My dh and I have been ttc for over a year. My mother was on fertility drugs for almost 7 years to get me, and then had 5 miscarriages after me.
2 years ago I had to have treatment for a bad smear. I am now seeing a consultant at the hospital trying to find out what is wrong with me as my dh had a sa and is fine.
I honestly thought this month we had done it! I had painful boobs (I never get this!) along with various other 'signs'. I am 12dpo. This morning I thought I'd take a test. It was a BFN. It was followed on hour later by af.
I am so fed up. I feel like a complete failure. Has anyone got any words of wisdom? I have never felt so crap and have spent the last several hours bursting in and out of tears. I feel ridiculous but I'm sure I'm not alone?!
2 years ago I had to have treatment for a bad smear. I am now seeing a consultant at the hospital trying to find out what is wrong with me as my dh had a sa and is fine.
I honestly thought this month we had done it! I had painful boobs (I never get this!) along with various other 'signs'. I am 12dpo. This morning I thought I'd take a test. It was a BFN. It was followed on hour later by af.
I am so fed up. I feel like a complete failure. Has anyone got any words of wisdom? I have never felt so crap and have spent the last several hours bursting in and out of tears. I feel ridiculous but I'm sure I'm not alone?!