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Antibodies in blood.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Has anyone had this and is it anything I should be worried about? I know it can affect baby but not how and why.

My booking in bloods show I have antibodies in my blood the nurse told me its probably nothing to worry about but thats easier said then done. I had more bloods taken today to check the antibodies but I won't get the results for another 8 weeks.

Can anyone put my mind at ease? x
Hay hun!

yes I have antibodies in my blood. Not really sure why its going to take 8 weeks for your results though :/

We found out about my antibodies from the booking bloods results with my first son. midwife rang me to say my tests had shown up positive for antibodies and I had to go back in for another blood test to find out what antibodies I had. this involved sending my blood to a blood clinic in London.

Results came back and it turned out i had anti-E antibodies.

I was booked under a consultant and was told I would not be allowed to go overdue and would be booked in for an induction on my due date.

throughout my pregnancy i have to have 4 weekly scans to check babies growth and I had to have blood taken every 4 weeks which was sent to the blood clinic in london to check for its 'tier' (level).

they say that generally antibody levels will stedily increase throughout the pregnancy and as long as the levels stay under 32. no intervention is needed (other then induction on due date) my level started at 6 and went DOWN to 4 :wacko:

the antibody will never go, your always have it. with my second son the level remained under 1 for my entire pregnancy.

the only time the antibody can cause you issues is during pregnancy or a blood transfusion. If you ever needed a transfusion they would need to know about the antibody (you should carry a medical card/bracelet which ive been meaning to sort out myself!)

IF the level was to go passed 32 they would monitor pregnancy closer. if this happens baby could need a transfusion whilst still in the womb which is done via the cord but this is rare - my midwife was a senior and has only ever seen this happen once.

It also means baby could be born with a bit of jaundice which is treated with photo theraphy - they lay in a incubator type thing with a special light on them. - again this is unlikely

Honestly I wouldnt worry too much - as long as your getting the correct care things should not escalate and they can stay in control :)
Thanks for the reply. My next midwife appointment isn't til 16 weeks. I think I'll see my doctor before then though and see if she is able to find out the results. I know it can effect baby depending on his/her blood group which is why I'm wary.

I really hope its nothing to worry about though. x
Oh and the nurse looked through my history and found i had the antibodies with my son not sure if it was during pregnancy or after delivery she didn't say. x
I have anti E with this pregnancy, found by the blood taken at my booking appointment. I was given a leaflet which was mostly about anti D so actually didn't tell me a lot. I am now 36 weeks today and on Monday when I went to see my consultant, he stumbled across my last lot of results taken about 20th July, which showed my results was 1:32!!! Last time I saw him at the beginning of august I was more or less discharged and classes as a routine case, now I have a scan booked for 38 weeks and will be getting induced about 39 weeks.

Just ask lots of questions, and put your foot down if you need to.

What' makes me mad is my particular hospital tell you sod all about it, and there's not loads of info on the net, but there is quite a lot of cases where the baby needed to go under a special light or blanket for a few days after birth due to jaundice or anemia... I'd rather be told everything from the hospital so I can be prepared. Xx
I have anti E with this pregnancy, found by the blood taken at my booking appointment. I was given a leaflet which was mostly about anti D so actually didn't tell me a lot. I am now 36 weeks today and on Monday when I went to see my consultant, he stumbled across my last lot of results taken about 20th July, which showed my results was 1:32!!! Last time I saw him at the beginning of august I was more or less discharged and classes as a routine case, now I have a scan booked for 38 weeks and will be getting induced about 39 weeks.

Just ask lots of questions, and put your foot down if you need to.

What' makes me mad is my particular hospital tell you sod all about it, and there's not loads of info on the net, but there is quite a lot of cases where the baby needed to go under a special light or blanket for a few days after birth due to jaundice or anemia... I'd rather be told everything from the hospital so I can be prepared. Xx

Thanks for replying I got my results back and I have anti E antibodies. Sadly I lost the baby last month so we are back ttc again. Going to request to see a consultant as soon as I get a bfp to ensure I get close monitoring with bloods etc. Good luck with your induction hope it goes smoothly for you. x

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