Ive started too LOL Not got any big purchases but got 2 smelly sets and a hotwater bottle set and a princess dress up kit for £8 in Next (£3 for the smellies £6 for the hotwater bottle) and from boots I got..
Dove man set £4
FCUK for 5
2 lynx duos £2.50 each
3rd and bird facecloth £1.25
3rd and bird bubble bath thats also a tamborine £2.50
3rd and bird singing thing for the bath £2.50
the boy baby annabelle for £5.50
the elc pink microphone for £9
fairy dress up chest for £7.50
big nemo showergel for 75p
a little purse with kid lipgloss 2.50
hello kitty hot water bottle £5
ITNG bubble bath and flannel £2.50
2 jrn tag books £5 each (will prob give her these early aka now)
a tellytubby beany £2.50
very hungry catapillar magnet book £3.50
brio starter train set £3.50
and some chocs for us to eat

a lindt 350g one for £3.50 and 230g lily obrien ones for £3