Antenatal classes - Yes or no!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Just wondering how many of you girls went to Antenatal classes?

Don't think I've been offered this yet - are antenatal classes where the partner attends too? :blush:
I went to antenatal classes with my first pregnancy.Don't know what they are like over there but in Australia they cover things like, what things you need for the baby(product research),breastfeeding,sharing baby duties with OH,financial info,staying comforatble during labour, and the last class(which scared me half to death)was discussing labour and c_sections,which involved really detailed movies.
My OH thought they were useless(think he was expecting breathing exercises)but I thought atleast some of the classes were helpfull and thought provoking.
I guess it did help as I had no idea what I was doing and the class provided me with alot of reading material.:juggle:
I never went, so I am of no help, lol
I went to 2 with Emily thats all, can't remember what we did in first one but 2nd was tour of the maternity unit which was good, who to phone and what to do when in labour.

With Jack i didn't bother, they started at 35 weeks and i had him at 37 so.....
I think i only went to 1 with Ka! It was breathing tecnics i think, i felt rather silly and mark was messin about (he was 19) so i said ide not go back lmao! I wont go this time i dont think all though Marks grown up a tad since then! lol.
Mine starts next month. We had a choice of a set of 6 during the day in the health centre for women only, or 3 in the evening at the hospital that OH can go to was well. We chose the evening ones because I've done a lot of reading, whereas the OH hasn't, so he'll be learning new stuff.
Mine were called Parentcraft classes. I had to book on the course through the midwife and they were a set of 4 classes, 3 hours long every Monday evening.

I didn't find them very helpful at all, there were lots of couples and we had to get in groups and put in order phrases about birth and pain control etc. I think I would've found it more useful if I didn't have web access but I'd just found that I wasn't learning anything new and none of the couples kept in contact afterwards.

I'm sure yours will be better, at least go and see if you like it
i went to a couple on Charlie but i found them pointless, they didnt tell or show me anything that i didnt already know so i stopped going, i didnt bother with them again after that.

Others find them really helpful tho.

Parentcraft - now you've said I think thats what my MW mentioned to me the other week - she said if anything I could just go for the look around the ward.
I didn't go, didn't want to be told stuff id already read and be told how im meant to give birth to my baby. Im glad I didn't go, I didn't have any problems for not going and the whole giving birth thing comes naturally!! breathing and all..

It's your choice though really as some women find it great, others not so!
I didn't bother, my MW asked me everytime I saw her so I felt pressured and I really didn't fancy huffing and puffing in front of everyone lol.
When I finally went into Labour the MW told me how to breathe on the gas and air and that was all I needed to know lol.
I just read plenty of books etc and felt confident enough not to go to classes.

Costs us about £12 to get there an back so I think I've decided to leave it - I too thought it was breathing, classes etc. but whats the point in looking round the ward? I'm pretty sure once I'm there I'm not going to be worried about the decor :rofl:
I never went for the look around the unit, TBH I couldn't have cared less when I was in labour, they could have shoved me in the carpark and I'd never have noticed :rofl:

Yep we were shown a delivery suite but like you say Wobbles, at the time you really don't care if DH has a lovely cosy seat or a blimmin tv to watch!
a friend of me told me her's where pointless and as daddy of the baby forgot to inform work 'bout he will miss 'til noon, we did not go to our first one yesterday! I could not be bothered to go alone, as I thought as well, I have read everything they will tell me there, if class is like my girlfriend said!

I also decided against booking a tour through the ward, as I can't stand seeing all this hospital machinery (shiver!!!)!
this only will scare me off!

and the decor?
well, I want everything in pastel green please, as this is known to have a calming effect :winkwink:
Over here they're called Preparation for Childbirth Classes. And we just registered for it this morning.

It'll be 3 nights of ''helping to prepare the expectant mother and her partner for labor, delivery and early postpartum. Discussion and videos regarding the signs and stages of labor, labor variations, delivery, pain management options and early postpartum care. Both vaginal and Cesarean delivery will be addressed. Couples will practice breathing and relaxation techniques, comfort measures and ways partners can provide support during labor''

It also has a tour of the family birthing center, labor & delivery, mother/baby unit and the NICU.

We also enrolled in newborn care, breastfeeding, and infant CPR.

So yeah, a lot of classes to go to next month, but hopefully it will be good. I have no experience with babies, whatsoever!
We went to some parentcraft classes aimed specifically at twin parents. We thought there were pretty handy. They went through the usual pain relief stuff which wasn't that helpful for us as we knew by that point that it was going to be a c-section. They went through breast feeding two and as well as having a look around the ward, we had a look as the special care baby unit as, with twins, it was possible they could end up there. Plus we had someone come in to talk about washable nappies which was good cos we got to look at loads of different makes and it all made more sense then.

I thought it was useful to know where we had to go if anything happened and particularly looking at the SCBU to try to ease fears we had of the place.

Most of my antenatal advice came from an antenatal aerobics class I went to where we had a chat afterwards and talked about different stuff. It was easier to ask daft questions there and I've stayed in touch with a couple of the other Mums who went there.
I went to mine and although it didn't teach me anyhting it helped my OH who would never read any of the books I showed him. It also made it real to me. It was good to see the equipement, they shown us a ventouse, an epidural pack, gas and air thing, etc. Then we had a labour ward tour which was good as it helped me to picture what it was going to be like. I also had a relaxation class where everyone fell asleep but me as I couldn't get comfy thanks to my spd - grrr, and a breastfeeding class which was limited as we were feeding dolls (hahahaha) but was helpful in getting to know the facts, and I learnt all sorts of random facts about breastfeeding. Not sure if I will go to any this time round but I would recommend them.
We visited the ward because I was panicking towards the end of my pregnancy (we literally went there about 2 weeks before I gave birth). I guess I just wanted to know how it looked and to know what I was expecting, I was disappointed but what the hell.. I accepted it by then. They also showed us the new birthing suite but apparently you had to book that in advance so I was a little pished off. Luckily on the day I gave birth the labour ward was full and I was left in a corridoor for ages so they moved me up to the birthing suite so I was a happy huffing and puffing bunny. ;)

Def see the ward if you can :)
i went to 1 and was disappointed, the MW was shite, had no idea what she was talking about an i had to sit on a plastic chair for 2 an a half hours and listen to questions!!!!

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