Sorry, I started my last post, had to go sort out baby and only just it finished!
Essie, what EDS type do they suspect for your DH? I have classical type 1, my hubby def has type 3 but he wont go get tested, men! He's hypermobile and has dislocated, so my kids had no chance pretty much. Genetics are interesting, we certainly learnt a lot from our geneticist over the years, he's pediatric geneticist but he's also the one who confirmed my dx and was the one to direct the genes to be tested
Type 3 is a shot in the dark though, there's very little in the way of genetic testing, it remains a clinical dx but genetics should be able to give that
EDS comes with varying degrees of low tone, development delays and internal effects. I think it also is linked with epilepsy as I have complex partial epilepsy, as does my 3 year old but the other 4 all have a low seizure threshold. My 16m olds eosinophilic esophagitis is also 8x higher risk with inherited connective tissue disorder and several of my kids have global delay, autism, ADD. Its seems to have effects all over the place. Are you noticing any of these also?
Lilesmom, I'm sorry your little guy is sick
Epilepsy can be hard to control, I'm still working on getting control and I'm 31, I have lamictal atm, my 3 year old is on oxcarbazepine, it seems to be helping a lot, not fully controlled but much better. DO you know where Simion's focus is? Mine is the left temporal lobe found during a 24 hour EEG.
Essie, is this the first MRI? ALasdhair goes on Friday, 1.30pm and we have to fast him the whole morning
He cant have anything but his special formula so clear juice etc is a no go! I'm thinking to put some sugar in warm water!
I'm hyper with no antibodies. TSH is unmeasurable but thankfully the rest have normalized on PTU. Thyroid, for a little gland, causes a lot of trouble!!!