See? You're a lot different than I am. I am usually very dry, and even during ovulation, I am only less dry than normal. Shortly after this whole thing started, I was getting real sharp pains in my right ovary. It would last maybe a minute or two then let up, then come back a little later. After the blood test, I told her about it, and she said I was probably ovulating. Now this was around the 13. Last night, I got those sharp pains in my left ovary!!
Which leads me to wonder, can you ovulate twice during a cycle? Can you have symptoms of ovulation but not actually ovulate? I suspect I ovulated anywhere from around the 13th to the 16th. Then on the 25th, I got what you're describing, maybe with less abundance.
I wish I could offer you some advice, but all I can say is wait a few more days and test! I have really confused myself with all this, and it's really hard not to symptom spot when new things pop up!
I'm not sure whether to buy more tests or what. I'm tired of testing, but who knows. One of these days when I'm expecting yet another negative, maybe I'll get that BFP! lol