Another newbie to this forum!


Mom of 2
Aug 30, 2008
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Hi all, I gave birth to baby Poppy on Monday at 36 + 1 weighing 5lb 9oz which I know isn't that early compared to some of the little ones in this forum but its all scary stuff! Although I came home from hospital last night, Poppy will be in the special care baby unit for a while yet. She is on oxygen and being fed sugary water through something I can't remember the name of (but is still nil by mouth) and I feel really bad but I can't remember exactly what else is hooked up to her. Will have to ask hubby when he gets back from the hospital. :cry:

I am finding it hard to deal with to be honest and just wanted others to talk to who could relate! I will get some photos up soon if I can x

To top it off I have been worrying myself silly over some massive clots I've had today which although I've been told to just keep an eye on I can't help think something is really wrong with me :o(
Hello and welcome :)

Congratulations on your LO. It's a scary time, and it's completely normal not to remember everything that they are hooked up to - it took us ages to get our heads round it all!

I hope your LO does well and isn't in there for too long - we're all here if you need support :hugs:

It's awful to come home without your baby, but still have all those new mummy hormones etc - I really struggled with that. It's just not what you imagine at all.

Hi Hun,
Welcome over here! Its something I find hard to express telling people what it was like, I didnt see Chloe and Jaycee for 5 days because we were both very poorly so OH was torn between me and them, When I went to see them the machines were beeping and there was wires and leads everywhere. I knew I should of expected it but it wasnt like I had imagined. Its not easy and I was lucky I had lots of family and friends for support. Let people in is one thing I say, they may not understand exactly what I went through but I am glad I had them around!
:hugs: to you and Poppy! Hope she comes home soon!
Hi and welcome :flower:

Congrats on your little girl, I had 4 premature babies and It is very hard seeing them in scbu at first but she will soon be home with you.
Have they told you to express any milk? They can freeze it for when she can have feeds. She's probably on a drip for her fluids at the moment and then they will slow start to feed her bit by bit.
Has the unit gave you a booklet? It explains the equipment they use and what it's for, also bliss is a good website as well loads of stuff on there.

You need to look after yourself as well as it's emotionally draining seeing your lo in scbu going up and down the hospital, try to rest when your not at the hospital xx
Welcome :)
You picked a great name :winkwink:
Hope your LO is home soon. Poppy was born at 34 +2 and was in for 2 weeks. It's hard going but so worth it when they can come home :hugs:
Congratulations on the birth of your little girl.

Hopefully it won't be long until she can be home with you.

Don't worry about not remembering the names of things. It's a difficult time and even now I find some things are fuzzy that happened in the first few weeks.
Thanks for all the replies I'm acutally sat here expressing at the moment, oh the glamourous jobs we have! My husband fed her some of my milk last night through a syringe and apparantly it went down really well so thats good to know she liked it :) That was the first time she'd had any milk! They also took her out of her oxygen pod last night but said she she may have to go back in it at some point.

They have given her a dummy as well which in an ideal world I wouldn't have given her but if it makes her happy (which it seems to!) she can have it :o)

Have got lots of leaflets etc to read through so will try and have a look through them today (whilst putting my feet up!) Its a good job we have family helping out over here at the moment as I also have a boysterous 2 year old to look after!

ps Poppy was born on the same date as my son so they have the same birthday!How spooky is that!

Congratulations on the birth of Poppy and I hope she's home with you soon.
My little girl was born at a similar gestation. Actually around this time 2 years ago, we were just getting home from hospital.

Fab news that she's had some milk. You've probably been told this, but I found that having a piccie of her helped when I was expressing.

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