Thank u hun xxx It's so much harder when u see a hb hun isn't it just heart breaking xx I had a scan 2 weeks after mc to see if mc was complete and I had 2cm piece of placenta left. They said the piece would either come out with another contraction or would come out in next af. Yesterday I started bleeding sorry for tmi bright red blood and I thought yipee af is here but it stopped after 11 hours and nothing since and now I'm wondering was it the retained placenta dissolved and whether I shud expect af in about a month - it's awful having no idea what is going on! Re infection they said I would know if it was as horrid discharge / foul smelling yuk. I have nothing like that thank goodness. I think urs seems on track hun u could test again in 2 or 3 days and compare the lines and u shud hopefully see it gone lighter again or gone as it has gone so light already. Fingers crossed hun xx