Am I? Am I not? I don't know.


expecting baby no:3
Jan 17, 2011
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Ok. So i'm slightly confussed on my what my body is doing.
My periods are irregular, but the last fours months or so i'd have a period 1 month have it the next and then won't the next, it's been pretty much that pattern since febuary, which would mean i should have had one this month,
i'm on CD 48.
so going on this pattern i'm about 2 weeks late.
My last AF was on August 10th which was normal.
I then startted spotting 3 weeks later. which lasted 10 days, but it was so light it was pointless wearing a pad.
ok so the next bit may be a TMI, anywhere the first day of spotting was a very light pink, and the rest of the time it was brown.

I can usually tell 2 weeks before i come on as i start feeling sick and my boobs hurt. 2 weeks to the day i feel that is when i come on, i also get bad cramping the day before i come on.

but i've been feeling sick on and off for 3 and a half weeks.
i've getting headaches a lot more then i would usually and sometime feel light headed with it.
i've been feel fluttering where i would usually get period pain
I've been feeling really tired, no matter how much i sleep at night i'm always tired.
my boobs have been hurting but not like omg don't touch hurt, more just a tingley dull hurt, and they've been a little ichy.
My bras are starting to feel irtacting.
I can go 2 3 hours without needing the loo then need to go twice in one hour.
my lower back has been really painful.

i did a test thursday (22nd) and it was a BFN. :(
I'm not sure if it's just a case of me being late
or if i am actaully pregnant.

My husband had a dream a few nights ago that i was pregnant
and i had a dream last night that i did a test and got a postive.

I started a new job 6 weeks ago, so i know it's not that as it's not a stressful job and if it was because of the job i would have started feeling it 6 weeks ago not 3 weeks ago.

please tell me what you think, if i am pregnant i would be about 6 weeks.
The spotting is very very weird & not normal. I think you should see a doctor to make sure there's nothing going on hormonally, especially since you are two weeks late with bfns. Hope you figure it out hun, let us know how it goes :hugs: xx
I have had a blood test done in june and everything came back normal.
my sister didn't find out she was pregnant untill she was 7 weeks
and my mum didn't find out she was preganat with me till she was 12 weeks.
I'd get another one though as you are having problems this month, not last month. Hormones change all the time hun. One month they'll be normal and another they won't be. Best to be safe than sorry. I'd get them to check for both hormonal problems & pregnancy to make sure. Just because your mom didn't get a pos hpt until 12 weeks doesn't mean it will be the same for you. Plus technology was a lot different back then & not as advanced. That still could be the case though hun, or you ovulated later than you thought xx
i'm going to see how things go this weeks
and if i havan't got a postive or af dosen't show then i'll go see my doctors. :)
I think you should go get a blood test. They sound like pregnancy symtoms, but who knows? Our bodies can be a strange thing. So you never know!

I have irregular cycles as well and it's just so frustrating you track ovulation in any way, temps, opks? You may not have ovulated at all and something is up. Sometimes with irregular cycles you can have a breakthrough bleeding just because your hormones aren't doing what they're meant to do. Have you ever been given a diagnosis for your irregular cycles?

Something similar happened to me a while back, Aug-Dec 09 I had a period almost every month, and I was over the moon. We married in Jan 10 and I worked out with this pattern, I would be fertile on honeymoon :) So when my period didn't arrive I convinced myself I was pg. Got a bfn, but refused to believe it. Left it a few more days, tested again, bfn. Then thought maybe I'd ovulated much, much later and since we were still dtd a lot, I could still be pregnant. So I left it a whole month before taking another test - bfn. Eventually I went to the docs and they said there was nothing they could do til I got a period, then they would give me a day 21 test. I spent ages wondering if I could be one of those women who just don't get bfps til really late. I was having vivid dreams, including pregnancy-related dreams (prob because I was thinking about it so much!) I was getting up to go to the loo in the night, swore I felt more twinges in my lower tummy etc etc. Then finally in May 10 I got my period. I have no idea why this happened - I wasn't stressed with the wedding since DH did all the organizing (really!), work was fine, everything was fine and I was really happy. But hormones can do the strangest things and I can only guess that mine went loopy simply because I have got PCOS and that's the nature of the beast. Hate it!

If you've never been given a reason for your irregular cycles, you should go back to the doc and really press them to do some tests. I really hope for some good news for you - it would be amazing if you do get a bfp and please do let us know - just wary of you getting your hopes up. I've done this so many times and crashing down is no fun :( Did your sister get bfns or did she just not realise she was pg til 7 wks?

