Hello ladies,
I have 2 under 2 and I currently do not drive so I push around my double buggy day in day out, long walks to shops, doctors, cafes, toddler groups, parks etc..
I really like that it's good exercise and all that but I'm finding it all very time consuming I feel like we are robbed of having a good day out somewhere "decent" because I have to get back home and allow the journey home time as well as journey there leaving us hardly any time at the actual event! I have a husband and a 15 year old do I have to be back to cook their tea plus the little ones tea which is totally different from what we eat so need to be back for 3pm the latest. It's not such a big problem but now they are almost 2 and almost 1 I feel they could benefit from me taking them to great places beyond our local community and not having to leave half an hour after blooming arriving!
The thing is we can afford for me to be taking lessons but we don't have a consistent sitter so I can do 2 hour lessons one day a week. I guess its a huge ask on family members. My husband is self employed and has to work at the drop of a phone call so there is no hope their either. Looks like I'll have to wait until youngest is 3 and starts nursery. Anyone else in the same/similar situation?
I have 2 under 2 and I currently do not drive so I push around my double buggy day in day out, long walks to shops, doctors, cafes, toddler groups, parks etc..
I really like that it's good exercise and all that but I'm finding it all very time consuming I feel like we are robbed of having a good day out somewhere "decent" because I have to get back home and allow the journey home time as well as journey there leaving us hardly any time at the actual event! I have a husband and a 15 year old do I have to be back to cook their tea plus the little ones tea which is totally different from what we eat so need to be back for 3pm the latest. It's not such a big problem but now they are almost 2 and almost 1 I feel they could benefit from me taking them to great places beyond our local community and not having to leave half an hour after blooming arriving!
The thing is we can afford for me to be taking lessons but we don't have a consistent sitter so I can do 2 hour lessons one day a week. I guess its a huge ask on family members. My husband is self employed and has to work at the drop of a phone call so there is no hope their either. Looks like I'll have to wait until youngest is 3 and starts nursery. Anyone else in the same/similar situation?