

mum to 1 angel baby
Jan 18, 2011
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hi girls just a little rant.. posted in another miscarriage forum to see if any of the ladies would have advice but told to come back here...think ill stick to what i know in future!! thought 3 weeks on things would get so much easier but its definitely getting worse, i feel like i just need to be pregnant again even though we didnt plan Lily now its like its taking over my life!!! hopeyour all doing well xxx
hi girls just a little rant.. posted in another miscarriage forum to see if any of the ladies would have advice but told to come back here...think ill stick to what i know in future!! thought 3 weeks on things would get so much easier but its definitely getting worse, i feel like i just need to be pregnant again even though we didnt plan Lily now its like its taking over my life!!! hopeyour all doing well xxx

I feel the same that I just want to b pregnant again! And yes it gets harder for me 2 n I thinks it's bc I think oh well I'd be 16 weeks and I'd feel the baby and it crushes me!!! I also feel some guilt wig thinking of getting pregnant again bc what about my first baby. I know it's stupid and j will b thrilled when I'm pregnant again but I just don't want to forget about my first baby. I hate when people say it's for the best. It's not the baby should have been healthy and had a life that woke have been for the best!
hi girls just a little rant.. posted in another miscarriage forum to see if any of the ladies would have advice but told to come back here...think ill stick to what i know in future!! thought 3 weeks on things would get so much easier but its definitely getting worse, i feel like i just need to be pregnant again even though we didnt plan Lily now its like its taking over my life!!! hopeyour all doing well xxx

I feel the same that I just want to b pregnant again! And yes it gets harder for me 2 n I thinks it's bc I think oh well I'd be 16 weeks and I'd feel the baby and it crushes me!!! I also feel some guilt wig thinking of getting pregnant again bc what about my first baby. I know it's stupid and j will b thrilled when I'm pregnant again but I just don't want to forget about my first baby. I hate when people say it's for the best. It's not the baby should have been healthy and had a life that woke have been for the best!

im the same hun the next person that says 'ah your young you can try again' ill just kill them!!i shouldnt have had to try again i should be 25weeks now and buying things and being so excited instead im totally heartbroken. no woman should ever have to go through this and anyone that has gone through it more than once are total heros!! so scared to get pg again but want it so much!! i think once you have a mc your next pregnancy will be such a rollercoaster of what if's and worries!! :hugs:to you hun xxx
I must admit that the last few days have been my best, today not counting as its 2 weeks since loosing my baby so some of the anger and hatred is coming back today, but I can honestly say that now when I look in my keepsafe box, the scan pictures, posetive pregnancy test, Buddy's hand and foot print all make me smile and think of just how beautiful he was. Although it still kills me every day to wake up without my bump and feeling those little movements inside me, I think I have found strength in TTC again. I'm back on FF, got some opk's and hpt's and am throwing myself back into TTC again, and it helps. I will be devastated if I'm not pregnant by my due date, and fixing on that hope for now.
hi girls just a little rant.. posted in another miscarriage forum to see if any of the ladies would have advice but told to come back here...think ill stick to what i know in future!! thought 3 weeks on things would get so much easier but its definitely getting worse, i feel like i just need to be pregnant again even though we didnt plan Lily now its like its taking over my life!!! hopeyour all doing well xxx

I feel the same that I just want to b pregnant again! And yes it gets harder for me 2 n I thinks it's bc I think oh well I'd be 16 weeks and I'd feel the baby and it crushes me!!! I also feel some guilt wig thinking of getting pregnant again bc what about my first baby. I know it's stupid and j will b thrilled when I'm pregnant again but I just don't want to forget about my first baby. I hate when people say it's for the best. It's not the baby should have been healthy and had a life that woke have been for the best!

im the same hun the next person that says 'ah your young you can try again' ill just kill them!!i shouldnt have had to try again i should be 25weeks now and buying things and being so excited instead im totally heartbroken. no woman should ever have to go through this and anyone that has gone through it more than once are total heros!! so scared to get pg again but want it so much!! i think once you have a mc your next pregnancy will be such a rollercoaster of what if's and worries!! :hugs:to you hun xxx

