Hayley had really bad reflux when she was around Simons age. It seemed to start around 6mos and lasted until she was 15 or 16mos. We had her into every doctor we could find and no one ever really helped us. Looking back though it was probably the hypotonia and eventually her tummy muscles got a little stronger. I remember the poor thing getting choked and not being able to take a breath for a few seconds. I swear every time my heart would stop. She would look so terrified. Ughh hated it! We finally found a balance. I would have to mix about a table spoon of cereal in her liquids to thicken them slightly and her fruits and veggies had to be thinned a bit with formula or water. But some days it didn't matter what we did, she would still choke. Teething usually made it worse as well. That may be why Simon is having a rough time, teething and meds probably make the reflux worse. I hope it passes soon
I think the tsh guidelines here are 0-3, so I was just barely out of range. My free t4 was within range though and that's the hormone the baby needs so I'm a little less worried. When I lost our first one at 16weeks my tsh was 14.5. I still worry it will happen again and I am quite unattached to this pregnancy at this point, but some days I think "Holy Crap, there's gonna be another baby in this house!" It's a bit scary.
I feel really good for being pregnant. I was so sick the whole time with DD. I was throwing up everyday and with this one I forget I'm even pregnant. My mom was down to see DD for Easter and she kept looking at my belly. Then she started talking about all the ppl she knew that were expecting grandkids
I'm almost sure that she knows. I didn't tell her about DD until I was about 17 or 18 weeks, she was a little miffed but understood. I'm thinking about waiting until mothers day this time
You must be wiped out with a tsh over 10 snd a little one with reflux and seizures. Hope you can get some good rest. Really though when the thyroid stuff is low, no amount of sleep is enough. The tired seeps into your bones.
If Simon does get afos finding socks is the worst part. That and keeping an eye on them to make sure they don't hurt his feet. There's a lot of unstrapping and re applying to check for redness and sore spots in the first few weeks. It's a bit of a hassle if the kiddos are fussy. And a kick from a kiddo with an afo on HURTS. DD soon learned that she could use hers as a weapon during diaper changes and such.
Does Simon crawl much? Can he pull to stand? He's a little young and DD wasn't doing that stuff yet at that age but if he does you may want to consider SMOs. They are basically short afos that support the ankle. They are good for crawlers because they are small enough to not interfere with their knees during crawling. The ones we have are combo afos and smos. When DD is home and is mostly crawling/cruising we keep her in the smo, short braces. When we do physio or any real walking practice we snap the small braces into her afos. The extra support helps her to take independant steps while standing but when she tries to crawl they are so stiff they throw her knees out odd. So we really have to keep her up on her feet if she's in the big braces.