)

The gyno just said she perfer me to be hormone drug free with being referred for IVF and doesnt think the clomid will help get us a BFP due to SA results!!

I think he has a total of 14million but he produces alot of volume but overall based on the volume the 14million is still low, think they look at about 10million per millilitre and average man provided is around 2 millilitre making it 20million.

However we producing alot of volume more than 2 millilitre prob around 5 making it around a total of 14million but dividing 14 million into 5 ml makes it 2.8 million per millilitre when it should be ten!! Thats what they look at, per millilitre not as a whole figure cause 14million isnt bad really but that is still 3 days substained..

I cant fault OH tho he has made some real diet and life style changes too, we stopped smokin and eat healthy as it is, we are hoping the next set of results shows improvement as that would be like 3 months of non smokin so wonder if it does make the difference!!

We are hoping that we wont be waiting long for the IVF I spoke to the hospital last week who explained the process ( so i feel a little bit better now) We are waiting for some forms to fill out and complete and send back and then we will get a decision if we are accepted for NHS funding or not (we should be as none of us have children from previous relasionships) and then hopefully we can start the balls rolling..

So are your number 7million on total and why do they think you need ivf?

The clomid i have no idea if it worked or not, i gave day 21 blood on day 19 as i was at the hospital then with gyno i knew i hadnt ovulated by then as i been doing opks, so it came negitive but my period arrived on cd35 so even if i did ovulate it wouldnt of been till cd21 so blood should of been taken cd 28 instead but gyno wanted me to give it cd19 as i was in the hospital with her.

Hey ladies,

Well, think Im in the same boat... Im 25 and dh is 28 I don't ovulate regularly, and a scan showed that my ovaries are PCO but blood test don't confirm this.

DH's SA Results showed a very good count but low motility, and we just completed the second test so should find out more about DH's second results at the next gyno appointment I have on the 28th of this month.

Im on my 3rd cycle of Clomid, I think I ovulate around cd21 ish with clomid, although I havent had results back yet from cd21 test to confirm this.

At the last gyno appointment, they mentioned the next step was ICSI, and that I might as well give Clomid a go, to see what happens.

I also have a hycosy test waiting for me, to check my uterus and tubes etc, before next step is started.

I am totally gutted that TTC has turned out this way, I would have loved a straight forward easy ride, but I guess that wasn't to be! I guess it will be worthwhile though!

Hey huni your welcome to join us...

I have never ever ever seen to lines on a pregnancy test, never been caught in all my years and i am 28 this year (scary isnt it)

We done all 3 tests and all 3 tests showed low count. My gyno told me to stop the clomid as doesnt see the point in carrying this on as they think it be good for me to be hormone and drug free for when we get referred to the fertility specialist re IVF..

We got referred in December, I have spoke to the hospital who send me some forms out which we have to fill in to see if we get accepted on NHS funding list, if so she said we should pretty much start the invesitgations and progess which isnt as long as it use to be, which was good news!!

I never thought we would be here in a million years, also i have pcos too, cycles seem to be up and down being cd33 to cd60 so hoping us ladies get are BFP soon! It is our turn

I had the hycosey, it did hurt a little but wasnt too bad, put my mind at rest having it done, my gyno made me have that done before starting clomid. I only done 2 rounds of clomid and got told to stop!

Thanks hun!

I know it really sucks.

With the hycosy, did it hurt much afterwards. Im due to have it done around the time I will ovulate :wacko: seeing as they take a look at your tubes etc, I thought that if we bd'd before the scan, then Anything that gets up there will be destroyed, but If I wait until after the test I may be too sore to do the deed. Was there an discomfort pain afterwards???

I would normally just go and get it done, but as I am taking Clomid, I don't want it to turn into a pointless cycle?

What do you think??
Well i had mine done before clomid as my gyno wouldnt give me clomid without this being done but my cycles are all over the place and i was spotting before my hycosey and i was praying it wud stay away, anyway it did the witch didnt show until around 3 weeks after having the hycosey done, sure it delayed it.. as sure she was gonna show her head!!

They asked me when my last AF was and i explained i had pcos so it was few weeks ago and i have no idea when to expect it!!

Not sure if it would mess up ovulation huni, no idea, but i waited along time to get my hycosey done so i didnt want anything to wreck my chances of having it done..

I read alot of stories saying the dye ran out slowly over next fwe hours, mine just gushed out by the time i walked back to the car park and after that had no spotting or anything!! I felt bit like period pains if im honest, nothing painful afterwards!!

It was nice seeing my two tubes running clear tho xxxx
Thanks hun,

It's horrible not knowing what to expect. The Gyno deals with it every day I guess, but they seem to forget to try and explain things to us!!

When is your next appointment hun?
My next appointment is early feb think its the 2nd. But to be honest i prob gonna be removed from gyno appointment as i been referred for IVF and thats a different hopsital all together where they do the IVF so im not sure why were goin back to see gyno in Feb.

I spoke to the new hospital who deal with IVF and im waiting on some forms that need to be completed and then its all waiting for investigations to be done, so i prob hopefully get the ball rollin for ivf some time soon
Thanks for joining me girls!

It's all so difficult isn't it!? My Gyno was the same as Beauty's- he wouldn't even talk about Clomid until my HSG was done- has yours not told you what the best thing to do is? I do know people say you're more fertile for a month or so after an HSG!! (although I am suspicious that this may only apply to girls who's tubes were blocked and cleared by the HSG! :-/

As for me I'm just about to start CD13 tomorrow on my first cycle of clomid (50mg on CD2-6) and have blank OPKs and low temps! :-(
Hey hun,

No not been told anything really, apart from the next step is probs ICSI, that why they have sent me for bloods and dh too, and also the hycosy.