I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like this in my post, I was trying to come accross as saying TTC again has given me the hope to come through this tough time. I too think every day I should be so many weeks now, got a birthday on Friday which I'm dreading as I would have been 19 weeks and had a gorgeous long black dress hung up ready to show of my bump to all the friends we hadn't seen yet, now I'm going with my empty belly in an old baggy dress and no-one will know the pain I'm feeling. Should been been my 20 week scan next week too, all of these things are hard to come to terms with, but I'm fixated on TTc again, no baby will ever replace my loss but I need to be pregnant again, I miss it so much :(
I must admit that the last few days have been my best, today not counting as its 2 weeks since loosing my baby so some of the anger and hatred is coming back today, but I can honestly say that now when I look in my keepsafe box, the scan pictures, posetive pregnancy test, Buddy's hand and foot print all make me smile and think of just how beautiful he was. Although it still kills me every day to wake up without my bump and feeling those little movements inside me, I think I have found strength in TTC again. I'm back on FF, got some opk's and hpt's and am throwing myself back into TTC again, and it helps. I will be devastated if I'm not pregnant by my due date, and fixing on that hope for now.

awe its great that you are TTC hun i really hope it goes well for you!!! we are going to wait for AF then maybe start to try. Im still at the stage where Im literally Throwing stuff into Lily's memory box. i cant sit down and actually look through it yet... ill say a little prayer for you thet TTC goes well and for all of us. hopefully in a few months we'll all be chatting in other forums xxxxx:hugs:
I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :hugs: It is so difficult, I hope you too can look at Lily's things in her box and smile one day, I'm sure she was a beautiful baby girl and I hope you find strength with time. I'll say a preyer for Lily and yourself when I light Buddy's candle later today. :hugs:
I feel the same, i cant wait for AF to come so we can try again but everyday just seems as if it is dragging in at the moment. Hope your ok :flower:
I know what u mean jojo I am scRee to get pregnant again but I want it so bad. I think I m going to take a sign to my ztomah that says yes I'm flat!!!! Every adult at my job ays hi the blooms at my sto
Ach bc my bump is gone it's like get over it n stop looking at my stomach it's just a reminder that I'm empty!!
I know what u mean jojo I am scRee to get pregnant again but I want it so bad. I think I m going to take a sign to my ztomah that says yes I'm flat!!!! Every adult at my job ays hi the blooms at my sto
Ach bc my bump is gone it's like get over it n stop looking at my stomach it's just a reminder that I'm empty!!

oh i know what you mean hun, i was walking through the town earlier and i passed so many people that said hello and then looked to see if i had a bump. one woman even said to me oh your very neat arent you i had to explain to her what happened she was so embarrassed the poor woman!! i think its harder for people to hear it than it is for me to explain if that makes so sorry you feel that way at work hun cause your constantly reminded of it! xxxx
I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :hugs: It is so difficult, I hope you too can look at Lily's things in her box and smile one day, I'm sure she was a beautiful baby girl and I hope you find strength with time. I'll say a preyer for Lily and yourself when I light Buddy's candle later today. :hugs:

I would love that hun thanks so much, Im sure Lily and Buddy are playing together! thanks so much for your support im learning more and more everyday what angels are when i speak to you ladies! xxx
I know what u mean jojo I am scRee to get pregnant again but I want it so bad. I think I m going to take a sign to my ztomah that says yes I'm flat!!!! Every adult at my job ays hi the blooms at my sto
Ach bc my bump is gone it's like get over it n stop looking at my stomach it's just a reminder that I'm empty!!

oh i know what you mean hun, i was walking through the town earlier and i passed so many people that said hello and then looked to see if i had a bump. one woman even said to me oh your very neat arent you i had to explain to her what happened she was so embarrassed the poor woman!! i think its harder for people to hear it than it is for me to explain if that makes so sorry you feel that way at work hun cause your constantly reminded of it! xxxx

Not only that but I work in a horrible school that I won't come back to next year. I got written up today because last week while I was out on medical recovering from loosen my child I did not give my students the mid year assessment or turn in the grades on march 3rd. Um I was out on medical!!!!!!!!! I lost nt child!!!!!!! I was not in school to give or grade that test n they wrote I refused turn it in last week!!!! They r his mean to everyone so whatever I'm not confrontational but I'm quitting at the end of the year that was just 2 discusting.
Not only that but I work in a horrible school that I won't come back to next year. I got written up today because last week while I was out on medical recovering from loosen my child I did not give my students the mid year assessment or turn in the grades on march 3rd. Um I was out on medical!!!!!!!!! I lost nt child!!!!!!! I was not in school to give or grade that test n they wrote I refused turn it in last week!!!! They r his mean to everyone so whatever I'm not confrontational but I'm quitting at the end of the year that was just 2 discusting.[/QUOTE]

