announcing the arrival of cupcake's second baby boy


Mommy of a gorgeous boy!
Nov 20, 2007
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So here is a quick story:
I had a horrible day yesterday feeling ill, just like I had a stomach virus or something and I was starving all day. I even asked DH to come home early from work. At about 8:30 pm I put my son to bed and fell asleep too. At 11 pm I woke up to what I thought was a strong BH and went to the bathroom. Then I went back to bed and tried to lie down but I had some pain, thinking it was nothing I decided to go to the lounge and see what happened. After 5 min nothing happened so I though I will go back to bed but oops then I had another contraction and started thinking hmm these feel like contractions, by the way not at all like bad period pains.

So I decided lets see if I have another and sure enough I did but I thought they were only lasting about 30 seconds, i could not manage to time them on my own so I woke DH after having 3 contraction in 20 minutes.
He timed them and said they were actually 5 to 7 min apart lasting 1 min 20 seconds! what? I thought they are supposed to be far apart in the beginning so I said okay lets see if I have a few more, which I did, and I needed to breathe through them too. I could not talk through them. I had my neighbors birthing ball and it was a big help, I kneeled on the floor over it finding a focal point and breathing through the contractions which were very sore. My DH was like um I think we should go the hospital you are meant to go when they last over a minute and are 5 to 3 minutes apart. I didnt want to go yet cos I thought that I was not sure if I really was in labor but he said call your mom ( who had an hours drive to get to us) so I did.

It started to look like we were running out of time when the contraction which had only started 1.5 hours ago were already 3 min apart, so DH said lets ask the neighbor to come til your mom gets here it will only be 30 min. I didnt want to wake her at 12:30 pm but I did. She was great came right over to help and rub my back while DH went to the atm to get some money for my moms taxi . All this time thank G-D mr LL was asleep in my bed. I kissed him goodbye with some tears and we made our way to the hospital.
On the way I was having contractions every 3 min and they hurt! There were lights out and the road was being worked on but we got to the hospital in 15 minutes. Took a while to get inside with the contractions but we did.

Was told to pee in a cup straight away and put on a monitor, I was checked and was 5 cm in active labour and told I could go on to the labor ward.
Right then I was asked if I wanted pain relief I said yes and when should I take it thinking maybe I should wait til 7 cms but they said its now or it might be too late. So I got inside was given a room and a midwife ( the same one I had for mr ll!!!) and put on a monitor again. I was given a liter of fluids and blood was taken to determine if I could have an epidural. It came back all okay and the aneathetist came, I dont know why but he could not get the damn thing in, I kept thinking one more contraction and its over one more, but he was struggeling , he almost called someone else after 45 min but managed on the last attempt to get it in. It was very sore, and took a lot of patience and I kept having contractions. Finally it started working and was bliss :kiss:
This time it worked a little less well than last time cos I could still feel the pressure of each contraction just not the pain - which was great the way it should be , last time I was totally numb..

Anyway at this stage after 3 hours of labour I was 6cm. I didnt feel great for a few hours, I could not sleep but managed to rest a bit and told them a few times I was feeling very faint and weak but there was nothing wrong with my bp, so I just persevered, they gave me some extra fluid, which helped a bit and I asked DH to pull me up on the bed which also helped. I eventually got after a few hours to 9 cm. I started having a bit more pain and then finally felt the urge to push like needing a poo. I started pushing on my back but it was not getting the baby down so the midwife suggest on all fours on the bed, which was a very nice position, but it was still not getting the baby down, so she said lets wait a bit , stay in the all fours position but breathe through the contractions like you are blowing up a balloon. so I did, this took some effort but it got the baby down. Then she put me back on my back and told me come on now a few long hard pushes and he is out. So after 10 good pushes I felt the head crown, didnt feel burning cos of the epi but lots of pressure, then I felt the body and they asked me to push very slowly and ease him out which I did. Then he just came out.
(Oh I forgot about my waters, in the beginning they leaked a bit , and at about 7 or 8 they really popped, I felt the bed shake! )

It was after 9 hours of labour start to finish and only about 30 min of pushing what a difference to my first! I had no stitches! and this baby weighed 100 grams more than my first. He has much lighter hair and less hair than mr ll, and almost no eyebrows :shrug:
The placenta came on its own and was intact. I stayed in the delivery room for an hour, they made sure I was not bleeding too much and I had a shower and was given a pad to put on. The baby was cleaned up and weighed and given a shot and put under a warm light. I nursed the baby a bit, hes very good at it!

Anyway now its late and I want to sleep a bit the baby is asleep so soon I have to put him in the nursery for the night.
thanks for reading and thanks to all for their support along the way.
he doesnt have a name yet as per our tradition. he will named on day 8 at his circumsicion.

Wonderful news my dear, dear friend. :hugs:
Mazal tov, cupcake!!!!!
Chag Sameach to you and your family!!!
I hope if I have a second baby the birth is as lovely as yours. Congratulations. Well done. x

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