Keep us updated xx
I use the calander method, i can work out roughly when i'm coming on as 2 weeks before i'll feel sick, having light cramping and sore boobs, the day before the cramping can be pretty bad.
I have no, i had a doctor that told me i had PCO, i changed doctors because i had to move, my new doctor told i didn't have it has two blood tests came back neagtive for it, i later found out my old doctor got mine and my step-mums results mixed up.

Thats strange.
I do hate the fact we start getting to know the pattern our body is doing then it changes. it sucks.
i'm hoping it's not that case though, but it might be just where i'm thinking about it to much.
What i don't understand is why my husband had a dream i was pregnant he dosen't seem to bothered with the whole trying to get pregnant thing.

she said she did a few tests because she missed her period and they all came out negative she went to her doctors who made her do a test there and it came out posstive. so she just didn't get hers till she was 7 weeks.

i'm not getting my hopes up with this one, i've had my hopes dashed too many times, and i just don't want it dashed again.
i'll let you know as soon as i know :)
I used to feel sick around ovulation as well, used to be a good indicator for me and I could count forward 2 weeks and know my period was going to arrive. This was before we were ttc though, and now we have been ttc for nearly 2 years that handy symptom has vanished!! It is weird how things change over time isn't it.

Can't believe your doc mixed up your results! Lucky you had to change doctors. I'm surprised they didn't carry on investigations though, there must be some reason why you have irregular cycles. Maybe trying some natural things could help like agnus castus. Have to say it didn't work for me but I think my PCOS is just so stubborn...however I've read loads of posts on this board and others saying it really helped, and it helped my sister with her irregular cycles (she doesn't have PCOS like me, not sure she ever found a reason either).

It's so hard getting your hopes dashed isn't it, I totally crashed the other week as I stupidly let myself believe I was pg, and DH randomly came out with "but you're eating for two now!" and I was so surprised, we hadn't even talked about it during the 2WW. But we both had the feeling that September was going to be our month, and him saying that convinced me even more. But I wasn't :( :( Couldn't stop crying for about 2 days!!

Will you be going to the docs next week then? Would love to hear how you get on, hope everything turns out ok xx
i've only had it the past year.
that is strange. but it would be the way, we get use to telling when we are going come on and then it changes.

wow, that must have been hard to see to work for your sister but not you,
have you found anything that works?

if it turns out that i'm not pergos then i'm going ask my doctor to look into why there are still irregular.

omg that sucks,
i havan't had that hubby always say i don't think you, it's just a build up of blood, but since he's had his dream i think he starting to think i am.

i'm going to test friday maybe saturday as hubby wants to be there when i do the test, and then i'll phone the docs monday. no matter the results i'd have to go any way.
i will defently keep you posted. :)
thank you.
i hope you get your bfp soon xx
Yeah it was pretty hard to hear her say it sorted her out within a couple of cycles...and then she fell with her first very easily and now she's pg again, she told me she fell first month of trying!! Ouch!! We don't live near each other and she's coming round today actually...always get a bit nervous about seeing the bump :(

I've tried a few things. The best thing was a chinese herb called Dong Quai that was great, but I don't think you can take it when you're ttc. I had reflexology after my 1st loss then I got pg again, though lost that one too, but I do think the reflexology helped. I'm trying acupuncture now so we'll see. Clomid in December if not!!

Fingers crossed for you for Fri/Sat....would be amazing for a surprise bfp but if not then yeah good idea to get an appointment, there must be a reason and they should investigate. Look forward to hearing how you get on xx
my sister was the pertty much the same first month of trying she fell pregnant.
I know it's not nice seeing a sibling pregnant when you've been trying so long, so i feel for.
i saw my sister a few weeks ago, and her bump has dropped, she still go 5 weeks left.

you've tried a far bit then. I heard clomid is meant to be really good.
i have my fingers crossed for you.

