Am I stupid??


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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Hi everybody,

I am currently having my AF and DH and I are going to start NTNP when I have finished.

I feel like a bit of an idiot reading some of the threads on here because I have no idea about my body! I am 26 and have never ever noticed any changes in my CM and feel like I am stupid for not knowing my own body.

I am desperate for a baby, but I am so worried that I won't be able to conceive as I have irregular periods (ranging from 21-38 days) and I have quite painful heavy periods and am afraid this means I am infertile.

I just needed to rant and get my worries out there.

Am I the only one who is clueless about my body?? Am I the only with infertility fears?
Hello, i have fears of infertility all the time. I've been NTNP for a year now and it makes me wonder is something wrong? why havent i gotten preggers yet? But it's all about timing and then there is still a small chance to get pregnant even if you do it at the right time. Some of my friends know when they are ovulating because they can tell how their body is feeling/acting and i haven't got a clue except for my CM. That's the only thing that i go by is my CM. I do have more CM from cycle day 9-15 so i just BD in there a few times. But still no baby but we're not really TTC yet so we don't do it that often during my fertile time. I would suggest if you don't have much CM then to get OPK's and do that for about 3 months just to see when you ovulate then you'll know when to BD. And my periods range from 26-30 days. I had a 32 day cycle once and thought this must be it but nope AF came and i was a little upset. I want to start really trying for a baby but at the same time i want to get my finances right first. I'm waiting until the first of the year to start actually trying. But secretely hopeing i fall preggers sooner lol. I have some painfull and heavy periods too so i think that's normal.
thanks for your reply. I just find it all quite confusing! I am a bit ashamed that I am a full grown woman who doesn't understand her own body!

Good luck with your NTNPing!
I'm exactly the same hon! I haven't got a clue! Infact, DH know's when I'm premenstrual before I do, coz I start devouring everything in me, I'm just hungrey. I've been on the pill for a while now but before I started taking it I always had wappy periods so never really paid attention to or took notice of the changes apart from when the witch arrived and I turned into Mr Jekyl! And changes in CM?! No idea!!!

I also worry about the infertility, my family seem really fertile (I'm the eldest of 28 grandkids), but DH is an only child and his parents tried 8 years before they got him. And while I like to think that that happened for a reason ( we could be together) I do worry that maybe we'll have the same problem and I reeeeeally don't want to wait for 8 years for my baby!

I'm just trying to stay positive and try not to get too worked up by looking for all these signs, symptom spotting and testing five minutes after BDing.

I don't understand all the CM or anything either. That's why we're NTNP. We're not paying attention to anything, we're not counting days or following temps, testing constantly, anything like that. We are just going to :sex: and wait for something to take.
No. You're not the only one. I've had infertility fears for years because there's a history of issues in my family. My mom is the only girl out of three who was able to have more than one child and one of my aunts has no kids because of an early hysterectomy.

I've only started paying attention to CM and my body in the past few months. Don't feel bad for not knowing. I think it's usually something that most women don't pay attention to until they're ready to start making babies. You're a year a head of me in that respect. :) I found Fertility Friend helpful in getting me started in figuring things out, but I've heard that there are phone apps that can do the job too. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your replies everybody! I think I am just going to pounce on DH regularly (I am sure there will be no complaints from him!) and hope for the best! I have a friend who tried for over a year for her first baby and she is now pregnant with her second without even planning or thinking about it- so I hope the relaxd methos works for me too.

Sending you all lots of good baby vibes!
Oh bless you darlin, me and my hubby spent 6 years TTC- 2 years NTNP with 1 MC, then the rest of the time OPKing, temping, charting, stressing and crying, and had one more MC THEN we 'gave up' and decided to get married and adopt a bubba, in the december(we got married in the June) I went for a dress fitting and was told i had lost 5 inches all over WOWZERS!! then in February i started to feel very ill and was told i was PG!!! we just started to ttc again incase it took as long this time and we fell pregnant again within the first month, which sadly resulted in yet another MC,

I guess what im trying to say is that nothing you can do can change any of it and if its your turn, its your turn, dont worry until you have been ttc (BD'ing at all the right times) for 18 consecutive months as this is the average time it takes for the healthiest most fertile couple sending you loads od baby dust and hoping you get your BFP soon
:hi: Hiya hun! You're not the only one! I'm 27 and before joining these boards I hadn't a clue about my body. I'm learning slowly! :) I have a very regular 28 day cycle so I track that just to know when to expect AF. Other than that I just BD when we feel like it! :)
I do worry about infertility but no sign of it on either of our families but it's still in the back of my mind.
Hey :)

I have been trying for a year too.. Only started using OPKs this month and I fret all the time. I just know that its not my hands.. The more I stress about it the more it'll affect me. I know its hard not to think about it and I used to really drive myself crazy but now I just think "If it doesnt happen this month, its meant to happen another month.."

I really want a cycle buddy! I'm on CD13 and have 28 day cycles. Hopefully this month is my last month of trying :D x
I had no idea about all of this stuff until OH and I actively started TTCing for our second. Our first just happened as we weren't even thinking about kids and then it was a year after he was born that I truly started paying attention to my fertility. When you have questions just ask them, I am sure that you won't be the only one with that question and I am sure that there will be plenty of women on here who will have an answer for you. Good luck in your journey and loads of :dust: for you!
I used to be very in tune with my body but then went on the pill. It was only the other day while on bandb I relised I hadnt noticed any CM changes for a while then relised that as my pill stopped ovulation I wouldnt have any CM changes at ovulation. This is my first month off my pill so Im listening carefully to my body.
I had absolutely no idea about any of this stuff until we started trying a couple months ago. I didn't even know how long my cycles were exactly because I'd been on bc and I didn't even get a period while on that. I from time to time do worry about my body, not that I'm infertile because we already have one but my doctor thinks I may not ovulate every cycle because my cycles are so long (40 days) but I can't find out for sure until I have gone 6-7 months of trying with no positive so I worry about that.

I think most women though don't know much about temping, ovulation, cm, etc until they go to try.
I agree - I was and still are completly clueless about my body. I just took what it did for granted, without realising that it did things for a reason. I've started using opks to help me be a bit more switched on and hopefully a baby isn't too far away.

One thing though, as you have got painful irregular periods I would suggest talking to a doctor, because you shouldn't have to suffer those. They might suggest going on to a type of pill, which obviously wouldn't work for conceiving, but they might come up with something else that improves things for you while you are NTNP'ing. Good luck and lots of :dust: x

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