Amounts for over 1yr


Mommy of 4 amazing boys!
Dec 30, 2008
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Bit of backstory

Hayden has always been my hard one when it comes to food. We started trying purees at 6mo, didn't eat until 9mo and even then barely anything. He wasn't on 3 meals until like 14mo. Even now at 21mo there are times he eats 1 meal and a snack a day. He is very small for his age at only about 22lbs and 31in at 21mo. We can't currently go to the dr because we lost insurance when Mark lost his job...last time he was seen in Jan they said they'd give him to 18mo to gain or we would start testing to see if something was going on. Well he hasn't gained since then...well I take that back he has gained a pound. But to give you an idea he was 19lbs 8oz at 7mo...20lbs 4oz at 12mo. He has barely gained anything and grown maybe 2in since before 12mo. He does seem really healthy though, he is developing on time for everything else so I do really think he's ok. The only thing I'm thinking...and I don't even know if this is some condition if it could possibly be it, is that his body can't process nutrients correctly. He had alot of problems with certain types of food for a long time, such as dairy though he can have som enow just can't have too much. Also bananas and avocados...which are both low allergen foods, he wasn't actually allergic we had him tested but they would make him throw up for hours until he just had nothing left in himself and could barely hold himself up when he ate them. I think he remembers it because he won't even try them now. But both of those are high in potassium which makes me think his body reacts that way to get rid of it because it can't process it? Anyways so he was doing a bit better for awhile as far as eating but still wasn't growing, but now it's gotten bad again. He barely eats which I know is normal for a toddler but I can't have him loosing weight. So I'm trying to redo how we feed him, I'm thinking maybe I offer too much at one time. I'm going to try smaller meals, but I want to get a feel of how much other kids are eating. It's been so long since my older 2 were this age and Casen ate like a cow so it's hard to compare lol.

How much do your kids actual amounts at each meal. Say like a they eat 1/4..1/2...or a whole one?

How many meals do they eat a day? I'm think of trying 5 small with him instead of 3 big and a snack.
Well, I know Jasmine is younger... But we babysit a couple little boys who are about 20 months (they are a couple months apart)... and I know with them, they sit in their highchairs and have quite a few meals/snacks a day...


Breakfast when they wake up (6:30)
Snack at around 9:00- juice/water granola bar or fruit etc.
Lunch they will both eat half a sandwhich, plus fruit and yogurt etc and juice/water
Snack in the afternoon
Dinner they get whatever the family is having.

They both have really good appetites and eat quite a bit... They pretty much eat whatever you give them, rice cakes, fruit, veggies, cheese... Pretty much anything you have they get fed. They are always offered water and have a couple glasses of milk a day (regular whole milk).

Bananas can actually be a hard fruit to digest... For some reason Jasmine has had trouble with them too.. And she wouldnt touch the avocado I gave her... LOL

Things like pears, apples, carrot sticks, yogurt, peaches, peas, sweet potatoe fingers, etc are all rpetty easy to digest and most are easy to feed and are tasty.I gave Jasmine some asparagus yesterday.. I am not quite sure if she liked it or not... lol... she ate it, but she kept making this weird face... but she was feeding herself so I just let her go to it...

Some other ideas for food... scrambled eggs, toast with melted cheese. I get the healthy cheezy things for kids, cheerios, etc... she doesnt eat alot of the stuff, but its good for a small snack.
Thanks ryder! What he does eat is pretty healthy, he does eat alot of fresh fruits and veggies, it's just such a small amount. I'm going to try the small amounts more often and see how he does. I checked the chart today and he's below it on weight and barely hanging on to the lowest line for height now...until 9mo or so he was 50th%
Jasmine has:
8:00am- 7oz cows milk
9:00am - Cereal
12:30pm- lunch - usually a snadwich (she tends to chuck the bread and eat whats inside it) a dairylea cheese triangle and a banana.
3:00pm - Yogurt
5:30pm - Tea - whatever we are having
8:00pm - 7oz cows milk