I did a test this moring i couldn't wait hehe.
it's still negative, i'm going to give it another week by then it would be 2 months since my last AF. which would be my longest cycle.

i was looking back on my current cycle. i got the spotting on cd 26, so if it was from O then i would have seen AF by now, as for preggos i must just be one of the unlucky peple who does not have enough of the hormone.
Oh gosh we are in similar situations eh! It is hard to see your sister pg with no problems isn't it. For me I can't help but wonder why I have to go through the crazy cycles and miscarriages whilst she seems to sail through...but I guess we all have our cross to bear. I know her life isn't perfect. Couldn't help looking enviously at the bump a few times but it was easier than I thought it'd be. She had her little girl with her who is just so cute and funny, love spending time with her :)

Yeah clomid usually does the trick from what I hear, just not hugely keen on going on it just yet. I'd like to try and keep things as natural as possible. Since I've been pg twice on my own I'd like to think it can happen again. A friend just had twins with clomid though, not sure I could handle that!

Sorry for your bfn, hope you weren't too upset. Good luck for testing again tomorrow or Saturday. The spotting thing is strange; I've had this before but it was only 3 days, don't know if it was OV or what, I wasn't really tracking cycles back then. It's never happened since. Anyway, hopefully you will know one way or another soon xx
we are, it's very strange, i've not meet any who is in the same situation.
i found that too, i thought it would be really hard seeing her and this bump grow knowing she has something i still don't have, but it wasn't actaully that hard, if anything it's made me more relaxed. if that actaully makes sense. lol
awww. little ones are so cute and funny, i've got a 1 year old cusion everytime he see me he holds his arms out and has the cutest smile.

i'm the same i'd rather not take anything, i'd prefure to do it as naturally as i can.
I havan't managed at all yet. but i think that was probly down to thinking about to much and stressing myself out about it.

haha a bit of handle she's got then. alithough i'd like twins i don't think i would be able to handle it either.

thats ok, i kinda expected to see it in a way. thanks you, i'm going to do saturday at least then hubby will be there. :) he might bring me some luck haha.
thats thing i've been looking it up and it would be anything, thats the worrying thing. theres not just one reason for spotting theres loads.
at least it's not happened since. Do you track now then?
i know it's meant to make it easier to work out when your ov.

thank you i'm going to wait untill the 10th before i call a doctor at least then they can't say oh you've just skipped one.
Ah hun try not to worry too much about the spotting...I'm a nightmare for googling things, to a point where DH had to limit my time on the laptop!! It can drive you mad and make you worry unnecessarily, and I'm sure you don't need the worry on your shoulders right now. If it wasn't ov or implantation then it is most likely to do with hormone levels not being right. Fingers crossed x

Yeah I started tracking my BBT about 18 months ago. It has kind of helped because I now know if I am going to ov it is usually around day 34-36, but sometimes it's earlier and sometimes it just doesn't happen at all. So we still don't really know from cycle to cycle, but at least we have a vague idea.

Haha yeah twins would be a handful! Though I've been told by 2 different tarot readers I will have twins :shock: That's good seeing your sister makes you more relaxed...can't say I feel the same, I do feel a bit inadequate sometimes. It's silly because none of us have control, she can't help it that she sails through and I can't help it that I've got problems. I'm glad it is easier to be around her than I thought but it still makes me upset for everything we're having to go through. But yeah little ones are so cute, my niece was just so lovely. It was her birthday and the look of pure excitement on her face when the cake came out was ace :)
haha, i don't mine even notices. :D
i'm thinking it might be hormones, if was ov then i would has af by time and if it was implantion then i should have had a postive not unless i'm one of the unlucky one who won't know unitll i'm sat on the loo pushing it out lol.

well at least you've got some idea, should make things easier :)
i've been tracking mine on and off for 17 months. hubby doesn't really like me doing it though.

haha would be they way though, you try for so long then get two at once :D

awww thats sounds so cute.
I've always been irregular and BBT charting is the only thing I've found that helps to know what's going on. Plus, if you chart for 6 months and take your charts to the doc- it helps them figure out what's going on. The first time I ever charted was because my OB wanted me to- so that we'd have more info to figure out why I wasn't O'ing regularly.
Wow i've never been told to do that by doctors i only started because i thought it would be a good idea, and when i told my doctor that i write down every period i have, he said it was a good idea but i've just skipped one, that was in may.
so i'm kinda worried about going back i'm worried they'll turn around and say oh you've just skipped one again.
9-10 cycles a year is what the "average" woman has, so if you don't dip below that usually the doctors say there is no cause for concern. I went in to the doc after not O'ing for almost 3 months, so maybe they took it a little more seriously? I dunno. You should definitely go talk to them now. And if they don't take you seriously, I'd take them some BBT charts if you're still TTC in a few months and things are still wonky.

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