Hi Kaye,
we have been trying for 14 months, not a snifter of a BFP so Dr did 21 day bloods, which looked good and first SA. Told that all was well with us, failed to mention the low abnormality.
Then 3 months later had 2nd SA - worse, sent a month later for 3 SA worse again

Now referred to specialist for me, and they will look at DH as well. Below is our stats:
1st 44 million, 30% motility, 4% normal 0.5 ml

2nd 9 million 20% motility 10% normal 2.5 ml
3rd 7 million 20 motility 5% normal 1ml
So we need to improve volume, count, and normailty......
BUT big thank you to dan-o as it has given me hope but sorry to hear about your losses and hope you get the BFP soon.

to all