Plus she has juice and water plus breast'feeds throughout the day and she was 20lb11 at 16months x
Good luck, I def think more smaller feeds throughout the day will work better... It may help even out his weight while keeping a consistent supply going to his body.
When I was walking around the store today I saw the Carnation breakfast drinks I think I might start giving him that in the morning too...add more vitamins and fat into his milk. I remember our pedi recommending it when Casen was on the smaller side, not nearly as small as Hayden, she couldn't with Hayden because last we saw her he still couldn't handle dairy. So hopefully that helps too. Starting tomorrow with the smaller meals, today we've been going most of the day so it's been feeding like normal.
Hannah's several months younger but here's a rough breakdown of her day

Breakfast bottle she'll eat anywhere from 2-7 ounces depending on if she's teething badly that day or not :wacko:

Breakfast approximately an hour later: cereal plus 2 cubes fruit plus fresh fruit cut up on her tray

snack 10:30 (she doesn't always have this) a finger food of some sort--she doesn't usually eat much

12:30 lunch she gets a variety of 3-4 things on her tray, she always has cubes of cheese and for example yesterday she had pear with cottage cheese, bread with fruit over it, banana and cheese (trying to get rid of the fruit before it goes bad, usually there is a veggie involved :blush:)

3:30/4 snack another finger food and she usually takes a lot for this snack

5:30 dinner a good handful of whatever she's having (pasta, veggies, chicken etc.) plus a fruit cup and a baby cookie or cereal bar for dessert if she wants it
Ugh today isn't going very well lol

For breakfast I gave him about 1/2cup of cereal with some milk...he ate a couple bites the rest went on the floor.

He ate a couple of hot fries (a type of chip) because he wouldn't eat anything else before nap...he ate maybe 4-5

And I just made him lunch and all he ate of it was 1/4 slice of whole wheat bread and 3 strawberries, and like 2 grapes...that's it.

Maybe next snack and dinner will go better...
good luck! :hugs: I always have to put something on Hannah's tray that I know she loves and than stick the rest of it on there (and I can't combine them or she throws it all on the floor). She eats her favorites first and than usually moves on to the rest.

Oh and you probably noticed Hannah's diet (especially lunch) has loads of cheese/yogurt products....because of her milk intake :rofl:
Lol Hayden takes more dairy products than milk, he tolerates it better. He did end up finishing what I gave him for lunch a couple hours ended up eating a full piece of bread and a few more grapes...woohoo :| lol

Hayden can be really weird about stuff when there is more than one option like for example say we have spaghetti with meat sauce and green beans for dinner. One night he will eat JUST green beans, refuses to eat anything else....another time he'll eat the spaghetti but leave the meat and green beans, and then sometimes he'll eat a mix. It's all stuff I know he likes but sometimes he will choose one thing and not touch anything else.
awww good luck! You may just need to be persistent with the meals and snacks and he will eventualy get better im sure.

Will he let you feed him? I know thats kind of going a step back.. im sure he can spoon feed himself... But maybe it might help just to get him eating a bit more?? Like yogurt... maybe with fruit mixed in? I dunno...
He very rarely will let me help him, usually it's if he is having a hard time and he really wants to eat it he will let me. But if I try and make him let me he gets very mad, he is so stubborn, he has major attitude lol way wore than my other 2 at this age...he's a FUN toddler :D But if I do that he will get mad and then he just won't eat. I make things like strawberry preserves from fresh berries and mix it in yogurt, but he eats a couple bites and is done. I'm going to try and give him yogurt daily, see how he tolerates it with his dairy issues I try not to give too much so I'm going to have to test it and see if he can take that now.

Thanks though ladies...hopefully it will get better soon. I need to get a scale and weigh him, be sure he hasn't lost any, last we weighed he was 22lbs but its' been a few weeks now.

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