I dont ovulate or at least think im ovulating uintil cd20/21 on clomid, so don't worry too much yet. I was the same, because everyone said that it should be between 5-10 days after the last pill. But a few on here reasurred me and said that they didn't ovulate until up to cd25 sometimes??

Have you had any side effects to the clomid ??
I was emotional on the clomid and glad i have stopped taking it really!!!!

I just gotta wait for the forms to come through for the ivf, hoping they come through this week or next week, if there not here by next week i prob phone and chase, they said they recd my referreal letter off gyno on 11 Jan, and should expect my forms in next few weeks!!

I am at a open evening at care fertility ltr, just about egg sharing and ivf i prob do nhs first but it be good to know what they want from egg shares and the process of ivf first!!

nnn84 - has your oh got low sperm? We havent been told what ivf were need just that were on the list, they explained to me once we get the tests done there explain what ivf were need etc..
No, the count is very good, but the sperm motility was low on the first sa sample.

Gonna wait and see what they say at the next gyno appointment, they should have the results of the second sample by then too.
Yes I had awful headaches while i was taking the tablets and for nearly a week or so afterwards. I was also incredibly emotional- and horrible to my OH!!

I think I may be ovulating today- I had a positive OPK on CD14 (my first EVER in nearly 6 years!)- and today I have lower abdominal discomfort, dizziness and PMTish type feelings! Just need my temps to confirm now..... fingers crossed!

My OH had really low mobility at the first SA and the gyno said only IVF with ICSI was an option- but then at his routine re-test it had doubled and they let me try clomid. He did it all himself- cut out alcohol, coffee, fatty foods- taking zinc, selenium and wellman. And he started a massive fitness thing that he is still doing now. So keep positive nnn84- there may be improvements! xxx
Hi both, how is everything going?

Hope your keeping well.

I had my third appointment with the gyno today - It went better than I thought it might - we actually spoke to the main specialist and not her registrar which was good, and she was lovely! :thumbup:

DH 's second SA came back today and there was a huge improvement, she actually said that it was all in normal ranges - so we are chuffed with that :happydance:

My bloods didn't show high enough results from the clomid, so I have to have another blood test on the 3rd of Feb, and if that comes back the same, then my dosage of clomid will be increassed. Apparantly, they didn't give me a higher dosage of clomid last time, because my blood levels were quite high, which increassed my chances of multiples??!!! but as they stand now, they will just increase the dose anyway as long as we don't have a problem with multiples.

She also started the ball rolling with IVF and ICSI - We go back in June, and if there is no joy we will start the ICSI then, and we are being put on the waiting list for IVF which can take up to a year. She was pushing more for the IVF basically making out that that was the best and 'the golden ticket' as she called it! but they will do both, as we wait for IVF.

Am really relieved after today, and hopeful again that clomid may do the trick for us as DH's sa was normal.

So fingers crossed for that light at the end of the tunnel!

Sorry for the rant, but it was a lot to take in today, and really good to put it down in writting.

Hi, Babyloulou how's the clomid comming on?

Beauty, how are things with you?

I hope your both ok!

Hey huni
Glad the gyno went well, great news about OH sperm being normal, no doubt your be on your way in to the BFP section soon, especially with them increasing your dosage of clomid.. :)

Are you on 100mg now?
I am just in the waiting game at the moment babes, no more news my end, we should hear something for our appointments to get ball rolling with IVF or ICIS by March time and hopefully get an appointment by April (as funding for the treatment from the NHS for our region) doesnt start again till April.. And there bascially not funding any more people until the new money budget comes in at start of April

I have spoken to hospital and they will get you in for bloods etc and then no doubt decide if its IVF or ICIS were need going off OH sperm results!!
Hoping we at least get to start treatment by end of April or at least May time, i hate the waiting around..

We only get one free go with IVF or ICIS which is bit pants, but then in a way if it werent for NHS we wouldnt get any goes as we havent really got the money for private treatment!! And as what I have read most regions only give one go at treatment our list isnt as long as it use to be I think they can get you in and started on treatment within 18 weeks from your tests which is fab..

I am not taking any meds at the moment which is great, i feel so much better in myself not taking anything and just having free cycles..
Like i said gyno didnt want me to continue the clomid, hopefully babes you wont need to go down the IVF bit and your get caught shortly..

Hi girls- beauty I really hope you hear from the IVF clinic soon :hugs: All the waiting around is the worst part of TTC I think. It took me 5 years to get any clomid or any kind of treatment! If the clomid doesn't work for us we have to go straight to ICSI too- as OH's SA is still low even though he has improved it a lot.

nnn84- how's the 3rd cycle of Clomid gone?? Any news? How many rounds are you allowed to have? I have 6 months on it I think- then we move to ICSI.

As for me... my 21 day blood test confirmed I O'd on the first round. It was on CD14 I think. My progesterone level was 40- which although ovulatory is not as high as they like it on Clomid- so if it doesn't improve after this next round of 50mg then I will be put up to 100mg I think.

I was just really excited that I ovulated for the first time in 6 years of charting and OPK'ing!! I started AF yesterday after a 29 day cycle (first regular cycle too :happydance:) so I will start my next round of Clomid tonight! :thumbup:

Don't think OH is looking forward to another month of the evilness that is a lady on Clomid!! I am still in shock at just how bad the side effects actually are! :wacko:

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