ur making me seriously broody again
ha ha
great news
we ended up in hosp.
we were only in for a night
i had to give him rescue meds twice in a day, he has only had um twice ever before.
i rang hosp and they said bring him up, they admitted him to be safe.
but seemed like a freaky day , he is much better again.
he had very little sleep the nt before so could have been that.
tiredness brings um on.
they often do sleep deprivation for eeg tests to bring on fits on purpose.
i also gave him strawberry again , thinking back on it ,
it could be a food trigger for him cos last time he had it , i thought he was funny too.
no more strawberry until he can talk just in case
had another med increase in hosp, slight but might just do it.
and some blood tests and stuff so he is fine.
im fine too,
delighted to sleep in my bed and not on the floor
he just went nearly 24 hrs without one and even then only had extremly mild one, so maybe its working at last.
appetite is still crappy but not as bad.
might be a bit from teeth as well,
then when he doesnt eat, lack of food to weight down milk drives reflux bananas.
he might be just startin to get used to new med as well.
they do say it has an 'adjustment period'
nice words for screws ur baby up for a bit
he is good today anyway , bit sleepy but good so,
heres hoping
love to all xxx