Oh my god hun thats terrible!! how inconsiderate of them your right it is disgusting!! im quite lucky i have a wonderful boss who has 3 kids herself so she understands. im hoping to go back to work next week... i just couldnt face it until now.i cant believe they would write you up when your going through such a traumatic time. people definitely need to think more before their actions. i have family members who have been trying to tell me im not after dealing with things yet just because i dont cry everytime i see them! i definitely am dealing with it... im the one going thru it for goodness sake! i really think people just havent a clue sometimes. so glad i can come on here and you all will understand though xxx
Jojo people tell me that 2 they say u shud cry it out n I do cry every night and every morning but when I go out I want a distraction n I want to have fun. Now pple r telling me what I should do to get over it. My husbands friends fiancé is having a bahrlorette party. Now she n I r not friends n I don't know most of her friends and don't like the ones I do know. I told her I could not attend. She kept pushing me telling me I have to come then texted my husband to tell him it would be good for me to go out!!!! Umm I do go out with my friends!!!! Dot contact my husband and tell him what I should do u don't know what's best for me. But hey u want a drunk depressed personal ur party n ur pushing me to go then I gave u a warning n Ull never push again. I told her I'd go to the dinner and nothin else leave me alone my god people r so annoying thinking they know best.
Jojo people tell me that 2 they say u shud cry it out n I do cry every night and every morning but when I go out I want a distraction n I want to have fun. Now pple r telling me what I should do to get over it. My husbands friends fiancé is having a bahrlorette party. Now she n I r not friends n I don't know most of her friends and don't like the ones I do know. I told her I could not attend. She kept pushing me telling me I have to come then texted my husband to tell him it would be good for me to go out!!!! Umm I do go out with my friends!!!! Dot contact my husband and tell him what I should do u don't know what's best for me. But hey u want a drunk depressed personal ur party n ur pushing me to go then I gave u a warning n Ull never push again. I told her I'd go to the dinner and nothin else leave me alone my god people r so annoying thinking they know best.

your absolutely right hun i wouldnt go either if it were me. im heading out saturday night with CLOSE friends for a meal and i cant wait to have some normal conversation. people that dont know you just dont realise that everyone is different and go through things differently. im so sick of people i dont even know trying to push their beliefs on me, ill do it my way and thanks for your concern but i dont need you pushing on me! we're having a right old rant now today haha xxx
Jojo we r having a rant n it's so needed!!!!people need to back off n let us be. I go out with close friends so if I get upset I can't talk it out and not b stuck with people I don't know keeping a fake smile on my face. I have a lot of fun when I go out bc I'm distracted unless they bring up the baby then it's a cry session but most of my friends r not stupid enough to do that they wait for me to talk about it. Just a very bad day today only cried once so that was good.
hi girls just a little rant.. posted in another miscarriage forum to see if any of the ladies would have advice but told to come back here...think ill stick to what i know in future!! thought 3 weeks on things would get so much easier but its definitely getting worse, i feel like i just need to be pregnant again even though we didnt plan Lily now its like its taking over my life!!! hopeyour all doing well xxx

I feel the same way. It has been 3 weeks since we lost our little girl at 20 weeks and 6 days. Our pregnancy was not planned either but we were ready and plan on trying again around May/June-ish. I too am obsessed with the future (and the past).
Jojo we r having a rant n it's so needed!!!!people need to back off n let us be. I go out with close friends so if I get upset I can't talk it out and not b stuck with people I don't know keeping a fake smile on my face. I have a lot of fun when I go out bc I'm distracted unless they bring up the baby then it's a cry session but most of my friends r not stupid enough to do that they wait for me to talk about it. Just a very bad day today only cried once so that was good.

yeah thats the way i am now i just dont have it in me to be fake and nice to people i cant tolerate. im trying to keep out of their way now i just dont want the hassle... i find after a few drinks im getting very emotional and end up crying so might not have too much to drink now sat night or ill be a blubbering mess lol. im having a bad week i think as OH is away on a trip he had planned since last year so im missing him an awful lot. never realised how much i depended on him its crazy! hope you are feeling better today hun :hugs: to you xxx
hi girls just a little rant.. posted in another miscarriage forum to see if any of the ladies would have advice but told to come back here...think ill stick to what i know in future!! thought 3 weeks on things would get so much easier but its definitely getting worse, i feel like i just need to be pregnant again even though we didnt plan Lily now its like its taking over my life!!! hopeyour all doing well xxx

I feel the same way. It has been 3 weeks since we lost our little girl at 20 weeks and 6 days. Our pregnancy was not planned either but we were ready and plan on trying again around May/June-ish. I too am obsessed with the future (and the past).

I know what you mean hun i just want it now and its not to replace Lily because nothing will ever replace the love i have for her but it just made me realise how ready I am to have a little one and I have so much love to give to him/her. I only hope someone up there is watching over me and helps me along the way!!! best of luck to you when TTC pet xxxxxx:hugs:

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