Hey SmileyKez
Your chart looks great!!! WOw! DO you usually have regular AFs? Have you tested yet? Maybe you don't even need Clomid!
Hello ladies, I am on my first round of clomid. I had a follicle scan today and I have two follicles on 16.5mm and the other 18mm - does anyone know if this is a good size. I was expecting two as I ovulate on my own but they wanted to increase the chances. xx
Hey, what CD are you? It depends on what day you are at. The later, the bigger the follie.
I think that's a great size! And 2 too! What dosage of Clomid were you on? I had 22.5mm just before I ovulated. Only one. And now am in my 2ww.
werid got clomid without AF my RE made me have a period before starting clomid.
Well I used to think it was but no for a fact it wasnt this month as had my scan and my surge both last week, havnt had anymore and done a test today which was bfn which is ok as was totally expected so must of just been one of those things I guess, heres to round 2 clomid coming up and I hate it! Didnt get a wink of sleep last night as the pain in my boobs is horrendous, sore I can cope with but this makes me feel sick xx
Hello ladies, I am on my first round of clomid. I had a follicle scan today and I have two follicles on 16.5mm and the other 18mm - does anyone know if this is a good size. I was expecting two as I ovulate on my own but they wanted to increase the chances. xx
Hey, what CD are you? It depends on what day you are at. The later, the bigger the follie.
I think that's a great size! And 2 too! What dosage of Clomid were you on? I had 22.5mm just before I ovulated. Only one. And now am in my 2ww.
Hello, the plot thickens.... I have just come back from my scan - I am on CD13 and the nurse seemed to think I was starting to ovulate whilst doing the scan because of the position and shape of the follicles. However, I have 3 mature follicles!!! They have told me that from a medical point of view they have to inform me to abstain or use protection as there is a chance all 3 could fertilise which could lead to deformaties, abnormalities and premature labour... in all fairness they scared the crappers out of us! But a little part of me cant help but think this is the only chance we are going t o get at three eggies as they are reducing my dosage next month... we really aren't too sure what do and only have a few hours to decide.... why is this TTC such hard work?!?!?!?!
How's everyone getting on with round? I've had a few headaches today and watched the last big brother and cried my eyes out, lol! Not sure if either things are down to the clomid or just me being daft!
I've also felt little niggles in both ovaries today, not sure if that's even possible after 3 tablets! Anyone know? x