Alexander's arrival - 23/02/2010 - 10lb 2oz - Ouchy lol


Mummy of 2
Jun 12, 2009
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Well Here goes - Its all pretty straight forward.....

Went into hospital at 3am on the 23rd feb. When I got there I'd been having contractions since the day before and had to go in as by midnight they had gotten quite intense.

Upon examination midiwife said I was 1-2cm - to which I thought, here we go again - another slow labour coming and hours of discomfort.

Anyway, She said It was my call to wait and see what happens after an hour or if I wanted to go home. I said I'd go home as didnt want to stay - at this point though after all the fussing about etc it was 5am. I decided I wanted to go home. Got off the bed and started walking along the corridor and the contractions started to go mad and I was having trouble walking. Midwife asked me to stay and spoke about pethidine to which I said I was going home - made it to the carpark and Richard had to bring me back up to labour ward in a wheelchair. I was admitted and given pethidine after a very nice cuppa and some toast - fell asleep for the most part of a 3 hours and contractions were bareable.

Was examined when I started to come round at 9.45 and was 4cm, contractions were coming every 3 minutes and lasting 1 minute and had immense pain start in my back. Got up and walked around the room trying to breathe through them, after about 45 minutes I started with the enotonox as I was crying with the pain and struggling.

Another examination at 11.15am and I asked for more pethidine as I felt I wasnt coping and they said i couldn't as I was now 8cm dilated - I begged them for something but the said it wasnt going to be long enough before I delivered to have anymore. At this point I was wondering how the hell I was going to get a baby out of me with just gas and air. My spd was really causing discomfort too and the pain in my pubic bone with each contraction was excruciating.

Anyhow - everything went a bit hazy from this point. My waters broke at 11.59am and then the pushing started - 12 minutes later Alexander entered the world.......... In one go. The midwives said he was crowning - then to push, theres the head......'OH NO - no - ok He's coming in one......' and boy did I feel all 10lb of him!!!!!

I had a 2nd degree tear and was stitched up afterwards. Pretty heavy blood loss at 700 mls.

Had a shower after all that malarky was finished with and promptly fainted in the shower room, I remember getting out and managing to quickly push the handle on the door and shouting Richard to get help, then landing on the floor.

Glad to say all was fine afterwards and have come out of it a bit swollen and on some iron tablets but for the most part everything was good.

My actual established labour was a grand total of 2hrs 53 minutes - so was pleased at that.

Doing well at home now and glad that the labour is over with lol
Congrats hun! Fun having a big baby isn't it, mine was 10 pounder too!

I nearly passed out in the shower because of blood loss too, it was a horrible feeling. You go into the shower to make yourself feel better and come out feeling worse.
Congrats on your little mans arrival! 10lb :shock: That's almost 2 of Edward :lol: xx
Congrats on your baby boy -wow good for you, that was a good size, well done!!
Congratulations!! was you told you were having a big boy? no one ever told me my chuckster would be almost 9lb lol x
Well done you! Huge congratulations! xx
I remember you from the Bristol thread :) - well done and congrats on the birth of your little man. so glad all went well! x
Wow what a big boy he is! That must have bloody killed and on just gas and air! Well done you and congrats!
Congratulations!! was you told you were having a big boy? no one ever told me my chuckster would be almost 9lb lol x

midwife reckoned 8 and a half to 9lb at my last ante natal appointment - was most amusing when she came into the ward the morning after i had delievered.... i said 'em.. i have a bone to pick with you!' lol
congratulations - wow such a similar birth story to mine - I had a 10lb + baby too - well done xxxxx

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